Lame-Duck CEOs
Marc Gabarro, Sebastian Gryglewicz, Shuo Xia
SSRN Working Papers,
We examine the relationship between protracted CEO successions and stock returns. In protracted successions, an incumbent CEO announces his or her resignation without a known successor, so the incumbent CEO becomes a “lame duck.” We find that 31% of CEO successions from 2005 to 2014 in the S&P 1500 are protracted, during which the incumbent CEO is a lame duck for an average period of about 6 months. During the reign of lame duck CEOs, firms generate an annual four-factor alpha of 11% and exhibit significant positive earnings surprises. Investors’ under-reaction to no news on new CEO information and underestimation of the positive effects of the tournament among the CEO candidates drive our results.
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Housing Consumption and Macroprudential Policies in Europe: An Ex Ante Evaluation
Antonios Mavropoulos, Qizhou Xiong
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 17,
In this paper, we use the panel of the first two waves of the Household Finance and Consumption Survey by the European Central Bank to study housing demand of European households and evaluate potential housing market regulations in the post-crisis era. We provide a comprehensive account of the housing decisions of European households between 2010 and 2014, and structurally estimate the housing preference of a simple life-cycle housing choice model. We then evaluate the effect of a tighter LTV/LTI regulation via counter-factual simulations. We find that those regulations limit homeownership and wealth accumulation, reduces housing consumption but may be welfare improving for the young households.
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Living with Lower Productivity Growth: Impact on Exports
Filippo di Mauro, Bernardo Mottironi, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Alessandro Zona-Mattioli
IWH-CompNet Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
This paper investigates the impact of sustained lower productivity growth on exports, by looking at the role of the productivity distribution and allocative efficiency as drivers of export performance. It follows and goes beyond the work of Barba Navaretti et al. (2017), analysing the effects of productivity on exports depending on the dynamics of allocative efficiency. Low productivity growth is a well-documented stylised fact in Western countries – and possibly a reality likely to persist for some time. What could be the impact of persistent sluggish growth of productivity on exports? To shed light on this question, this paper examines the relationship between the productivity distribution of firms and sectoral export performance. The structure of firms within countries or even sectors matters tremendously for the nexus between productivity and exports at the macroeconomic level, as the theoretical and empirical literature documents. For instance, whether too few firms at the top (lack of innovation) or too many firms at the bottom (weak market selection) drives slow average productivity at the macro level has very different implications and therefore demands different policy responses.
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Kommentar: Mit bester Absicht in die Krise
Reint E. Gropp
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 4,
Zehn Jahre nach der Lehman-Pleite werden die Finanzmärkte besser kontrolliert denn je. Das kann böse Folgen haben.
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Information Feedback in Temporal Networks as a Predictor of Market Crashes
Stjepan Begušić, Zvonko Kostanjčar, Dejan Kovač, Boris Podobnik, H. Eugene Stanley
In complex systems, statistical dependencies between individual components are often considered one of the key mechanisms which drive the system dynamics observed on a macroscopic level. In this paper, we study cross-sectional time-lagged dependencies in financial markets, quantified by nonparametric measures from information theory, and estimate directed temporal dependency networks in financial markets. We examine the emergence of strongly connected feedback components in the estimated networks, and hypothesize that the existence of information feedback in financial networks induces strong spatiotemporal spillover effects and thus indicates systemic risk. We obtain empirical results by applying our methodology on stock market and real estate data, and demonstrate that the estimated networks exhibit strongly connected components around periods of high volatility in the markets. To further study this phenomenon, we construct a systemic risk indicator based on the proposed approach, and show that it can be used to predict future market distress. Results from both the stock market and real estate data suggest that our approach can be useful in obtaining early-warning signals for crashes in financial markets.
