Switching to Exchange Rate Flexibility? The Case of Central and Eastern European Inflation Targeters
Andrej Drygalla
FIW Working Paper,
No. 139,
This paper analyzes changes in the monetary policy in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland following the policy shift from exchange rate targeting to inflation targeting around the turn of the millennium. Applying a Markovswitching dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model, switches in the policy parameters and the volatilities of shocks hitting the economies are estimated and quantified. Results indicate the presence of regimes of weak and strong responses of the central banks to exchange rate movements as well as periods of high and low volatility. Whereas all three economies switched to a less volatile regime over time, findings on changes in the policy parameters reveal a lower reaction to exchange rate movements in the Czech Republic and Poland, but an increased attention to it in Hungary. Simulations for the Czech Republic and Poland also suggest their respective central banks, rather than a sound macroeconomic environment, being accountable for reducing volatility in variables like inflation and output. In Hungary, their favorable developments can be attributed to a larger extent to the reduction in the size of external disturbances.
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The Development of Cities and Municipalities in Central and Eastern Europe: Introduction for a Special Issue of 'Urban Research and Practice'
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Albrecht Kauffmann
Urban Research & Practice, Vol. 7 (3),
No. 3,
Since the 1990s, local governments in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have been confronted by completely new structures and developments. This came after more than 40 years (or even longer in the case of the former Soviet Union) under a socialist regime and behind an iron curtain which isolated them from the non-socialist world. A lack of resources had led to an underinvestment in the refurbishment of older buildings, while relatively cheap ‘prefabricated’ housing had been built, not only in the outskirts of cities, but also within city centres. A lack of resources had also resulted in the fact that the socialist regimes were generally unable to replace old buildings with ‘modern’ ones; hence, there is a very rich heritage of historical monuments in many of these cities today. The centrally planned economies and the development of urban structures (including the shifts of population between cities and regions) were determined by ideology, political rationality and the integration of all CEE countries into the production schemes of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and its division of labour by location. The sudden introduction of a market economy, private property, democratic rules, local autonomy for cities and municipalities and access to the global economy and society may be seen as a kind of ‘natural experiment’. How would these new conditions shape the national systems of cities and municipalities? Which cities would shrink and which would grow? How would the relationship between core cities and their surrounding municipalities develop? And what would happen within these cities and with their built environment?
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The Impact of Local Factors on the Scope of Benefits from Public Investment: The Case of Tourism Infrastructure in Saxon Municipalities
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Albrecht Kauffmann
Urban Research & Practice,
No. 3,
Following the transition from socialist central planning economies to market economies in all of the former socialist countries, many regions have had to cope with severe structural changes and economic development problems. To overcome these problems, local governments have tried to invest in new public infrastructure to support the development of new industries. This paper looks at infrastructure that supports tourist activities and argues that the impact of infrastructure generally depends on certain local factors which differ between municipalities. One important factor is whether the local population possesses the relevant complementary factors, in particular the right ‘soft skills’.
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Determinants of Knowledge Exchange Between Foreign and Domestic Enterprises in European Post-transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann
Journal Economia e Politica Industriale (Journal of Industrial and Business Economics),
No. 4,
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the literature on internationalised research and development by investigating determinants of knowledge and technology transfer between foreign subsidiaries and the local economy in European post-transition economies. This inquiry leads to a better understanding of determinants that influence this knowledge and technology exchange. Applying a logit model, we find that, in particular, the foreign subsidiary’s corporate governance structure, its embeddedness in the multinational enterprise’s internal knowledge base, its own technological capacity, the growth of the regional knowledge stock and the regional sectoral diversification are all positively associated with the transfer of knowledge. Subsidiaries’ investment motives and the relative weight of the sector of investment in the region’s economy appear to be of less importance. The analysis focuses on European post-transition economies, using the example of five selected Central Eastern European countries and East Germany. We exploit a unique dataset, the IWH FDI Micro database, which contains information on one thousand two hundred forty-five foreign subsidiaries in this region.
