IWH-Industrieumfrage zum Jahresauftakt 2015: Positive Grundstimmung
Cornelia Lang
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Für das Jahr 2015 erwarten die vom IWH befragten Unternehmen Geschäfte in etwa auf Vorjahresniveau. Mehr als die Hälfte der Unternehmen geht von Zuwächsen beim Umsatz aus, aber nicht mehr in der Höhe wie im Jahr 2014. Ein Drittel der Unternehmen will Personal einstellen, 12% gehen davon aus, dass bis Ende 2015 Beschäftigung abgebaut wird. Die Umsatz- und Beschäftigungspläne der Exportunternehmen fallen leicht überdurchschnittlich aus.
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IWH-Bauumfrage zum Jahresauftakt 2015: Hoffnungsträger Wohnungsmodernisierung
Brigitte Loose
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Das Baugewerbe in Ostdeutschland dürfte das Jahr 2014, ausgehend von einem witterungsbedingt starken Start und einer anschließenden Abschwächung im Verlauf des Jahres, insgesamt mit einem leichten Plus abgeschlossen haben. Das liegt vor allem am Wohnungsbau, wenngleich sich auch dieser im Verlauf abschwächte. Einen Dämpfer hat insbesondere der Wirtschaftsbau erhalten, nachdem sich die Unternehmen infolge der generell schwächeren Konjunktur mit Investitionen zurückgehalten haben. Die Ertragslage der Bauunternehmen hat sich in etwa auf dem Vorjahresstand gehalten. Für das Jahr 2015 ist die Stimmung unter den vom IWH befragten Unternehmen verhalten optimistisch.
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Isolation and Innovation – Two Contradictory Concepts? Explorative Findings from the German Laser Industry
Wilfried Ehrenfeld, T. Pusch, Muhamed Kudic
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
We apply a network perspective and study the emergence of core-periphery (CP) structures in innovation networks to shed some light on the relationship between isolation and innovation. It has been frequently argued that a firm’s location in a densely interconnected network area improves its ability to access information and absorb technological knowledge. This, in turn, enables a firm to generate new products and services at a higher rate compared to less integrated competitors. However, the importance of peripheral positions for innovation processes is still a widely neglected issue in literature. Isolation may provide unique conditions that induce innovations which otherwise may never have been invented. Such innovations have the potential to lay the ground for a firm’s pathway towards the network core, where the industry’s established technological knowledge is assumed to be located.
The aim of our paper is twofold. Firstly, we propose a new CP indicator and apply it to analyze the emergence of CP patterns in the German laser industry. We employ publicly funded Research and Development (R&D) cooperation project data over a period of more than two decades. Secondly, we explore the paths on which firms move from isolated positions towards the core (and vice versa). Our exploratory results open up a number of new research questions at the intersection between geography, economics and network research.
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Restructuring of the East German Industry
Udo Ludwig
Region: Ekonomika i Soziologija,
Der Aufsatz behandelt den transformationsbedingten institutionellen und realwirtschaftlichen Umbau der Industrie auf dem Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Privatisierungsstrategie der deutschen Treuhandanstalt für Staatsunternehmen und deren Folgen für die Eigentümerverhältnisse, die Aktivitäten zur Rückkehr der Unternehmen auf einen Wachstumspfad und der mit der Re-Industrialisierung verbundene Strukturwandel der Industrieproduktion. Es wird gezeigt, dass der institutionelle Wandel zugleich einen Integrationspfad der ostdeutschen Industrie in den gesamtdeutschen Wirtschaftsverbund vorbestimmt hat, dessen Wachstums- und Aufholpotential eng begrenzt ist.
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Interrelationship between Industrial and Innovation Development in East Germany
Gerhard Heimpold
Region: Ekonomika i Soziologija,
No. 2,
The article demonstrates that the most important reason for the slowdown and stagnation of economic convergence in East Germany is the weakness in terms of research and development and innovation. It analyzes the interrelationship between industrial and innovative development in the East German federal states since 1990. The article shows how the East German industry sector and its R&D activities looked like in the late 1980s and which transition it had undergone in the course of privatization. The industrial development of the new federal states after 1990 is analyzed. The paper reveals structural shortcomings in East Germany's economy and considers their impact on the progress in R&D.
