Netzwerke zwischen Hochschulen und Wirtschaft: Ein Mehrebenenansatz
Mirko Titze, Wilfried Ehrenfeld, Matthias Piontek, Gunnar Pippel
Schrumpfende Regionen - dynamische Hochschulen: Hochschulstrategien im demografischen Wandel,
Innovationen sind ein zentraler Treiber für das Wachstum von Unternehmen und Regionen. Es gibt daher eine breite Literatur, welche versucht, die Determinanten der Innovationsfähigkeit zu identifizieren. Kooperationen stellen einen wichtigen Faktor im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung dar, da Verflechtungen den Fluss von Wissen zwischen den beteiligten Akteuren, wie beispielsweise Hochschulen und Unternehmen, unterstützen. Um derartige Verflechtungen abzubilden, haben sich in der Fachliteratur verschiedene Ansätze durchgesetzt. So können beispielsweise Informationen über Ko-Publikationen, Ko-Patente oder geförderte FuE-Vorhaben genutzt werden. Die verschiedenen Ansätze haben jedoch ihre individuellen Stärken und Schwächen. Zudem bilden sie jeweils verschiedene Facetten der Kooperation im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung ab. Dieser Beitrag setzt an dieser Problematik an, indem er anhand von sechs Fallregionen einen Mehrebenenansatz vorstellt, welcher die genannten Ebenen von Kooperation zusammenführt. Dies ermöglicht, ein umfassendes Bild der Vernetzung in den Fallregionen zu erhalten.
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Network Positioning, Co-Location or Both?
Muhamed Kudic
Innovation Networks in the German Laser Industry. Springer Cham,
Previous research indicates that firm innovativeness can either be determined by a firm’s position within the network dimension or by its position within the geographical dimension. Integrative studies addressing both distinct and combined proximity effects remains rare (cf. Whittington et al. 2009). Thus, we address in this Chapter the following research question: Are firm-level innovation outcomes positively or negatively related to network positioning effects, geographical co-location effects or combined proximity effects; and if the latter case is true, are the combined effects substitutional or complementary in nature? Panel data count models with fixed and random effects were used to analyze a firm’s innovative performance as measured by patent application counts. This last empirical analysis is organized as follows: We start with a short introduction in Sect. 12.1. Next, we provide a brief discussion of theoretical background in Sect. 12.2. In Sect. 12.3 we introduce our conceptual framework and derive our hypotheses. In Sect. 12.4 we introduce the data and methods used. Next, we outline the estimation strategy and report our empirical results in Sect. 12.5. Finally, we discuss our findings and conclude with a number of critical remarks in Sect. 12.6.
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Corporate Venture Capital, Value Creation, and Innovation
Thomas J. Chemmanur, Elena Loutskina, Xuan Tian
Review of Financial Studies,
No. 8,
We analyze how corporate venture capital (CVC) differs from independent venture capital (IVC) in nurturing innovation in entrepreneurial firms. We find that CVC-backed firms are more innovative, as measured by their patenting outcome, although they are younger, riskier, and less profitable than IVC-backed firms. Our baseline results continue to hold in a propensity score matching analysis of IPO firms and a difference-in-differences analysis of the universe of VC-backed entrepreneurial firms. We present evidence consistent with two possible underlying mechanisms: CVC's greater industry knowledge due to the technological fit between their parent firms and entrepreneurial firms and CVC's greater tolerance for failure.
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Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions – A Count Model Analysis of Transnational Patents
Eva Dettmann, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra
No. 1,
Most research on R&D internationalisation focuses on comparative analysis of location factors at the national level of analysis. Very little work, however, has taken place in this field for the sub-national regional location behavior of multi-national enterprises (MNE). The paper contributes to the existing research by providing evidence on the determinants of foreign technological activities at the sub-national level for Germany, which hosts the largest share of foreign R&D within the EU27 and features the highest cross-regional dispersion of patented research. Using a pooled count data model, we estimate the effect of various sources for externalities on the extent of foreign technological activity across regions. Particular attention is paid to the role of local knowledge spillovers, technological specialization and diversification. We differentiate foreign and domestic sources of specialisation and account for region and sector-specific influences. This is the first time that the ‘cross-border-ownership’ principle to measure R&D internationalisation is combined with regionalised patent information.
To verify our findings we develop hypotheses. In particular, we expect and find that foreign technological activity is attracted by technologically specialised sectors of regions. In contrast to current empirical work, this effect applies both to foreign as well as domestic sources of specialization, although effects on foreign specialization seem more significant. We expect and find the same for science-industry spillovers. We postulate a negative impact of domestic specialization on foreign technological activities and a strong positive effect from diversificationspillovers, by comparison with specialisation spillovers, but these hypotheses are rejected. We find that the direction of the specialisation effect depends on dominance in the position of domestic firms as well as on the balance of knowledge flows between them and foreign actors.
