Challenges for Future Regional Policy in East Germany. Does East Germany really show Characteristics of Mezzogiorno?
Mirko Titze
A. Kuklinski; E. Malak-Petlicka; P. Zuber (eds), Souther Italy – Eastern Germany – Eastern Poland. The Triple Mezzogiorno? Ministry of Regional Development,
Despite extensive government support the gap between East and West Germany has still not been successfully closed nearly 20 years post German unification. Hence, some economists tend to compare East Germany with Mezzogiorno – underdeveloped Southern Italy. East Germany is still subject to sever structural problems in comparison to West Germany: lower per capita income, lower productivity, higher unemployment rates, fewer firm headquarters and fewer innovation activities. There are East German regions with less than desirable rates of development. Nevertheless, the new federal states have shown some evidence of a convergence process. Some regions have developed very positively – they have improved their competitiveness and employment levels. As such, the comparison of East Germany with Mezzogiorno does not seem applicable today.
According to Neoclassical Growth Theory, regional policy is targeted enhancing investment (hereafter the notion ‘investment policy’ is used). has been the most important instrument in forcing the ‘reconstruction of the East’. Overall, the investment policy is seen as having been successful. It is not, however, the only factor influencing regional development – political policy makers noted in the mid 1990s that research and development (R&D) activities and regional concentrated production networks, amongst other factors, may also play a part. The investment policy instrument has therefore been adjusted. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that investment policy may fail in particular cases because it contains potentially conflicting targets. A ‘better road’ for future regional policy may lie in the support of regional production and innovation networks – the so-called industrial clusters. These clusters would need to be exactingly identified however to ensure effective and efficient cluster policies.
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Interactive Dynamic Capabilities and Regenerating the East German Innovation System
N. von Tunzelmann, Jutta Günther, Katja Wilde, Björn Jindra
Contributions to Political Economy,
The paper sets out a specification of capabilities and competencies derived from Sen’s work on consumer capabilities and welfare economics. This approach is one that proves remarkably easy to generalise, first to producer and supplier capabilities, and thence to interactive and dynamic capabilities. The approach is then applied via the consequential perspectives of regional systems of innovation and network alignment to the case of the efforts to regenerate the innovation system in East Germany since reunification. It is seen that this process can be divided into three periods, of which the most recent appears to meet some of the theoretical requirements for effective interactive capabilities. It is less clear that the criteria for dynamic capabilities—which involve considerations of speed-up and flexibility, to meet the market requirements in real time—have yet been taken sufficiently seriously.
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Knowledge Spill-overs for Knowledge-based Development: Progression in Theory and Obstacles for Empirical Research
Peter Franz
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
As scientists and policymakers tend to interpret changes in the economy as a trend towards an increasingly knowledge-based economy, their recommendations and strategies for regional economic development frequently contain elements how to intensify the knowledge flows in the region concerned. Knowledge flows come into existence from intentional action, but also in an unintended way as externalities or knowledge spillovers. This paper reviews the ways regional and urban economics has dealt with the concept of knowledge spillovers. Knowledge spillovers are defined within a conceptual framework that points out different uses of knowledge in economics. The concept’s operationalisations in diverse empirical studies are systematised and discussed. After a critical review of the current state of research, policy strategies aiming to intensify knowledge spillovers are classified. The paper concludes with an outlook on promising new approaches to research knowledge spillovers and on the elaboration of more efficient policy strategies.
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What Determines the Innovative Success of Subsidized Collaborative R&D Projects? – Project-Level Evidence from Germany –
Michael Schwartz, François Peglow, Michael Fritsch, Jutta Günther
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 7,
published in: Technovation
Systemic innovation theory emphasizes that innovations are the result of an interdependent exchange process between different organizations. This is reflected in the current paradigm in European innovation policy, which aims at the support of collaborative R&D and innovation projects bringing together science and industry. Building on a large data set using project-level evidence on 406 subsidized R&D cooperation projects, the present paper provides detailed insights on the relationship between the innovative success of R&D cooperation projects and project characteristics. Patent applications and publications are used as measures for direct outcomes of R&D projects. We also differentiate between academic-industry projects and pure inter-firm projects. Main results of negative binomial regressions are that large-firm involvement is positively related to pa-tent applications, but not to publications. Conversely, university involvement has positive effects on project outcomes in terms of publications but not in terms of patent applications. In general, projects’ funding is an important predictor of innovative success of R&D cooperation projects. No significant results are found for spatial proximity among cooperation partners and for the engagement of an applied research institute. Results are discussed with respect to the design of R&D cooperation support schemes.
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Aktuelle Trends: Forschungsintensität Ostdeutschlands hält dem europäischen Vergleich stand
Jutta Günther, Katja Wilde, Marco Sunder
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
20 Jahre Deutsche Einheit - Teil 2 -
Die Europäische Union (EU) hat mit dem Barcelona-Ziel für Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) eine ebenso umstrittene wie konkrete Messlatte gesetzt: Bis 2010 sollten die FuE-Aufwendungen der EU auf 3% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) steigen. In Deutschland betrugen die FuE-Ausgaben im Jahr 2007 rund 2,5% des BIP. Im innerdeutschen Vergleich ist die FuE-Leistung Ostdeutschlands unterlegen, dem europäischen Vergleich hält sie durchaus stand. Gegenüber Tschechien, Ungarn und Polen weist Ostdeutschland insgesamt eine höhere FuE-Intensität auf, obschon Tschechien im Bereich der privaten FuE etwas besser abschneidet.
