The Role of Investment Banking for the German Economy: Final Report for Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main
Michael Schröder, M. Borell, Reint E. Gropp, Z. Iliewa, L. Jaroszek, G. Lang, S. Schmidt, K. Trela
ZEW-Dokumentationen, Nr. 12-01,
No. 1,
The aim of this study is to assess the contributions of investment banking to the economy with a particular focus on the German economy. To this end we analyse both the economic benefits and the costs stemming from investment banking.
The study focuses on investment banks as this part of banking is particularly relevant for financing companies as well as the development and use of specific products to support the needs of private and professional clients. The assessment of benefits and costs of investment banking has been conducted from a European perspective. Nevertheless there is a focus on the German economy to allow a more detailed analysis of certain aspects as for example the use of derivatives by German companies, the success of M&As in Germany or the effect of securitization on loan supply and GDP in Germany. For comparison purposes other European countries and also the U.S. have been taken into account.
The last financial crisis has shown the negative impacts of banks on the financial system and the whole economy. In a study on the contribution of investment banks to systemic risk we quantify the negative side of the investment banking business.
In the last part of the study we assess how the effects of regulatory changes on investment banking. All important changes in banking and capital market regulation are taken into account such as Basel III, additional capital requirements for systemically important financial institutions, regulation of OTC derivatives and specific taxes.
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Lohnpolitische Koordinierung in der EU: Wie Gewerkschaften agieren
Toralf Pusch, Vera Glassner
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
In den letzten Monaten hat sich die Diskussion über mehr wirtschaftspolitische Koordinierung in der EU und insbesondere in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion intensiviert. Dabei wurde unter anderem die unterschiedliche
Entwicklung der preislichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit thematisiert. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die seit einigen Jahren von den europäischen Branchengewerkschaftsverbänden forcierten Bemühungen
zur Koordinierung der Lohnverhandlungen von besonderem Interesse, da die daraus resultierenden Lohnpolitiken womöglich Folgen für den
weiteren Bedarf an wirtschaftspolitischer Abstimmung in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion haben könnten. Am Beispiel des 1997
gegründeten Lohnverhandlungsnetzwerks der IG Metall in Nordrhein-Westfalen und der Metallgewerkschaften Belgiens sowie der Niederlande wird in diesem Beitrag die tatsächliche Effektivität der grenzüberschreitenden lohnpolitischen Koordinierung untersucht, sowohl hinsichtlich der Zielsetzungen der Gewerkschaften als auch der Wirtschaftspolitik der EU. Es zeigt sich, dass das gewerkschaftliche Ziel einer produktivitätsorientierten Lohnentwicklung seit der Einrichtung des Netzwerks tendenziell erreicht werden konnte. Für eine Orientierung an der jüngst in der „Europa 2020“- Strategie bekräftigten Lohnleitlinie der EU-Wirtschaftspolitik konnte hingegen keine Evidenz gefunden
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Mutual Perception of Science and Industry in Innovation Networks – Evidence from East Germany
Jutta Günther, Cornelia Lang
D. Dyker (ed.), Network Dynamics in Emerging Regions of Europe, Imperial College Press,
The paper examines how science and industry perceive each other. Cooperation in the field of innovation and research and development has increased in recent years. But comprehensive empirical research on the mutual perception of science and industry is lacking so far. The article presents the results of explorative research based on a number of qualitative interviews with representatives from science and industry on that topic. The interviews were carried out in the Central German Region which is a centre of manufacturing industry especially of chemicals. So the two selected industries are chemical industry (high-tech based) and food processing (low-tech based). The paper provides remarks on the German innovation system. The empirical section summarizes the interview reports. We found only little evidence of conflict of interests between market-oriented industry and science organisations. Cooperation exists and works. The key issue is trust.
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How to Make a City Attractive for Knowledge-Intensive Firms? – The Formation and Stagnation of Media Industry in the Old Industrial Region of Halle (Germany)
Christoph Hornych, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
The Regeneration of Image in Old Industrial Regions: Agents of Change and Changing Agents. Mönchengladbacher Schriften zur wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Praxis, Bd. 22,
In many regions with development problems, which had – in the past – been the domain of traditional industries, policymakers are trying today to stimulate entrepreneurial activities in knowledge-intensive and creative industries. The question is whether this strategy could really be successful. This paper reports on a case-study for the region of Halle an der Saale, which is located in the state of Saxony-Anhalt (East Germany), where the strategy of policymakers has recently been the attempt to support firms from Media Industry (“MI”).
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Investment (FDI) Policy for Azerbaijan, Final report
Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra
No. 4,
The report has been prepared on behalf of the Association for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) as integral part of the “Private Sector Development Program” run by the GTZ in Azerbaijan. A comprehensive investment policy is outlined with particular focus on the possibilities to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) in Azerbaijan’s manufacturing industry (non-oil sector). The report makes particular reference to the experiences with investment policy development in Central and East European transition economies. It touches legal and institutional framework conditions in Azerbaijan as well as possible investment incentives schemes including investment promotion. Major recommendations refer to trade integration within the region, introduction of tax incentives as well as further improvements in business climate. Furthermore, the importance of complementary policies, such as competition and education policy, is stressed.
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Consequences, opportunities and challenges for modern biotechnology for Europe (BIO4EU) - TASK 2. Report 3
S. Gaisser, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Thomas Reiss
No. 4,
Modern biotechnology is one of the key enabling technologies of the 21st century with a potentially wide range of applications in many sectors, including health, agriculture and industrial processes. Considering the potential of modern biotechnology to contribute to the achievement of major European Union policy goals, such as economic growth and job creation, public health, environmental protection and sustainable development, the European Parliament has requested the European Commission to carry out an assessment of modern biotechnology. The European Commission welcomed the initiative and announced to undertake a study “to conduct a cost benefit analysis of biotechnology and genetic engineering, including genetically modified organisms in the light of major European policy goals formulated in the Lisbon Strategy,
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