Shocks at Large Banks and Banking Sector Distress: The Banking Granular Residual
S. Blank, Claudia M. Buch, Katja Neugebauer
Journal of Financial Stability,
No. 4,
Size matters in banking. In this paper, we explore whether shocks originating at large banks affect the probability of distress of smaller banks and thus the stability of the banking system. Our analysis proceeds in two steps. In a first step, we follow Gabaix and construct a measure of idiosyncratic shocks at large banks, the so-called Banking Granular Residual. This measure documents the importance of size effects for the German banking system. In a second step, we incorporate this measure of idiosyncratic shocks at large banks into an integrated stress-testing model for the German banking system following De Graeve et al. (2008). We find that positive shocks at large banks reduce the probability of distress of small banks.
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Margins of international banking: Is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too?
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 12/2009,
Modern trade theory emphasizes firm-level productivity differentials to explain
the cross-border activities of non-financial firms. This study tests whether a
productivity pecking order also determines international banking activities. Using
a novel dataset that contains all German banks’ international activities, we
estimate the ordered probability of a presence abroad (extensive margin) and the
volume of international assets (intensive margin). Methodologically, we enrich the
conventional Heckman selection model to account for the self-selection of banks
into different modes of foreign activities using an ordered probit. Four main
findings emerge. First, similar to results for non-financial firms, a productivity
pecking order drives bank internationalization. Second, only a few non-financial
firms engage in international trade, but many banks hold international assets, and
only a few large banks engage in foreign direct investment. Third, in addition to
productivity, risk factors matter for international banking. Fourth, gravity-type
variables have an important impact on international banking activities.
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Germany’s Production of Export Goods: Human Capital Content Slightly Exceeds that of Imports
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Udo Ludwig
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Getrieben von der wachsenden Weltnachfrage sowie der Internationalisierung der nationalen Produktionsprozesse und begünstigt durch die Verbesserung der preislichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hat die deutsche Wirtschaft im Jahrzehnt vor der derzeitigen Weltfinanzkrise die Exportaktivitäten drastisch ausgeweitet. Im gleichen Zeitraum hat sich im Zuge der Tertiärisierung der Wirtschaft die Ausstattung der Produzenten mit Humankapital erhöht. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht die Studie dem qualitativen Wandel des Faktors Arbeit, gemessen an der formalen Qualifikation der Beschäftigten, bei der Entstehung der Exportgüter nach und vergleicht ihn mit dem Geschehen auf der Importseite. Die mit dem Input-Output-Modell und einer eigens dafür generierten Datenbasis erstmalig für das vereinigte Deutschland erzielten empirischen Ergebnisse weisen zwar auf einen in den deutschen Exporten verkörperten Vorteil hin, der jedoch gegenüber den Importen qualifikatorisch nur relativ gering ist. Unter Einschluss des seit Mitte der 90er Jahre anhaltenden Exportüberschusses ist dieser Vorteil jedoch, absolut betrachtet, recht groß. Das spricht für die Realisierung eines Humankapitalvorteils Deutschlands im Exportgeschäft.
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Cartel Identification in Spatial Markets: An Analysis of the East German Cement Market
Ulrich Blum
Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft,
Im Jahr 2003 wurde die deutsche Zementindustrie wegen vorgeblicher Preis- und Quotenabsprachen mit einer Buße von über 600 Mio. Euro belegt. Im abschließenden gerichtlichen Verfahren des Jahres 2009 wurde die Buße erheblich reduziert, weil das Bundeskartellamt nicht in der Lage war, die Mehrerlöse in der vorgegebenen Höhe nachzuweisen. Dieser Beitrag zeigt anhand des ostdeutschen Zementkartells, das auf Quotenabsprachen aus den neunziger Jahren beruhte und das im Frühjahr 2002 endete, dass dieses ökonomisch nicht wirksam war. Aus Sicht der Beteiligten waren offensichtlich die Kenntnisse der wahren Marktkräfte unbekannt, weshalb das Kartell beibehalten wurde. Auf Grundlage eines räumlichen Ansatzes für die Jahre 1997 bis 2002 wird das regionale Preissetzungsverhalten untersucht. Die ökonometrische Analyse zeigt, dass der Wettbewerb in den Kartelljahren bereits vergleichsweise intensiv war, da Transportkosten und Rabattsysteme verwendet wurden, um Angebote der Marktlage anzupassen. Strategische Importe aus dem Osten ebenso wie Angebote mittelständischer Mahlwerke setzten den Markt unter Druck.
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New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa – Institutional and Local Perspectives. African Development Perspectives Yearbook, Vol. 14
Tobias Knedlik, Karl Wohlmuth, Philippe Burger, Achim Gutowski, Mareike Meyn, T. (eds) Urban, Afeikhena Jerome
The Volume XIV analyses the “New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa“. Institutional issues and perspectives in designing new growth and poverty alleviation strategies are considered in various case studies (Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Botswana and Tanzania). Other studies deal with institutional problems of resource-rich countries after conflict (Sudan) and with the institutions to enhance environmental protection parallel to economic growth and poverty reduction (Niger). Further studies deal with institutions to bridge the gap between formal and informal entrepreneurial sectors in Kenya and Tanzania. Local issues and perspectives for designing new growth and poverty alleviation strategies are considered in case studies on rural-urban development gaps in Tanzania and on microfinance as an instrument for new growth and poverty alleviation strategies (Tanzania and Eritrea). A study on small farmers in Ghana provides information on the role they can play in value chains. Two studies on Nigeria highlight the local and the sub-regional health and poverty alleviation programmes and the relation to growth. Book reviews and book notes on the theme are part of the volume. This volume builds the foundation for a comprehensive strategy of policy reforms in Africa so as to integrate new growth and poverty alleviation strategies. Complementary to Volume XIV is Volume XIII on “New Growth and Poverty Alleviation Strategies for Africa - Interational and Regional Perspectives“. Both volumes are of importance for all those who work in African countries as officials, executives, managers, researchers, and policy-makers, but also for all those who actively support Africa's development concerns at the international, regional, country, local, and project levels. They will experience this Volume XIV and also the complementary Volume XIII as indispensable sources of insight, reference, and inspiration.
