A Simple Macro Model of Original Sin based on Optimal Price Setting under Incomplete Information
Axel Lindner
International Economics and Economic Policy,
This paper analyses the consequences of “original sin“ (the fact that the currency of an emerging market economy usually cannot be used to borrow abroad) for macroeconomic stability. The approach is based on third-generation models of currency crises, but differs from alternative versions by explicitly modeling the price setting behavior of firms if prices are sticky and there is incomplete information about the future exchange rate. It is shown that a small depreciation is beneficial, but a large one is detrimental.
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Transmission of Nominal Exchange Rate Changes to Export Prices and Trade Flows and Implications for Exchange Rate Policy
Oliver Holtemöller, Mathias Hoffmann
Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper 21/2009,
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Keeping the Bubble Alive! The Effects of Urban Renewal and Demolition Subsidies in the East German Housing Market
Dominik Weiß
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
German urban renewal programs are favoring the cities in the Eastern part since the re-unification in 1990. This was accompanied additionally by attractive tax incentives, designed as an accelerated declining balance method of depreciation for housing investments during the late 1990s. The accumulated needs for comfortable housing after 40 years of a disastrous housing policy of the GDR era were generally accepted as justification for the subvention policy. But various subsidies and tax incentives caused a construction boom, false allocations, and a price bubble in Eastern Germany. After recognizing that the expansion of housing supply was not in line with the demographic development and that high vacancy rates were jeopardizing housing companies and their financial backers, policy changed in 2001. Up to now, the government provides demolition grants to reduce the vast oversupply. By means of a real option approach, it is ex-plained how different available forms of subsidies and economic incentives for landlords lift real estate values. The option value representing growth expectations and opportunities is calculated as an observable market value less an estimated fundamental value. Empirical results disclose higher option premiums for cities in Eastern Germany and a strong correlation of the option premium with urban renewal spending.
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Shadow Budgets, Fiscal Illusion and Municipal Spending: The Case of Germany
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 9,
The paper investigates the existence of fiscal illusion in German municipalities with special focus on the revenues from local public enterprises. These shadow budgets tend to increase the misperception of municipal tax prices and seem to have been neglected in the literature. Therefore, an aggregated expenditure function has been estimated for all German independent cities applying an “integrated budget” approach, which means
that revenues and expenditures of the core budget and the local public enterprises are combined to one single municipal budget. The estimation results suggest that a higher relative share of local public enterprise revenues might increase total per capita spending as well as spending for non-obligatory municipal goods and services. Empirical evidence for other sources of fiscal illusion is mixed but some indications for debt illusion, renter illusion or the flypaper effect could be found.
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The Impact of Organizational Structure and Lending Technology on Banking Competition
Hans Degryse, Luc Laeven, Steven Ongena
Review of Finance,
No. 2,
We investigate how bank organization shapes banking competition. We show that a bank's geographical lending reach and loan pricing strategy is determined by its own and its rivals’ organizational structure. We estimate the impact of organization on the geographical reach and loan pricing of a large bank. We find that the reach of the bank is smaller when rival banks are large and hierarchically organized, have superior communication technology, have a narrower span of organization, and are closer to a decision unit with lending authority. Rival banks’ size and the number of layers to a decision unit soften spatial pricing.
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Die Vermeidung von CO2 und das EEG – eine unnötig teure Lösung – ein Kommentar
Henry Dannenberg, Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
In Deutschland existiert mit dem Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) ein Instrument, das auch die Senkung von CO2-Emissionen zum Zweck hat. Die Sinnhaftigkeit dieses Gesetzes wird in jüngster Zeit in der deutschen Medienlandschaft vehement in Zweifel gezogen. Es wird bemängelt, dass die Verschmutzungsrechte, die aufgrund der mit dem EEG eingesparten CO2-Emissionen frei werden, verkauft werden können. So würden die eingesparten Emissionen in gleicher Menge an anderer Stelle entstehen. Der CO2-Zertifikatehandel wurde 2005 als Instrument der europäischen Klimapolitik eingeführt. Ziel ist es, zu erreichen, dass eine von der Politik für einen bestimmten Zeitraum vorgegebene Emissionsmenge nicht überschritten wird. Der Emissionshandel wurde deshalb gewählt, da durch dieses Instrument genau dort Emissionen eingespart werden, wo die Reduktion am kosteneffizientesten ist. Durch die sukzessive Reduktion der von der Politik erlaubten CO2-Menge soll so ein Beitrag zum Klimaschutz geleistet werden. Leider trifft die Kritik am EEG nicht immer den eigentlichen Kern. Es ist wenig zielführend, darüber zu streiten, ob die durch das EEG eingesparten Zertifikate in Deutschland oder in Polen verbraucht werden – das ist ein Effekt des Emissionshandels. Relevant hingegen ist die Frage, ob es effizient ist, durch das EEG CO2 einzusparen, oder ob dieselbe Menge CO2 preiswerter an anderer Stelle eingespart werden kann. Mit der Einführung des CO2-Zertifikatehandels hat die Politik aber anerkannt, dass der Markt am besten in der Lage ist, die Investitionsmöglichkeiten zu identifizieren, mit denen eine gewünschte Reduktionsmenge am preiswertesten realisiert werden kann. Sobald die Politik durch Anreize diesen Allokationsmechanismus stört, mindert sie die gesamtwirtschaftliche Wohlfahrt.
