Political Institutionalisation and Economic Specialisation in Polycentric Metropolitan Regions – The Case of the East German ‚Saxony Triangle‘
Peter Franz, Christoph Hornych
Urban Studies,
The rising focus of politicians as well as scientists in the EU on the large urban agglomerations as centres of economic growth is accompanied by political efforts to identify and to demarcate such agglomerations under the label ‘metropolitan regions’. This study develops a theoretical framework broaching the issue of cooperation between municipalities from the perspective of regional economics as well as political science. The framework is applied to the empirical case of the polycentric metropolitan region of the ‘Saxony triangle’ in east Germany. The results show that various intervening factors prevent intense co-operation between the actors in the region. Policy implications and conclusions for future research are discussed.
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Neo-liberalism, the Changing German Labor Market, and Income Distribution: An Institutionalist and Post Keynesian Analysis
John B. Hall, Udo Ludwig
Journal of Economic Issues,
This inquiry relies on an Institutionalist and Post Keynesian analysis to explore Germany's neo-liberal project, noting cumulative effects emerging as measurable economic and societal outcomes. Investments in technologies generate rising output-to-capital ratios. Increasing exports offset the Domar problem, but give rise to capital surpluses. National income redistributes in favor of capital. Novel labor market institutions emerge. Following Minsky, good times lead to bad: as seeming successes of neo-liberal policies are accompanied by financial instability, growing disparities in household incomes, and sharp declines in German exports on world markets, resulting in one of the deepest, recent contractions in the industrialized world.
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Veblen, Myrdal, and the Convergence Hypothesis: Toward an Institutionalist Critique
John B. Hall, Udo Ludwig
Journal of Economic Issues,
An Institutionalist critique that draws from selected contributions of Veblen and Myrdal initiates a convergence debate. Challenged is a Neoclassical interpretation of economic processes expected to lead toward a catching up with respect to per capita output of Germany's poorer eastern region with the richer western region. Economic method is considered, and the Institutionalist School of Thought rooted in contributions of Veblen as well as Myrdal is touted for offering higher levels of explanatory power than the Neoclassical School. We challenge the usefulness of laws in Economic Science, and especially their applicability to the empirical economy. Instead of automatic forces driving a meliorative trend, we seek to establish that human agency and policy play determining roles in affecting economic and societal outcomes in Germany's eastern region.
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The Dilemma of Delegating Search: Budgeting in Public Employment Services
Martin Altemeyer-Bartscher, J. T. Addison, T. Kuhn
IZA Discussion Papers, No. 5170,
No. 5170,
The poor performance often attributed to many public employment services may be explained in part by a delegation problem between the central office and local job centers. In markets characterized by frictions, job centers function as match-makers, linking job seekers with relevant vacancies. Because their search intensity in contacting employers and collecting data is not verifiable by the central authority, a typical moral hazard problem can arise. To overcome the delegation problem and provide high-powered incentives for high levels of search effort on the part of job centers, we propose output-related schemes that assign greater staff capacity to agencies achieving high strike rates.
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How Does Industry Specialization Affect the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems?
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Annals of Regional Science,
No. 1,
This study analyzes the relationship between the specialization of a region in certain industries and the efficiency of the region in generating new knowledge. The efficiency measure is constructed by relating regional R&D input and output. An inversely u-shaped relationship is found between regional specialization and R&D efficiency, indicating the presence of externalities of both Marshall and Jacobs’ type. Further factors influencing efficiency are externalities resulting from high R&D intensity of the local private sector as well as knowledge from local public research institutions. The impact of both the specialization and the additional factors is, however, different for regions at different efficiency levels.
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The Impact of Bank and Non-bank Financial Institutions on Local Economic Growth in China
Xiaoqiang Cheng, Hans Degryse
Journal of Financial Services Research,
No. 2,
This paper provides evidence on the relationship between finance and growth in a fast growing country, such as China. Employing data of 27 Chinese provinces over the period 1995–2003, we study whether the financial development of two different types of financial institutions — banks and non-banks — have a (significantly different) impact on local economic growth. Our findings indicate that banking development shows a statistically significant and economically more pronounced impact on local economic growth.
