Bank Lending, Bank Capital Regulation and Efficiency of Corporate Foreign Investment
Diemo Dietrich, Achim Hauck
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
In this paper we study interdependencies between corporate foreign investment and the capital structure of banks. By committing to invest predominantly at home, firms can reduce the credit default risk of their lending banks. Therefore, banks can refinance loans to a larger extent through deposits thereby reducing firms’ effective financing costs. Firms thus have an incentive to allocate resources inefficiently as they then save on financing costs. We argue that imposing minimum capital adequacy for banks can eliminate this incentive by putting a lower bound on financing costs. However, the Basel II framework is shown to miss this potential.
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Heterogeneity in Lending and Sectoral Growth: Evidence from German Bank-level Data
A. Schertler, Claudia M. Buch, N. von Westernhagen
International Economics and Economic Policy,
This paper investigates whether heterogeneity across firms and banks matters for the impact of domestic sectoral growth on bank lending. We use several bank-level datasets provided by the Deutsche Bundesbank for the 1996–2002 period. Our results show that firm heterogeneity and bank heterogeneity affect how lending responds to domestic sectoral growth. We document that banks’ total lending to German firms reacts pro-cyclically to domestic sectoral growth, while lending exceeding a threshold of €1.5 million to German and foreign firms does not. Moreover, we document that the response of lending depends on bank characteristics such as the banking groups, the banks’ asset size, and the degree of sectoral specialization. We find that total domestic lending by savings banks and credit cooperatives (including their regional institutions), smaller banks, and banks that are highly specialized in specific sectors responds positively and, in relevant cases, more strongly to domestic sectoral growth.
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Bank Concentration and Retail Interest Rates
S. Corvoisier, Reint E. Gropp
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 11,
The recent wave of mergers in the euro area raises the question whether the increase in concentration has offset the increase in competition in European banking through deregulation. We test this question by estimating a simple Cournot model of bank pricing. We construct country and product specific measures of bank concentration and find that for loans and demand deposits increasing concentration may have resulted in less competitive pricing by banks, whereas for savings and time deposits, the model is rejected, suggesting increases in contestability and/or efficiency in these markets. Finally, the paper discusses some implications for tests of the effect of concentration on monetary policy transmission.
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Financial fragility and exchange rate arrangements of EU candidate countries
Hubert Gabrisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 156,
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Charity engagement of german savings banks: extent and regional effects
Martin Wengler
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Die Sparkassengruppe kommt ihrem im Rahmen des öffentlichen Auftrags geforderten gemeinnützigen Engagement mit erheblichem Mitteleinsatz nach. Im Jahr 2000 wurden insgesamt 542 Mio. DM für gemeinnützige Zwecke zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Höhe der Förderung und die Art der Mittelverwendung erfolgen dabei sowohl auf Verbands- als auch auf Sparkassenebene regional differenziert. Dies legt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Mittel problemorientiert eingesetzt werden und somit einen Abbau vorhandener sozialer Disparitäten unterstützen.
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EKO-Stahl GmbH: Der lange Weg zur Erneuerung eines Unternehmens und einer Region
Manfred Wilhelm
Herausforderung Ostdeutschland – Fünf Jahre Währungs-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialunion,
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