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Technological Activities in CEE Countries: A Patent Analysis for the Period 1980-2009
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Alexander Giebler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
The aim of this paper is to analyze the technological activities of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies and to compare them with the technological activities of other world regions. Using data from the EPO World Wide Statistical Database for the period 1980-2009 the analysis is based on counts of priority patent applications over time. In terms of priority patent applications, CEE reduced its technological activities drastically in absolute and per capita terms after 1990. The level of priority patent applications in this world region maintained more recently a stable level below the performance of EU15, South EU and the former USSR. In what concerns technological specialization, the results suggest a division of labor in technological activities among world regions where Europe, Latin America and the former USSR are mainly specializing in sectors losing technological dynamism in the global patent activities (Chemicals and/or Mechanical Engineering) while North America, the Middle East (especially Israel) and Asia Pacific are increasingly specializing in Electrical Engineering, a sector with strong technological opportunities.
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Determinants of Foreign Technological Activity in German Regions – A Count Model Analysis of Transnational Patents (1996-2009)
Eva Dettmann, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra
This paper analyses the determinants of spatial distribution of foreign technological activity across 96 German regions (1996-2009). We identify foreign inventive activity by applying the ‘cross-border-ownership concept’ to transnational patent applications. The descriptive analysis shows that foreign technological activity more than doubled during the observation period with persistent spatial heterogeneity in Germany. Using a pooled count data model, we estimate the effect of various sources for externalities on the extent of foreign technological activity across regions. Our results show that foreign technological activity is attracted by technologically specialised sectors of regions. In contrast to existing findings this effect applies both to foreign as well as domestic sources of specialisation. We show that the relation between specialisation and foreign technological activity is non-linear and that it is influenced by sectoral heterogeneity. Externalities related to technological diversification attract foreign R&D only into ‘higher order’ regions.
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Cooperation Events, Ego-Network Characteristics and Firm Innovativeness – Empirical Evidence from the German Laser Industry
Muhamed Kudic, Katja Guhr
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
We study how firm innovativeness is related to individual cooperation events and the structure and dynamics of firms’ ego-networks employing a unique panel dataset for the full population of 233 German laser source manufactures between 1990 and 2010. Firm innovativeness is measured by yearly patent applications as well as patent grants with a two year time-lag. Network measures are calculated on the basis of 570 knowledge-related publicly funded R&D alliances. Estimation results from a panel data count model with fixed effects are suggestive of direct innovation effects due to individual cooperation events, but only as long as structural ego-network characteristics are neglected. Innovativeness is robustly related to ego-network size and ego-network brokerage whereas ego-network density reveals some surprising results.
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Agglomeration and FDI in East German Knowledge-intensive Business Services
Philipp Marek
Economia Politica,
No. 3,
The focus of this article is the empirical identification of factors influencing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) sector on the regional level of «Raumordnungsregionen» in East Germany. The analysis focuses on the impact of regional agglomeration and technological capability on the location decision of foreign investors and West German MNEs. It shows that localisation, patent activity and the share of employees with an R&D occupation affect significantly the location decision of FDI. This result provides an explanation for the strong concentration of KIBS in urban areas in a post-transition economy.
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Jutta Günther
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Der Strukturwandel ist ein permanenter Begleiter der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, getrieben vom technischen Fortschritt und von Innovation. In hochindustrialisierten Ländern wie Deutschland liegt in der Innovationsfähigkeit der Unternehmen ein wesentlicher internationaler Wettbewerbsvorteil. Deutschland ist ein durchaus erfindungsreiches Land, was durch die im internationalen Vergleich hohe Anzahl von Patenten belegt wird. Ein Patent wird jedoch erst durch ein am Markt eingeführtes Produkt oder Verfahren zur Innovation. Und eine Innovation wird erst durch die Akzeptanz beim Kunden zum wirklichen Erfolg. Zwischen der Idee des Erfinders und eben diesem Markterfolg können lange Zeiträume liegen, und viele kluge Köpfe mit ganz unterschiedlichen Kompetenzen und Talenten sind gefragt.
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Regionale Netzwerke und Unternehmenserfolg - Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel der deutschen Photovoltaikindustrie
Christoph Hornych
Schriften des IWH,
No. 32,
In dieser Studie wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Netzwerken und dem Erfolg von Unternehmen der Photovoltaikindustrie empirisch untersucht. Aufbauend auf einer erstmaligen Erfassung und Analyse des Kooperationsgeschehens in der deutschen Solarindustrie werden Faktoren von Kooperationsarrangements identifiziert, die für positive Effekte auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Unternehmen ursächlich sind. Hierbei wird neben Patent- und Regressionsanalysen insbesondere auf die Methode der sozialwissenschaftlichen Netzwerkanalyse zurückgegriffen.
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