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Konjunktur aktuell: Aufschwung in Deutschland setzt sich trotz nachlassender Impulse aus dem Ausland fort
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 3,
Im Herbst 2018 ist die Weltkonjunktur weiterhin recht kräftig. Allerdings haben die regionalen Differenzen seit Jahresbeginn zugenommen. Während der Aufschwung in den USA auch wegen des starken Impulses durch die dortige Steuerreform noch einmal an Kraft gewonnen hat, ist die Konjunktur im Euroraum etwas schwächer geworden. Der Welthandel hat seit Jahresbeginn kaum noch zugelegt. Eine Ursache dieser Stagnation ist die Verschlechterung der handelspolitischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Handelskonflikte sind allerdings nur einer von mehreren Risikofaktoren für die deutsche Konjunktur. Hinzu kommen die Möglichkeit eines ungeordneten Austritts Großbritanniens aus der EU im Frühjahr 2019 sowie ein weiterer Verlust an Vertrauen der Finanzmärkte in die Solvenz des italienischen Staates, falls die Regierung Italiens ihre finanzpolitischen Vorhaben in großem Stil umsetzt. Die deutsche Wirtschaft ist seit fünf Jahren im Aufschwung. Wichtige Treiber sind die außerordentlich günstigen Finanzierungsbedingungen und eine starke Expansion der Beschäftigung. Zuletzt hat die Nachfrage aus dem Ausland allerdings an Schwung verloren. Dabei spielt auch die Verteuerung deutscher Produkte aufgrund der Aufwertung des Euro seit dem Frühjahr 2017 eine Rolle. Die in diesem Jahr und besonders im Jahr 2019 expansiv ausgerichtete Finanzpolitik verschafft der Konjunktur Rückenwind, aber hohe Kapazitätsauslastungen und Engpässe beim Beschäftigungsaufbau dürften eine weitere kräftige Expansion behindern. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt liegt nach vorliegender Prognose im Jahr 2018 um 1,8% höher als im Vorjahr, im Jahr 2019 beträgt die Rate 1,7%. Die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft expandiert in diesem Jahr um 1,5% und im Jahr 2019 um 1,4%.
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Does it Payoff to Research Economics? A Tale of Citation, Knowledge and Economic Growth in Transition Countries
Dejan Kovač, Boris Podobnik, Nikol Scrbec
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,
There are many economic theories that promote human capital as a key driver of a country’s economic growth, but it is challenging to test this theory empirically on a country level and causally interpret the coefficients due to several identification problems. We tried to answer this particular question by using a quasi-natural experiment that happened quarter century ago – the fall of communist block in Eastern Europe. We use a shock to a particular scientific field – economics, to test whether the future investment into that particular field resulted in increased welfare and economic growth. The economics paradigm that was governing all of the communist block ceased to exist. Human capital depreciated over night and all communist countries had to transit from planned economy to a market economy. In the following years countries had to adapt to market economy through additional investment in human capital and research. We find that countries which lack both of the two fourth mentioned components had 25 years later a relatively lower economic growth and wealth. Unlike economics, other fields such as physics and medicine did not go through the same process so we use them as a placebo effect for our study. We find that the relative ratio of citations between economics and physics in post-communist countries is increasing only 15 years after the “paradigm” shock which gives a suggestive evidence that timing of investment into particular scientific field matters the most.
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Kommentar: 30 Jahre DAX
Reint E. Gropp
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
Gerade ist der Deutsche Aktienindex DAX 30 Jahre alt geworden, und es gibt viel zu feiern. Preisbereinigt hätte ein Investment von 1 000 Euro, angelegt am DAX-Eröffnungstag 1. Juli 1988, heute einen Wert von über 6 000 Euro, hätte sich also versechsfacht!
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Market Power and Risk: Evidence from the U.S. Mortgage Market
Carola Müller, Felix Noth
Economics Letters,
We use mortgage loan application data of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) to shed light on the role of banks’ market power on their presumably insufficient risk screening activities in the U.S. mortgage market in the pre-crisis era. We find that banks with higher market power protect their charter value. The effect is stronger for banks that have more information about local markets.
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