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Zur Schlüsselfunktion des Baugewerbes beim Aufbau Ost
Udo Ludwig, Brigitte Loose
25 Jahre Bauindustrie in Ostdeutschland,
Das Baugewerbe in den neuen Bundesländern spielte seit seiner Neugründung im vereinten Deutschland eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Modernisierung der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft und hat sich nach Höhen und Tiefen zu einem weitgehend selbstbestimmten, wettbewerbsfähigen Produktionssektor entwickelt.
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Drivers of the Spatial Emergence and Clustering of the Photovoltaic Industry in Germany
M. Breul, T. Broekel, Matthias Brachert
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie,
No. 3,
The drivers of the spatial emergence and clustering of the photovoltaic industry in Germany. Following the relatedness literature, we explore to what extent related industries influenced the regional emergence of the photovoltaic (PV) industry. In addition, we shed light on factors explaining selective processes of clustering. We particularly argue that generic resources and resources of related activities have been crucial for the regional concentration in early phases of the industry life cycle. With increasing maturity, industry-specific resources became more important. Based on a unique dataset containing population dynamics of the German PV industry, the hypotheses are tested empirically. Our results partially confirm the assumed beneficial effects of related industries for the emergence of the PV industry. Moreover, we observe changes in the relative importance of factors supporting regional concentration, with industry-specific resources becoming dominant as the industry matures.
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Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity
Steven J. Davis, John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Ron S. Jarmin, Josh Lerner, Javier Miranda
American Economic Review,
No. 12,
Private equity critics claim that leveraged buyouts bring huge job losses and few gains in operating performance. To evaluate these claims, we construct and analyze a new dataset that covers US buyouts from 1980 to 2005. We track 3,200 target firms and their 150,000 establishments before and after acquisition, comparing to controls defined by industry, size, age, and prior growth. Buyouts lead to modest net job losses but large increases in gross job creation and destruction. Buyouts also bring TFP gains at target firms, mainly through accelerated exit of less productive establishments and greater entry of highly productive ones.
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Financial Stability and Central Bank Governance
Michael Koetter, Kasper Roszbach, G. Spagnolo
International Journal of Central Banking,
No. 4,
The financial crisis has ignited a debate about the appropriate objectives and the governance structure of Central Banks. We use novel survey data to investigate the relation between these traits and banking system stability focusing in particular on their role in micro-prudential supervision. We find that the separation of powers between single and multiple bank supervisors cannot explain credit risk prior or during the financial crisis. Similarly, a large number of Central Bank governance traits do not correlate with system fragility. Only the objective of currency stability exhibits a significant relation with non-performing loan levels in the run-up to the crisis. This effect is amplified for those countries with most frequent exposure to IMF missions in the past. Our results suggest that the current policy discussion whether to centralize prudential supervision under the Central Bank and the ensuing institutional changes some countries are enacting may not produce the improvements authorities are aiming at. Whether other potential improvements in prudential supervision due to, for example, external disciplinary devices, such as IMF conditional lending schemes, are better suited to increase financial stability requires further research.
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Taxes, Banks and Financial Stability
Reint E. Gropp
R. de Mooij and G. Nicodème (eds), Taxation and Regulation of the Financial Sector. MIT Press,
In response to the financial crisis of 2008/2009, numerous new taxes on financial institutions have been discussed or implemented around the world. This paper discusses the connection between the incidence of the taxes, their incentive effects, and policy makers’ objectives. Combining basic insights from banking theory with standard models of tax incidence shows that the incidence of such taxes will disproportionately fall on small and medium size enterprises. The arguments presented suggest it is unlikely that the taxes will have a beneficial impact on financial stability or raise significant amounts of revenue without increasing the cost of capital to bank dependent firms significantly.
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