The Transition to Post-industrial BMI Values among US Children
Marco Sunder, Ariane Breitfelder, John Komlos
American Journal of Human Biology,
The trend in the BMI values of US children has not been estimated very convincingly because of the absence of longitudinal data. Our objective is to estimate time series of BMI values by birth cohorts instead of measurement years. We use five regression models to estimate the BMI trends of non-Hispanic US-born black and white children and adolescents ages 2-19 between 1941 and 2004. The increase in BMIZ values during the period considered was 1.3 (95% CI: 1.16; 1.44) among black girls, 0.8 for black boys, 0.7 for white boys, and 0.6 for white girls. This translates into an increase in BMI values of some 5.6, 3.3, 2.4, and 1.5 units, respectively. While the increase in BMI values started among the birth cohorts of the 1940s among black girls, the rate of increase tended to accelerate among all four ethnic/gender groups born in the mid-1950s to early-1960s. Some regional evidence leads to the conjecture that the spread of automobiles and radios affected the BMI values of boys already in the interwar period. We suppose that the changes in lifestyle associated with the labor saving technological developments of the 20th century are associated with the weight gains observed. The increased popularity of television viewing was most prominently associated with the contemporaneous acceleration in BMI gain. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the Western part of the country. To face this weakness, a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted U-shaped relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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Is the European Monetary Union an Endogenous Currency Area? The Example of the Labor Markets
Herbert S. Buscher, Hubert Gabrisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 7,
Our study tries to find out whether wage dynamics between Euro member countries became more synchronized through the adoption of the common currency. We calculate bivarate correlation coefficients of wage and wage cost dynamics and run a model of endogenously induced changes of coefficients, which are explained by other variables being also endogenous: trade intensity, sectoral specialization, financial integration. We used a panel data structure to allow for cross-section weights for country-pair observations. We use instrumental variable regressions in order to disentangle exogenous from endogenous influences. We applied these techniques to real and nominal wage dynamics and to dynamics of unit labor costs. We found evidence for persistent asymmetries in nominal wage formation despite a single currency and monetary policy, responsible for diverging unit labor costs and for emerging trade imbalances among the EMU member countries.
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A Professor Like Me: The Influence of Instructor Gender on College Achievement
Florian Hoffmann, Philip Oreopoulos
Journal of Human Resources,
No. 2,
Many wonder whether teacher gender plays an important role in higher education by influencing student achievement and subject interest. The data used in this paper help identify average effects from male and female college students assigned to male or female teachers. We find instructor gender plays only a minor role in determining college student achievement. Nevertheless, the small effects provide evidence that gender role models matter to some college students. A same-sex instructor increases average grade performance by at most 5 percent of its standard deviation and decreases the likelihood of dropping a class by 1.2 percentage points.
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Dynamic Order Submission Strategies with Competition between a Dealer Market and a Crossing Network
Hans Degryse, Mark Van Achter, Gunther Wuyts
Journal of Financial Economics,
No. 3,
We analyze a dynamic microstructure model in which a dealer market (DM) and a crossing network (CN) interact for three informational settings. A key result is that coexistence of trading systems generates systematic patterns in order flow, which depend on the degree of transparency. Further, we study overall welfare, measured by the gains from trade of all agents, and compare it with the maximum overall welfare. The discrepancy between both measures is attributable to two inefficiencies. Due to these inefficiencies, introducing a CN next to a DM, as well as increasing the transparency level, not necessarily produces greater overall welfare.
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Cross-Border Bank Contagion in Europe
Reint E. Gropp, M. Lo Duca, Jukka M. Vesala
International Journal of Central Banking,
No. 1,
We analyze cross-border contagion among European banks in the period from January 1994 to January 2003. We use a multinomial logit model to estimate, in a given country, the number of banks that experience a large shock on the same day (“coexceedances”) as a function of common shocks and lagged coexceedances in other countries. Large shocks are measured by the bottom 95th percentile of the distribution of the daily percentage change in distance to default of banks.We find evidence of significant cross-border contagion among large European banks, which is consistent with a tiered cross-border interbank structure. The results also suggest that contagion increased after the introduction of the euro.