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Characteristics of Business Cycles: Have they Changed?
Oliver Holtemöller, J. Rahn, M. H. Stierle
No. 5,
The most recent economic downturn has shown that economic activity nowadays is still prone to large fluctuations. Despite a long tradition of research, the understanding of such fluctuations, namely business cycles, is still far from comprehensive. Moreover, in a developing world with new technologies, faster communication systems, a higher integration of world markets and increasingly better-skilled people the nature of business cycles changes continuously and new insights can be drawn from recent experience.
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20 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Transformation und Erneuerung des ostdeutschen Innovationssystems
Jutta Günther, Nicole Nulsch, Dana Urban-Thielicke, Katja Wilde
Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 16-2010,
Die Studie skizziert den Prozess der Entstehung des ostdeutschen Innovationssystems seit 1990 und bezieht in die Untersuchung auch den historischen Kontext mit ein, in dem die Struktur und die Philosophie des Forschungs- und Innovationssystems der DDR erläutert werden. Nach dem Systemumbruch wurden in den frühen 1990er Jahren durch die Privatisierung und die Transformation der Wissenschaftseinrichtungen für das heutige System wesentliche Weichen gestellt. Dabei war die Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung seit Beginn der Transformation ein wichtiger „Wegbereiter“ des ostdeutschen Innovationssystems. Aus heutiger Sicht lassen sich insbesondere drei Phasen der Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung unterscheiden: In der ersten Phase wurden noch im Jahr 1990 die „Maßnahmen der ersten Stunde“ verabschiedet, die darauf abzielten, dem massiven Rückgang der Industrieforschung in Ostdeutschland entgegen zu wirken. In der zweiten Phase (ab Mitte bzw. Ende der 1990er Jahre) erhielt die Projektförderung ein stärkeres Gewicht. Dabei gewann der Gedanke der Kooperations- bzw. der Verbundförderung zunehmend an Bedeutung. In der dritten Phase (seit ca. 2003 bis heute) ist ein weiteres Instrument der Innovationspolitik, die Netzwerkförderung, in den Vordergrund getreten. Sie stellt heute neben der Einzel- und Verbundprojektförderung einen festen Bestandteil der Förderlandschaft dar. Der lange Weg zur originären Innovationstätigkeit nach einem kompletten Systembruch lässt sich jedoch allein durch die Bereitstellung von mehr Mitteln für FuE nicht bewältigen. Die heutigen transformationsbedingten Strukturschwächen der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft lassen sich nur durch gänzlich neue Technologien überwinden. Ein neuer Technologiezyklus wird in der Lage sein, neue Industriezweige hervorzubringen. Dies zu unterstützen ist die zukünftige Aufgabe der Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung.
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20 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall: Stärken, Schwächen und Herausforderungen des ostdeutschen Innovationssystems heute
Jutta Günther, Katja Wilde, Marco Sunder, Mirko Titze
Studien zum deutschen Innovationssystem Nr. 17-2010,
Der Beitrag geht zwanzig Jahre nach dem Fall der Mauer der Frage nach, welchen Entwicklungsstand das ostdeutsche Innovationssystem erreicht hat. Der Vergleich von Indikatoren der Innovationskraft in Ost- und Westdeutschland zeigt die hohe Bedeutung öffentlicher Forschung und Entwicklung in den Neuen Bundesländern. Private Ausgaben in diesem Bereich liegen in Ostdeutschland indes deutlich unter dem Bundesdurchschnitt, was zum großen Teil wirtschaftsstrukturellen Unterschieden zuzuschreiben ist. Einen Erfolgsfaktor stellte in den Neuen Bundesländern bislang das reichhaltige Angebot an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften dar. Mit dem demographischen Wandel zeichnen sich auf diesem Gebiet jedoch Risiken ab, die innovative Rationalisierungskonzepte erfordern werden.
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Subsidized Vocational Training: Stepping Stone or Trap? An Evaluation Study for East Germany
Eva Dettmann, Jutta Günther
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 21,
The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the formally equal qualifications acquired during a subsidized vocational education induce equal employment opportunities compared to regular vocational training. Using replacement matching on the basis of a statistical distance function, we are able to control for selection effects resulting from different personal and profession-related characteristics, and thus, to identify an unbiased effect of the public support. Besides the ‘total effect’ of support, it is of special interest if the effect is stronger for subsidized youths in external training compared to persons in workplace-related training. The analysis is based on unique and very detailed data, the Youth Panel of the Halle Centre for Social Research (zsh).
The results show that young people who successfully completed a subsidized vocational education are disadvantaged regarding their employment opportunities even when controlling for personal and profession-related influences on the employment prospects. Besides a quantitative effect, the analysis shows that the graduates of subsidized training work in slightly worse (underqualified) and worse paid jobs than the adolescents in the reference group. The comparison of both types of subsidized vocational training, however, does not confirm the expected stronger effect for youths in external vocational education compared to workplace-related training.
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