Evaluation of the Main Achievements of Cohesion Policy Programmes over the Longer Term in 15 Selected Regions (from 1989-1993 Programming Period to the Present) (2011.CE.16.B.AT.015): Case Study Sachsen-Anhalt
Marina Grusevaja, Gerhard Heimpold, O. Schwab, K. Schwarze
Analyse: Bewertungen des Programmplanungszeitraums,
Sachsen-Anhalt’s regional development has been heavily determined by the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy after German unification in 1990. The process of transition took place during the 1990s as the formal rules associated with a market economy system were adopted. Nevertheless, a number of structural peculiarities which have their roots in the transition period continue to have an impact. This feature is not specific to Sachsen-Anhalt; it concerns all East German regions.
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The unemployment-growth relationship in transition countries
Hubert Gabrisch, Herbert Buscher
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
Does the disappointingly high unemployment in Central and East European countries reflect non-completed adjustment to institutional shocks from transition to a market economy, or is it the result of high labour market rigidities, or rather a syndrome of too weak aggregate demand and output? In the case of transitional causes, unemployment is expected to decline over time. Otherwise, it would pose a challenge to the European Union, particular in case of accession countries, for it jeopardizes the ambitious integration plans of, and may trigger excessive migration to the Union. In order to find out which hypothesis holds 15 years after transition has started, we analyze the unemploymentgrowth dynamics in the eight new member countries from Central-Eastern Europe. The study is based on country and panel regressions with instrument variables (TSLS). The results suggest to declare the transition of labour markets as completed; unemployment responds to output and not to a changing institutional environment for job creation. The regression coefficients report a high trend rate of productivity and a high unemployment intensity of output growth since 1998. The conclusion is that labour market rigidities do not to play an important role in explaining high unemployment rates. Rather, GDP growth is dominated by productivity progress, while the employment relevant component of aggregate demand is too low to reduce substantially the high level of unemployment.
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21 years old and a little bit more realistic?
Udo Ludwig
Deutschland Archiv – Zeitschrift für das vereinigte Deutschland,
Die Ergebnisse der Entwicklung Ostdeutschlands auf marktwirtschaftlicher Grundlage sind ambivalent. Die transformierte Wirtschaft erwies sich zwar als wachstumsorientiert. Allerdings sind nachhaltige Wachstumsvorsprünge nur in der ersten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre erzielt worden. Danach sind die Aufholfortschritte immer kleiner geworden. Auch wurde erst im vergangenen Aufschwung vor der globalen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise nach den enormen Arbeitsplatzverlusten während des Umbaus der Wirtschaft wieder Beschäftigung aufgebaut. Zudem konnte der Bevölkerungsrückgang infolge niedriger Geburtenraten und Abwanderung nicht gestoppt werden. Gründe für diese Rückstände sind letztlich Langzeitwirkungen der überkommenen DDR-Strukturen, der Art und Weise der wirtschaftlichen Transformation und siedlungsstrukturelle Unterschiede. Die Herstellung gleichwertiger Lebensverhältnisse sollte vor diesem Hintergrund nicht an durchschnittlichen Pro-Kopf-Größen in Ost- und in Westdeutschland gemessen, sondern durch die Gegenüberstellung vergleichbarer Regionen spezifiziert werden.
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Restructuring of the East German Industry
Udo Ludwig
Region: Ekonomika i Soziologija,
Der Aufsatz behandelt den transformationsbedingten institutionellen und realwirtschaftlichen Umbau der Industrie auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Privatisierungsstrategie der deutschen Treuhandanstalt für Staatsunternehmen und deren Folgen für die Eigentümerverhältnisse, die Aktivitäten zur Rückkehr der Unternehmen auf einen Wachstumspfad und der mit der Re-Industrialisierung verbundene Strukturwandel der Industrieproduktion. Es wird gezeigt, dass der institutionelle Wandel zugleich einen Integrationspfad der ostdeutschen Industrie in den gesamtdeutschen Wirtschaftsverbund vorbestimmt hat, dessen Wachstums- und Aufholpotential eng begrenzt ist.
