Inflation and Relative Price Variability in the Euro Area: Evidence from a Panel Threshold Model
Dieter Nautz, Juliane Scharff
Applied Economics,
No. 4,
The impact of inflation on Relative Price Variability (RPV) generates an important channel for real effects of inflation. This article provides first evidence on the empirical relation between inflation and RPV in the euro area. Stirred by the widespread use of inflation caps or target bands in monetary policy practice, we are particularly interested in threshold effects of inflation. In line with the predictions of monetary search models, our results indicate that expected inflation significantly increases RPV only if inflation is either very low (below 0.95% per annum (p.a.)) or very high (above 4.96% p.a.).
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Stochastic Income Statement Planning as a Basis for Risk Assessment in the Context of Emissions Trading
Henry Dannenberg, Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management,
No. 1,
Die Einführung des Europäischen Emissionshandels bedeutet, dass teilnehmende Unternehmen einen neuen Unsicherheitsfaktor bei ihrer Planung zu berücksichtigen haben - Emissionszertifikate. In diesem Artikel untersuchen wir, wie dieses Risiko um Rahmen einer stochastischen Plan- Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung (GuV) berücksichtige werden kann. Dafür erkunden wir welche Plangrößen durch den Emissionshandel beeinflusst werden. Weiter zeigen wir einen Ansatz, diese Größen in einer Plan-GuV zu modellieren. Dabei werden Unsicherheiten und Abhängigkeiten explizit berücksichtigt. Deshalb stellt das vorgestellte Modell eine Basis für Risikobewertungen und Investitionsentscheidungen im unsicheren Umfeld des CO2-Zertifikatehandels dar.
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Exchange Rate Expectations and the Pricing of Chinese Cross-listed Stocks
Stefan Eichler
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 2,
I show that the price discounts of Chinese cross-listed stocks (American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and H-shares) to their underlying A-shares indicate the expected yuan/US dollar exchange rate. The forecasting models reveal that ADR and H-share discounts predict exchange rate changes more accurately than the random walk and forward exchange rates, particularly at long forecast horizons. Using panel estimations, I find that ADR and H-share investors form their exchange rate expectations according to standard exchange rate theories such as the Harrod–Balassa–Samuelson effect, the risk of competitive devaluations, relative purchasing power parity, uncovered interest rate parity, and the risk of currency crisis.
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Exploring the Economic Convergence in the EU New Member States by Using Nonparametric Models
Monica Raileanu Szeles
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
This paper analyzes the process of real economic convergence in the New Member States (NMS) bein g formerly centrally planned economies, using nonparametric methods instead of conventional parametric measurement tools like beta and sigma models. This methodological framework allows the examining of the relative income distribution in different periods of time, the number of modes of the density distribution, the existence of “convergence clubs” in the distribution and the hypothesis of convergence at a single point in time. The modality tests (e.g. the ASH-WARPing procedure) and stochastic kernel are nonparametric techniques used in the empirical part of the study to examine the income distribution in the NMS area. Additionally, random effects panel regressions are used, but only for comparison reasons. The main findings of the paper are the bimodality of the income density distribution over time and across countries, and the presence of convergence clubs in the income distribution from 1995 to 2008. The findings suggest a lack of absolute convergence in the long term (1995-2008) and also when looking only from 2003 onwards. The paper concludes that, in comparison with the parametrical approach, the nonparametric one gives a deeper, real and richer perspective on the process of real convergence in the NMS area.
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Currency Crises and the Stock Market: Empirical Evidence for Another Type of Twin Crisis
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
No. 29,
We explore the dependency between currency crises and the stock market in emerging economies. Our focus is two-fold. First, the risk of a currency crisis rises as the foreign stake in the domestic stock market increases. Successful economies with high capital flows into their booming stock markets especially are prone to stock market-induced currency crises. Second, we apply the dividend growth model to show that stock markets crash in the run-up to a currency crisis. This new type of twin crisis is empirically tested by employing a logit framework using quarterly data for 33 emerging economies for 1994Q1–2007Q4.
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Handling Losses in Translog Profit Models
J. W. B. Bos, Michael Koetter
Applied Economics,
No. 3,
In this article, we compare standard approaches used to handle losses in logarithmic profit models with a simple novel approach. We estimate translog stochastic profit frontiers, and discuss discriminatory power, rank stability and the precision of Profit Efficiency (PE) scores. Contrary to existing methods, our approach does not result in a loss of observations. Our new method enhances rank stability and discriminatory power, and improves the precision of PE scores.