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Are there Gender-specific Preferences for Location Factors? A Grouped Conditional Logit-model of Interregional Migration Flows in Germany
Lutz Schneider, Alexander Kubis
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
The article analyses the question whether women and men differ in their tastes for location factors. The question is answered by quantifying the impact of location characteristics on interregional migration flows across Germany. The analysis is based on a grouped conditional logit approach. We augment the framework by controlling for violation of the independence of irrelevant alternatives assumption and for overdispersion. As a result, we find no differences in terms of direction of impact. However, the regressions confirm gender differences in terms of intensity, particularly regarding regional wage levels and the availability of educational institutions.
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Institutions and Clusters
Ulrich Blum
Handbook on Research on Clusters,
Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt, dass Transaktionskosten und externe Ökonomien, welche die institutionellen Arrangements stark beeinflussen, auch maßgeblich für die Clusterstrukturen sind. Es werden zwei Arten von Clustern unterschieden, nämlich (i) die vertikalen Cluster, in welchen ein wirtschaftliches Zentrum die angrenzenden Lieferanten dominiert und (ii) die horizontalen Cluster, in welchen die Unternehmen eine gemeinsame Plattform teilen – historisch einen Rohstoff, heute meist Wissen und Kompetenzen. Darüber hinaus existieren auch Nicht-Cluster-Firmen. Dieser Beitrag zeigt anhand eines Modells, wie sich diese Unternehmen durch die Zusammenarbeit zum einen mit Firmen eines Unternehmens¬netz¬werkes und zum anderen mit netzwerkunabhängigen Unternehmen entwickeln. Veränderte Transaktionskosten und Externalitäten beeinflussen die Clustermuster und erzeugen damit eine Clusterdynamik. Die Nachhaltigkeit der Cluster hängt von ihrer Fähigkeit ab, ihre eigene Basis zu stabilisieren. Das fällt horizontalen Clustern leichter, weil sie stets ihr Wissen und ihre Kompetenzplattform weiterentwickeln können. Vertikale Cluster hängen hingegen stark vom Produktlebenszyklus ihres dominanten Abnehmers ab. Der Beitrag zeigt diesbezüglich wichtige Einflüsse der Transaktionskostenstrukturen und den Externalitäten anhand von Beispielen aus Ostdeutschland auf. Dies erscheint als besonders geeignet, weil seinerzeit die Treuhand die großen Kombinate aufteilte, so dass die Neu¬ordnung der Wirtschaft als von fundamentalen Marktkräften getrieben angesehen werden kann.
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Economic Stimulus Packages and their Effects – A Simulation with the IWH Macroeconometric Model
Rolf Scheufele
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Im Zuge des starken Konjunktureinbruchs in den großen Industrieländern im Jahr 2008 gewinnt die Diskussion über Konjunkturprogramme immer mehr an Bedeutung. Viele Länder – vor allem die USA – haben in diesem Abschwung bereits entsprechende Programme aufgelegt. Jüngst wurde in Deutschland ein zweites Maßnahmenpaket zur Stützung der Konjunktur verabschiedet, das möglichst rasch umgesetzt werden soll. Inwieweit Konjunkturprogramme tatsächlich in der Lage sind, den derzeitigen Abschwung aufzuhalten oder abzufedern, soll im Folgenden untersucht werden.
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A Lesson Learned? Pre- and Post-Crisis Entry Decisions in Turkish Banking
H. Evren Damar
Contemporary Economic Policy,
No. 1,
This study looks at the determinants of entry by Turkish banks into local markets during the periods before and after the crisis of 2000–2001. Motivated by a theoretical model of entry, results of fixed-effects logit regressions suggest that there has been a change in the geographical diversification strategies of Turkish banks. It appears that the dominance of strategic concerns, such as competing with banks of similar size, has diminished, while economic concerns, such as incumbent characteristics and cost considerations, have become more important. Overall, the postcrisis restructuring policies seem to have led to improved decision making in the sector.
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