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The Emergence of Wage Coordination in the Central Western European Metal Sector and its Relationship to European Economic Policy
Vera Glassner, Toralf Pusch
In the European Monetary Union the transnational coordination of collective wage bargaining has acquired increased importance on the trade union agenda. The metal sector has been at the forefront of these developments. This paper addresses the issue of crossborder coordination of wage setting in the metal sector in the central western European region, that is, in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, where coordination practices have become firmly established in comparison to other sectors. When testing the interaction of wage developments in the metal sector of these three countries, relevant macroeconomic (inflation and labour productivity) and sector-related variables (employment, export-dependence) are considered with reference to the wage policy guidelines of the European Commission and the European Metalworkers’ Federation. Empirical evidence can be found for a wage coordination effect in the form of increasing compliance with the wage policy guidelines of the European Metalworkers’ Federation. The evidence for compliance with the stability-oriented wage guideline of the European Commission is weaker.
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Credit Union Membership and Use of Internet Banking Technology
H. Evren Damar, Lynn Hunnicutt
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy,
No. 1,
What makes households use internet banking? Bank adoption of internet banking technology has been widely considered, but relatively few papers address consumer usage of internet banking. This study looks at the determinants of internet banking usage among credit union members in the Western United States. We use call report data from the National Credit Union Administration to calculate the rate of internet banking usage among a credit union's members, which allows us to examine whether variations in institutional characteristics, local economic conditions and membership criteria have an impact on the internet usage rates among members of different credit unions. We find that members in credit unions that were early internet technology adopters have higher usage rates, and that the contribution to usage rates varies among types of online services offered.
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What are the Long-Term Benefits of the Economic Stimulus Package II for German Local Governments? – The Case of Saxony
Peter Haug
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 4,
Der Beitrag untersucht, ob von den im Rahmen des Konjunkturpakets II geförderten Investitionen neben den kurzfristigen Nachfrageeffekten auch langfristige Auswirkungen z. B. auf das lokale Wirtschaftswachstum zu erwarten sind. Was die kurzfristigen Auswirkungen betrifft, so zeigte sich am Beispiel Sachsens mit relativ geringfügiger zeitlicher Verzögerung ein Anstieg der kommunalen Investitionen. Das Time-Lag-Problem staatlicher Ausgabenprogramme scheint sich dort in Grenzen zu halten. Erhebliche Preissteigerungen für Bauleistungen zeichnen sich bisher ebenfalls noch nicht ab. Mit Bezug auf die langfristigen Wirkungen der geförderten Maßnahmen ist aus Sicht z. B. der Neuen Wachstumstheorie Skepsis angebracht, da selbst bei typischen öffentlichen Vorleistungsgütern die Entzugseffekte der Finanzierung gegen die Produktivitätssteigerung im privaten Unternehmenssektor abzuwägen sind. Hinzu kommen generell die Faktorpreiseffekte von Investitionszuweisungen, die einen übermäßigen Einsatz von physischem Kapital in der öffentlichen Produktion begünstigen. Diese skeptische Haltung der Theorie wird für Sachsen dadurch bestärkt, dass vor allem kommunale Konsumgüter (Sport- und Freizeitanlagen) oder nicht unmittelbar wirtschaftsnahe Bildungseinrichtungen
(Kindergärten, Grundschulen) gefördert werden. Investitionen etwa in Einrichtungen der beruflichen Bildung, Forschung und Entwicklung oder unternehmensrelevante Infrastrukturarten spielen entweder auf kommunaler Ebene keine nennenswerte Rolle oder sind explizit von der Förderung ausgeschlossen. Insbesondere aufgrund der Anreize zur Fehllenkung von öffentlichen Ressourcen wird empfohlen, künftige Förderprogramme eher als zweckungebundene Transferleistungen auszugestalten, die die Kommunen dann nach eigenem Ermessen für „Investitionen“ in Humankapital (Personaleinstellungen
oder Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen) oder in Realkapital verwenden können.
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