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Fiscal Spending Multiplier Calculations based on Input-Output Tables – with an Application to EU Members
Toralf Pusch, A. Rannberg
Fiscal spending multiplier calculations have been revived in the aftermath of the
global financial crisis. Much of the current literature is based on VAR estimation
methods and DSGE models. The aim of this paper is not a further deepening of
this literature but rather to implement a calculation method of multipliers which is
suitable for open economies like EU member states. To this end, Input-Output tables are used as by this means the import intake of domestic demand components can be isolated in order to get an appropriate base for the calculation of the relevant import quotas. The difference of this method is substantial – on average the calculated multipliers are 15% higher than the conventional GDP fiscal spending multiplier for EU members. Multipliers for specific spending categories are comparably high, ranging between 1.4 and 1.8 for many members of the EU. GDP drops due to budget consolidation might therefore be substantial if monetary policy is not able to react in an expansionary manner.
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Economic Structure and Regional Performance in Germany, 2002-2007
Alexander Kubis, Matthias Brachert, Mirko Titze
European Planning Studies,
No. 2,
This paper explores the impact of industrial clusters on regional growth at the German labour market region level using a regional convergence model. Based on the results of an exploratory study of the geography of German industrial clusters, we are able to differentiate the impact of industrial clustering from a horizontal and a vertical perspective while taking regional convergence into consideration. The results indicate that in addition to an all-German process of convergence, a specific East German one can be identified. The different types of industrial clusters show mixed effects within this framework. While vertically isolated industrial clusters have a negative impact on regional growth in this period, positive growth effects can be identified when industrial clusters show an intra-regional vertical interconnectedness.
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Die Entwicklung der Corporate Governance deutscher Banken seit 1950
R. H. Schmidt, Felix Noth
Bankhistorisches Archiv,
No. 2,
The present paper gives an overview of the development of Corporate Governance of German banks since the 1950s. The focus will be on economic analysis. The most striking changes in Corporate Governance occurred with the ownership structure of commercial banks, in particular with the major joint-stock banks. In addition to that, the capital market has become a core element of Corporate Governance in all major German banks, which have replaced their prior concentration on the interests of a broadly defined circle of stakeholders by a one-sided concentration on shareholders’ interests. In contrast, with savings banks and cooperative cooperative banks, Corporate Governance has remained unchanged for the most part. Exceptions to this are the regional state banks: in their case, after they had turned away from traditional business models and in particular following the discontinuation of the guarantee obligation, the problems of their Corporate Governance, which were already discernible beforehand, became quite obvious. If you include the financial crisis, beginning in 2007, in the analysis, it becomes evident that it was precisely a Corporate Governance unilaterally geared to shareholders’ interest and the efficiency of the capital market that materially contributed to the evolution and widening of the crisis.
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Möglichkeiten für Vollbeschäftigungspolitik im Rahmen des Europäischen Makroökonomischen Dialogs
Toralf Pusch, A. Heise
K. Busch (Hrsg.), Wirtschaftliche und Soziale Integration in der Europäischen Union,
10 Jahre nach ihrer Etablierung zeigt sich in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion ein gespaltenes Bild. Trotz unbestreitbarer Erfolge bei der Sicherung von Preisstabilität scheint die Beschäftigungs-Performance des Euroraums getrübt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird die These vertreten, dass dies auch an einer mangelhaften Koordination zwischen EZB und Gewerkschaften liegt. Hierzu wird ein spieltheoretisches Modell entwickelt, mit dem verschiedene makroökonomische Ergebnisse erklärt werden können. Mit einem Reputationsgleichgewicht wird ein Vorschlag dargestellt, der es Zentralbank und Gewerkschaften ermöglichen würde, Preisstabilität und einen hohen Beschäftigungsstand vereinbar zu machen, ohne die Unabhängigkeit der Akteure aufzugeben. Der Beitrag schließt mit einigen wirtschaftspolitischen Betrachtungen über die Erreichbarkeit eines solchen Ergebnisses unter Berücksichtigung des Europäischen Makroökonomischen Dialogs.
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