Macroeconomic Challenges in the Euro Area and the Acceding Countries
Katja Drechsel
Dissertation, Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück,
deutscher Titel: Makroökonomische Herausforderungen für die Eurozone und die Beitrittskandidaten
Abstract: The conduct of effective economic policy faces a multiplicity of macroeconomic challenges, which requires a wide scope of theoretical and empirical analyses. With a focus on the European Union, this doctoral dissertation consists of two parts which make empirical and methodological contributions to the literature on forecasting real economic activity and on the analysis of business cycles in a boom-bust framework in the light of the EMU enlargement. In the first part, we tackle the problem of publication lags and analyse the role of the information flow in computing short-term forecasts up to one quarter ahead for the euro area GDP and its main components. A huge dataset of monthly indicators is used to estimate simple bridge equations. The individual forecasts are then pooled, using different weighting schemes. To take into consideration the release calendar of each indicator, six forecasts are compiled successively during the quarter. We find that the sequencing of information determines the weight allocated to each block of indicators, especially when the first month of hard data becomes available. This conclusion extends the findings of the recent literature. Moreover, when combining forecasts, two weighting schemes are found to outperform the equal weighting scheme in almost all cases. In the second part, we focus on the potential accession of the new EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe to the euro area. In contrast to the discussion of Optimum Currency Areas, we follow a non-standard approach for the discussion on abandonment of national currencies the boom-bust theory. We analyse whether evidence for boom-bust cycles is given and draw conclusions whether these countries should join the EMU in the near future. Using a broad range of data sets and empirical methods we document credit market imperfections, comprising asymmetric financing opportunities across sectors, excess foreign currency liabilities and contract enforceability problems both at macro and micro level. Furthermore, we depart from the standard analysis of comovements of business cycles among countries and rather consider long-run and short-run comovements across sectors. While the results differ across countries, we find evidence for credit market imperfections in Central and Eastern Europe and different sectoral reactions to shocks. This gives favour for the assessment of the potential euro accession using this supplementary, non-standard approach.
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Central Banks, Trade Unions and Reputation – Is there Room for an Expansionist Manoeuvre in the European Union?
Toralf Pusch, A. Heise
Journal of Post Keynesian Economics,
Seit der Gründung der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion hat sich am Problem der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit in der Eurozone wenig geändert. Der überwiegenden Sichtweise zufolge ist dies vor allem auf dysfunktionale Arbeitsmärkte zurückzuführen. In diesem Beitrag gehen wir der Frage nach, welche Änderungen sich ergeben können, wenn Gewerkschaften und Zentralbank in einem Klima der Unsicherheit zwischen verschiedenen Optionen wählen können. Das wahrscheinlichste Ergebnis im einstufigen Spiel ist eine hohe Arbeitslosenquote. Bei einer Wiederholung des Spiels können sich die Ergebnisse deutlich ändern. Dies wird allerdings dann unwahrscheinlich, wenn die Zentralbank ein außerordentlich hohes Gewicht auf Preisstabilität legt. Zweitens erfordert ein Vollbeschäftigungs-Gleichgewicht ein Mindestmaß an Kooperationsbereitschaft bzw. Koordinierungspotential auf Seiten der Gewerkschaften.
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The Gradual Way to European Monetary Union
Lucjan T. Orlowski
No. 3,
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Wege aus der Schulden- und Vertrauenskrise in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion
Diemo Dietrich, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 8,
Die Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion (EWWU) befindet sich gegenwärtig in einer Schulden- und Vertrauenskrise. Die europäischen Institutionen haben darauf mit einer Reihe von Maßnahmen reagiert: Ein Finanzstabilisierungsmechanismus wurde geschaffen, und die Europäische Zentralbank hat damit begonnen, die Anleihen von denjenigen Mitgliedsstaaten des Euro-Währungsgebietes aufzukaufen, die auf den Finanzmärkten gar nicht mehr oder nur zu relativ hohen Zinsen Finanzmittel aufnehmen können. Zwar können diese Maßnahmen kurzfristig geeignet sein, die Lage zu stabilisieren; langfristig sind sie jedoch problematisch. So wird das Überschuldungsproblem Griechenlands nicht dauerhaft gelöst und die Krisenanfälligkeit sowohl des Finanzsystems als auch der Mitgliedsstaaten selbst wird nicht gemindert. Die durch die ergriffenen Maßnahmen gewonnene Zeit muss unbedingt zur Stärkung der Institutionen im Euro-Währungsgebiet genutzt werden. Eine graduelle Modifikation des Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspaktes oder die Schaffung neuer politischer Institutionen, zum Beispiel einer europäischen Wirtschaftsregierung, wird dies nicht leisten können. Vielmehr bedarf es der Einsicht, dass Krisen Bestandteil marktwirtschaftlich organisierter Volkswirtschaften sind und dass vorab vereinbarte Regeln für den Umgang mit ihnen festgelegt werden müssen. Dazu zählt vor allem eine Insolvenzordnung für Banken und auch für Staaten, um systemische Risiken zu reduzieren.