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Bottom-up or Direct? Forecasting German GDP in a Data-rich Environment
Katja Drechsel, Rolf Scheufele
This paper presents a method to conduct early estimates of GDP growth in Germany. We employ MIDAS regressions to circumvent the mixed frequency problem and use pooling techniques to summarize efficiently the information content of the various indicators. More specifically, we investigate whether it is better to disaggregate GDP (either via total value added of each sector or by the expenditure side) or whether a direct approach is more appropriate when it comes to forecasting GDP growth. Our approach combines a large set of monthly and quarterly coincident and leading indicators and takes into account the respective publication delay. In a simulated out-of-sample experiment we evaluate the different modelling strategies conditional on the given state of information and depending on the model averaging technique. The proposed approach is computationally simple and can be easily implemented as a nowcasting tool. Finally, this method also allows retracing the driving forces of the forecast and hence enables the interpretability of the forecast outcome.
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Bottom-up or Direct? Forecasting German GDP in a Data-rich Environment
Katja Drechsel, Rolf Scheufele
This paper presents a method to conduct early estimates of GDP growth in Germany. We employ MIDAS regressions to circumvent the mixed frequency problem and use pooling techniques to summarize efficiently the information content of the various indicators. More specifically, we investigate whether it is better to disaggregate GDP (either via total value added of each sector or by the expenditure side) or whether a direct approach is more appropriate when it comes to forecasting GDP growth. Our approach combines a large set of monthly and quarterly coincident and leading indicators and takes into account the respective publication delay.
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The Causal Effect of Watching TV on Material Aspirations: Evidence from the “Valley of the Innocent”
Walter Hyll, Lutz Schneider
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
No. 86,
The paper addresses the question of whether TV consumption has an impact on material aspirations. We exploit a natural experiment that took place during the period in which Germany was divided. Owing to geographical reasons TV programs from the Federal Republic of Germany could not be received in all parts of the German Democratic Republic. Therefore a natural variation occurred in exposure to West German television. We find robust evidence that watching TV is positively correlated with aspirations. Our identification strategy implies a causal relationship running from TV to aspirations. This conclusion resists various sets of alternative specifications and samples.
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The European Commission’s Scoreboard of Macroeconomic Imbalances – The impact of preferences on an early warning system
Tobias Knedlik
Externe Publikationen,
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A First Look on the New Halle Economic Projection Model
Sebastian Giesen, Oliver Holtemöller, Juliane Scharff, Rolf Scheufele
In this paper we develop a small open economy model explaining the joint determination of output, inflation, interest rates, unemployment and the exchange rate in a multi-country framework. Our model – the Halle Economic Projection Model (HEPM) – is closely related to studies recently published by the International
Monetary Fund (global projection model). Our main contribution is that we model the Euro area countries separately. In this version we consider Germany and France, which represent together about 50 percent of Euro area GDP. The model allows for country specific heterogeneity in the sense that we capture different adjustment patterns to economic shocks. The model is estimated using Bayesian techniques. Out-of-sample and pseudo out-of-sample forecasts are presented.
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Old Age Poverty – Causes and a Projection for 2023
Ingmar Kumpmann, Michael Gühne, Herbert S. Buscher
Verschiedene Faktoren bewirken eine Zunahme der Altersarmut in Deutschland, insbesondere in Ostdeutschland. Mit Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panel (SOEP) untersuchen wir Ursachen und Ausmaß der Altersarmut in Deutschland. Wir beginnen mit einer Querschnittsregression zur Bestimmung der Einflussfaktoren der Alterseinkommen. Im zweiten Schritt nehmen wir eine Projektion der Einkommen der 50- bis 55-Jährigen des Jahres 2008 für das Jahr 2023 vor. Dabei berücksichtigen wir sämtliche Einkommensarten, einschließlich verschiedener Formen von Kapitaleinkünften und des Wohnwerts selbst genutzten Wohneigentums. Es zeigt sich, dass, verglichen mit der heutigen alten Generation, vor allem in Ostdeutschland das Armutsrisiko steigt. Dies ist auf den Wandel der Erwerbsbiografien in der Folge der deutschen Vereinigung zurückzuführen.
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