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Stages of the 2007/2008 Global Financial Crisis: Is there a Wandering Asset Price Bubble?
Lucjan T. Orlowski
Economics E-Journal 43. Munich Personal RePEc Archive 2008,
This study identifies five distinctive stages of the current global financial crisis: the meltdown of the subprime mortgage market; spillovers into broader credit market; the liquidity crisis epitomized by the fallout of Northern Rock, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers with counterparty risk effects on other financial institutions; the commodity price bubble, and the ultimate demise of investment banking in the U.S. The study argues that the severity of the crisis is influenced strongly by changeable allocations of global savings coupled with excessive credit creation, which lead to over-pricing of varied types of assets. The study calls such process a “wandering asset-price bubble“. Unstable allocations elevate market, credit, and liquidity risks. Monetary policy responses aimed at stabilizing financial markets are proposed.
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The Euro and the Competitiveness of European Firms
Filippo di Mauro, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Daria Taglioni
Economic Policy,
No. 57,
Much attention has been paid to the impact of a single currency on actual trade volumes. Lower trade costs, however, matter over and beyond their effects on trade flows: as less productive firms are forced out of business by the tougher competitive conditions of international markets, economic integration fosters lower prices and higher average productivity. We assess the quantitative relevance of these effects calibrating a general equilibrium model using country, sector and firm-level empirical observations. The euro turns out to have increased the overall competitiveness of Eurozone firms, and the effects differ along interesting dimensions: they tend to be stronger for countries which are smaller or with better access to foreign markets, and for firms which specialize in sectors where international competition is fiercer and barriers to entry lower.— Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano, Daria Taglioni and Filippo di Mauro
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Obama und die Wende der US-Klimapolitik – ein Kommentar
Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika sind mit einem Anteil von rund 21% neben China (ebenfalls rund 21%) und der EU (ca. 16%) der größte CO2-Emittent der Erde. Anfang November haben die USA einen neuen Präsidenten gewählt: Barack Obama. Während des Wahlkampfs wurden zeitweilig Spekulationen laut, dass Arnold Schwarzenegger Umwelt- bzw. Energieminister werden soll, wenn Obama Präsident wird. Der Gouverneur von Kalifornien gilt als Vorreiter in Sachen Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Energiepolitik in den USA. Seine Position führte in der Vergangenheit wiederholt zu Spannungen zwischen ihm und Präsident George W. Bush. Schwarzenegger hatte mit dem ‚California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006‘ ein Gesetz unterzeichnet, mit Hilfe dessen der Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen bis 2020 auf das Niveau von 1990 sinken soll. Im November 2008 unterzeichnete der Gouverneur eine Verordnung, die besagt, dass bis 2020 ein Drittel des Energieverbrauchs Kaliforniens aus erneuerbaren Quellen gewonnen werden soll. Zusammen mit sechs weiteren US-Staaten und vier kanadischen Provinzen will Kalifornien ab 2012 ein CO2-Emissionshandelssystem einführen.
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Are European Equity Style Indices Efficient? – An Empirical Quest in Three Essays
Marian Berneburg
Schriften des IWH,
No. 28,
Many situations in the history of the stock markets indicate that assets are not always efficiently priced. But why does it matter whether the stock market is efficiently priced? Because “well-functioning financial markets are a key factor to high economic growth”. (Mishkin and Eakins, 2006, pp. 3-4) In three essays, it is the aim of the author to shed some more light on the topic of market efficiency, which is far from being resolved. Since European equity markets have increased in importance globally, the author, instead of focusing on US markets, looks at a unified European equity market. By testing for a random walk in equity prices, revisiting Shiller’s claim of excess volatility through the means of a vector error correction model, and modifying the Gordon-Growth-Model, the book concludes that a small degree of inefficiency cannot be ruled out. While usually European equity markets are pricing assets correctly, some periods (e.g. the late 1990s and early 2000s) show clear signs of mispricing; the hypothesis of a world with two states (regime one, a normal efficient state, and regime two, a state in which markets are more momentum driven) presents a possible explanation.
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