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The Emergence of Wage Coordination in the Central Western European Metal Sector and its Relationship to European Economic Policy
Vera Glassner, Toralf Pusch
In the European Monetary Union the transnational coordination of collective wage bargaining has acquired increased importance on the trade union agenda. The metal sector has been at the forefront of these developments. This paper addresses the issue of crossborder coordination of wage setting in the metal sector in the central western European region, that is, in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, where coordination practices have become firmly established in comparison to other sectors. When testing the interaction of wage developments in the metal sector of these three countries, relevant macroeconomic (inflation and labour productivity) and sector-related variables (employment, export-dependence) are considered with reference to the wage policy guidelines of the European Commission and the European Metalworkers’ Federation. Empirical evidence can be found for a wage coordination effect in the form of increasing compliance with the wage policy guidelines of the European Metalworkers’ Federation. The evidence for compliance with the stability-oriented wage guideline of the European Commission is weaker.
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Is the European Monetary Union an Endogenous Currency Area? The Example of the Labor Markets
Herbert S. Buscher, Hubert Gabrisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 7,
Our study tries to find out whether wage dynamics between Euro member countries became more synchronized through the adoption of the common currency. We calculate bivarate correlation coefficients of wage and wage cost dynamics and run a model of endogenously induced changes of coefficients, which are explained by other variables being also endogenous: trade intensity, sectoral specialization, financial integration. We used a panel data structure to allow for cross-section weights for country-pair observations. We use instrumental variable regressions in order to disentangle exogenous from endogenous influences. We applied these techniques to real and nominal wage dynamics and to dynamics of unit labor costs. We found evidence for persistent asymmetries in nominal wage formation despite a single currency and monetary policy, responsible for diverging unit labor costs and for emerging trade imbalances among the EMU member countries.
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Deeper, Wider and More Competitive? Monetary Integration, Eastern Enlargement and Competitiveness in the European Union
Gianmarco Ottaviano, Daria Taglioni, Filippo di Mauro
ECB Working Paper,
No. 847,
What determines a country’s ability to compete in international markets? What fosters the global competitiveness of its firms? And in the European context, have key elements of the EU strategy such as EMU and enlargement helped or hindered domestic firms’ competitiveness in local and global markets? We address these questions by calibrating and simulating a conceptual framework that, based on Melitz and Ottaviano (2005), predicts that tougher and more transparent international competition forces less productive firms out the market, thereby increasing average productivity as well as reducing average prices and mark-ups. The model also predicts a parallel reduction of price dispersion within sectors. Our conceptual framework allows us to disentangle the effects of technology and freeness of entry from those of accessibility. On the one hand, by controlling for the impact of trade frictions, we are able to construct an index of ‘revealed competitiveness’, which would drive the relative performance of countries in an ideal world in which all faced the same barriers to international transactions. On the other hand, by focusing on the role of accessibility while keeping ‘revealed competitiveness’ as given, we are able to evaluate the impacts of EMU and enlargement on the competitiveness of European firms. We find that EMU positively affects the competitiveness of firms located in participating economies. Enlargement has, instead, two contrasting effects. It improves the accessibility of EU members but it also increases substantially the relative importance of unproductive competitors from Eastern Europe. JEL Classification: F12, R13.
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The Effects of Joining the European Monetary Union on Output and Inflation Variability in Accession Countries
Oliver Holtemöller
MPRA Working Paper 8633,
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Comment on A. Bley's article on 'Monetary Aspects of European Eastern Enlargement and CEE participation in ERM and EMU'
Johannes Stephan
Technology Transfer via Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe. Theory, Method of Research and Empirical Evidence. Studies in Economic Transition. Series edited by J. Hölscher and H. Tomann,
Foreign subsidiaries of multinational companies are suggested as one of the main channels of technology transfer to less developed economies. In Central East Europe their presence proved to be a decisive factor to economic restructuring and development. This volume is a unique guide to theory, method of research, and empirical evidence for technology transfer via foreign subsidiaries of multinational companies. It combines the merits of a core text on technology transfer via FDI with up-to-date empirical evidence.
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Macroeconomic Modelling of the German Economy in the Framework of Euroland
Rüdiger Pohl, Heinz P. Galler
Schriften des IWH,
No. 11,
An attempt to develop a new macroeconometric model for Germany is confronted with several questions that range from the general rationality of such an approach to specific problems of an appropriate model structure. One important aspect of this discussion is the introduction of the Euro as a common currency of the European monetary union. This institutional change may result in structural breaks due to changing behavior of economic agents. In addition, the definition of the spatial unit that is appropriate for modelling becomes a problem. Additional problems come from the introduction of the European Single Market and the increasing international economic integration not only within the European union but also beyond its borders. And in the case of Germany, the unification of the West and the East demand special attention. Last but not least, the harmonization of national accounting for the member states of the European Union has to be dealt with. Thus, the introduction of the Euro as a common currency is just one problem besides others that must be addressed.
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