Taxes, Banks and Financial Stability
Reint E. Gropp
R. de Mooij and G. Nicodème (eds), Taxation and Regulation of the Financial Sector. MIT Press,
In response to the financial crisis of 2008/2009, numerous new taxes on financial institutions have been discussed or implemented around the world. This paper discusses the connection between the incidence of the taxes, their incentive effects, and policy makers’ objectives. Combining basic insights from banking theory with standard models of tax incidence shows that the incidence of such taxes will disproportionately fall on small and medium size enterprises. The arguments presented suggest it is unlikely that the taxes will have a beneficial impact on financial stability or raise significant amounts of revenue without increasing the cost of capital to bank dependent firms significantly.
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Taxes, Banks and Financial Stability
Reint E. Gropp
SAFE White Paper Series 6,
In response to the financial crisis of 2008/2009, numerous new taxes on financial institutions have been discussed or implemented around the world. This paper discusses the connection between the incidence of the taxes, their incentive effects, and policy makers’ objectives. Combining basic insights from banking theory with standard models of tax incidence shows that the incidence of such taxes will disproportionately fall on small and medium size enterprises. The arguments presented suggest it is unlikely that the taxes will have a beneficial impact on financial stability or raise significant amounts of revenue without increasing the cost of capital to bank dependent firms significantly.
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The Emergence of Wage Coordination in the Central Western European Metal Sector and its Relationship to European Economic Policy
Vera Glassner, Toralf Pusch
In the European Monetary Union the transnational coordination of collective wage bargaining has acquired increased importance on the trade union agenda. The metal sector has been at the forefront of these developments. This paper addresses the issue of crossborder coordination of wage setting in the metal sector in the central western European region, that is, in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, where coordination practices have become firmly established in comparison to other sectors. When testing the interaction of wage developments in the metal sector of these three countries, relevant macroeconomic (inflation and labour productivity) and sector-related variables (employment, export-dependence) are considered with reference to the wage policy guidelines of the European Commission and the European Metalworkers’ Federation. Empirical evidence can be found for a wage coordination effect in the form of increasing compliance with the wage policy guidelines of the European Metalworkers’ Federation. The evidence for compliance with the stability-oriented wage guideline of the European Commission is weaker.
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Change in East German Firm Level Export Determinants
Birgit Schultz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
Exporte gelten seit langem als Wachstumsmotor der deutschen Wirtschaft. Durch sie wird Beschäftigung erhöht bzw. gesichert und Wohlstand geschaffen.
Allerdings realisiert bislang lediglich eine Minderheit der ostdeutschen Betriebe des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes und des Baus Umsätze im Ausland. Der Beitrag untersucht für zwei Zeitpunkte, welche Einflüsse die betrieblichen Exportaktivitäten in Ostdeutschland bestimmen und ob sich diese Einflüsse verändert haben. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Exporterfolge besonders häufig von solchen Betrieben erzielt werden, die in internationale Unternehmensstrukturen eingebunden sind und eine hohe Spezialisierung aufweisen. Begünstigt wird eine hohe Exportquote außerdem durch die Nutzung von Größenvorteilen, die sich aus der umgesetzten Warenmenge ableiten lassen. Auch hat die Höhe der Löhne und Gehälter einen positiven Einfluss auf den Exportumfang. Dies alles steht im Einklang mit den bisherigen Forschungsergebnissen zum internationalen Handel. Während der Einfluss der genannten Größen im Zeitvergleich stabil blieb, wandelte sich ein Teil der übrigen Determinanten. Waren im Jahr 2000 die Branchenzugehörigkeit und die Höhe der Lohnstückkosten noch wichtige Einflussgrößen für die Exportaktivitäten, so haben diese im Jahr 2008 an Bedeutung verloren. An ihre Stelle traten die Ausstattung mit Humankapital und Investitionen.
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A Simple Macro Model of Original Sin based on Optimal Price Setting under Incomplete Information
Axel Lindner
International Economics and Economic Policy,
This paper analyses the consequences of “original sin“ (the fact that the currency of an emerging market economy usually cannot be used to borrow abroad) for macroeconomic stability. The approach is based on third-generation models of currency crises, but differs from alternative versions by explicitly modeling the price setting behavior of firms if prices are sticky and there is incomplete information about the future exchange rate. It is shown that a small depreciation is beneficial, but a large one is detrimental.
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