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Finanzielle Instabilität und Krise in den Post-Transformations-Ländern
Hubert Gabrisch
Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter,
No. 3,
Die Ansteckung durch die globale Finanzkrise war nur ein Auslöser für die schwere Krise in den europäischen Post-Transformations-Ländern. Ursache war die seit 2001 zunehmende finanzielle Instabilität der Länder in Zusammenhang mit der Übernahme ihres Banken- und Finanzsektors durch internationale Finanzinstitutionen. Allgemeine euphorische Renditeerwartungen bildeten den Auftakt für Vermögenspreisblasen und die steigende Verschuldung des privaten Sektors, die durch ausländische Kapitalzuflüsse genährt wurde. Die Studie argumentiert daher, dass simple Konzepte einer Beschränkung inländischer Nachfrage keinen Ausweg aus der Krise weisen. Vielmehr wird eine zweite Transformation notwendig, die ein Wachstumsmodell etabliert, das den Einfluss spekulativer Kapitalzuflüsse reduziert und weiterhin hohe Wachstumsraten ermöglicht.
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Smuggling Illegal versus Legal Goods across the U.S.-Mexico Border: A Structural Equations Model Approach
A. Buehn, Stefan Eichler
Southern Economic Journal,
No. 2,
We study the smuggling of illegal and legal goods across the U.S.-Mexico border from 1975 to 2004. Using a Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model we test the microeconomic determinants of both smuggling types and reveal their trends. We find that illegal goods smuggling decreased from $116 billion in 1984 to $27 billion in 2004 as a result of improved labor market conditions in Mexico and intensified U.S. border enforcement. Smuggling legal goods is motivated by tax and tariff evasion. While export misinvoicing fluctuated at low levels, import misinvoicing switched from underinvoicing to overinvoicing after Mexico's accession to the GATT and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) induced lower tariffs.
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Financial constraints and the margins of FDI
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 29/2009,
Recent literature on multinational firms has stressed the importance of low productivity as a barrier to the cross-border expansion of firms. But firms may also need external finance to shoulder the costs of entering foreign markets. We develop a model of multinational firms facing real and financial barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI), and we analyze their impact on the FDI decision (the extensive margin) and foreign affiliate sales (the intensive margin). We provide empirical evidence based on a detailed dataset of German multinationals which contains information on parent-level and affiliate-level financial constraints as well as about the location the foreign affiliates. We find that financial factors constrain firms’ foreign investment decisions, an effect felt in particular by large firms. Financial constraints at the parent level matter for the extensive, but less
so for the intensive margin. For the intensive margin, financial constraints at the affiliate level are relatively more important.
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Lending Technology, Bank Organization and Competition
Hans Degryse, Steven Ongena, Günseli Tümer-Alkan
Journal of Financial Transformation,
This paper reviews recent theoretical and empirical studies investigating how both bank technology and organization shape bank-borrower interactions. We refer to two related concepts for bank technology. First, the technologies banks employ in loan granting decisions and second, the advances in information technology linked to the bank's lending technology. We also summarize and interpret the theoretical and empirical work on bank organization and its influence on lending technologies. We show that the choice of lending technology and bank organization depend heavily on the availability of information, the technological progress in the collection of information, as well as the banking market structure and the legal environment. We draw important policy conclusions from the literature. Competition authorities and supervisors have to remain alert to the consequences of the introduction of any new technology because: (1) advances in technology do not necessarily lead to more intense banking competition, and (2) the impact of technological and financial innovation on financial efficiency and stability depends on the incentives of the entire „loan production chain.‟
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Effects of Heterogeneity on Bank Efficiency Scores
J. W. B. Bos, Michael Koetter, James W. Kolari, Clemens J. M. Kool
European Journal of Operational Research,
No. 1,
Bank efficiency estimates often serve as a proxy of managerial skill since they quantify sub-optimal production choices. But such deviations can also be due to omitted systematic differences among banks. In this study, we examine the effects of heterogeneity on bank efficiency scores. We compare different specifications of a stochastic cost and alternative profit frontier model with a baseline specification. After conducting a specification test, we discuss heterogeneity effects on efficiency levels, ranks and the tails of the efficiency distribution. We find that heterogeneity controls influence both banks’ optimal costs and profits and their ability to be efficient. Differences in efficiency scores are important for more than only methodological reasons. First, different ways of accounting for heterogeneity result in estimates of foregone profits and additional costs that are significantly different from what we infer from our general specification. Second, banks are significantly re-ranked when their efficiency is estimated with a specification other than the preferred, general specification. Third, the general specification gives the most reliable estimates of the probability of distress, although differences to the other specifications are low.
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