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Technological Activities in CEE Countries: A Patent Analysis for the Period 1980-2009
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Alexander Giebler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
The aim of this paper is to analyze the technological activities of Central and Eastern European (CEE) economies and to compare them with the technological activities of other world regions. Using data from the EPO World Wide Statistical Database for the period 1980-2009 the analysis is based on counts of priority patent applications over time. In terms of priority patent applications, CEE reduced its technological activities drastically in absolute and per capita terms after 1990. The level of priority patent applications in this world region maintained more recently a stable level below the performance of EU15, South EU and the former USSR. In what concerns technological specialization, the results suggest a division of labor in technological activities among world regions where Europe, Latin America and the former USSR are mainly specializing in sectors losing technological dynamism in the global patent activities (Chemicals and/or Mechanical Engineering) while North America, the Middle East (especially Israel) and Asia Pacific are increasingly specializing in Electrical Engineering, a sector with strong technological opportunities.
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Ten Years after Accession: State Aid in Eastern Europe
Jens Hölscher, Nicole Nulsch, Johannes Stephan
European State Aid Law Quarterly,
No. 2,
In the early phase of transition that started with the 1990s, Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) have pursued far-reaching vertical and individual industrial policy with a focus on privatisation and restructuring of traditional industries. Foreign investment from the West and the facilitation of the development of a market economy also involved massive injections of State support. With their accession to the European Union (EU), levels and forms of State aid came under critical review by the European Commission. Now that a first decade has passed since the first Eastern enlargement in 2004, this inquiry investigates how State aid policy in the CEECs has developed during the last...
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Evaluation of the Main Achievements of Cohesion Policy Programmes over the Longer Term in 15 Selected Regions (from 1989-1993 Programming Period to the Present) (2011.CE.16.B.AT.015): Case Study Sachsen-Anhalt
Marina Grusevaja, Gerhard Heimpold, O. Schwab, K. Schwarze
Analyse: Bewertungen des Programmplanungszeitraums,
Sachsen-Anhalt’s regional development has been heavily determined by the transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy after German unification in 1990. The process of transition took place during the 1990s as the formal rules associated with a market economy system were adopted. Nevertheless, a number of structural peculiarities which have their roots in the transition period continue to have an impact. This feature is not specific to Sachsen-Anhalt; it concerns all East German regions.
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Weltweite Konjunkturabschwächung erfasst auch die Wirtschaft Polens
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Im Verlauf des Jahres 2012 hat sich das konjunkturelle Klima in Polen abgekühlt, nachdem sich bereits in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2011 eine Eintrübung abzeichnete. Das außenwirtschaftliche Umfeld, insbesondere im Euroraum, und die damit verbundenen Risiken für Nachfrage und Produktion haben sich in diesem Jahr weiter verschlechtert. Auch von der Binnennachfrage kommen schwächere Impulse für die wirtschaftliche Expansion: Die Investitionsaktivitäten vieler Unternehmen haben deutlich nachgelassen oder werden zeitlich nach hinten verschoben. Der private Konsum nahm zwar weiter zu, allerdings aufgrund geringerer Einkommenszuwächse und eines gesunkenen Konsumentenvertrauens nur noch relativ schwach. Die eingetrübte Konjunktur hat zu größeren Spannungen am Arbeitsmarkt geführt: Der Beschäftigungsaufbau ist im Herbst 2012 zum Stillstand gekommen; die Arbeitslosenquote nimmt – auch aufgrund des noch wachsenden Arbeitsangebots – weiter zu. Die Haushaltslage hat sich hingegen erstmals deutlicher entspannt: Aufgrund eines restriktiven fiskalpolitischen Kurses hat sich das Budgetdefizit von 5,1% in Relation zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt im Vorjahr auf etwa 3,5% im Jahr 2012 verringert. Das ursprüngliche Defizitziel von unter 3% wurde damit allerdings noch verfehlt. Im kommenden Jahr wird sich die wirtschaftliche Expansion vor dem Hintergrund einer weiteren Verschärfung des fiskalischen Kurses und eines nach wie vor ungünstigen weltwirtschaftlichen Umfeldes nochmals verlangsamen.
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Heterogeneous FDI in Transition Economies – A Novel Approach to Assess the Developmental Impact of Backward Linkages
Axèle Giroud, Björn Jindra, Philipp Marek
World Development,
No. 11,
Traditional models of technology transfer via FDI rely upon technology gap and absorptive capacity arguments to explain host economies’ potential to benefit from technological spillovers. This paper emphasizes foreign affiliates’ technological heterogeneity. We apply a novel approach differentiating extent and intensity of backward linkages between foreign affiliates and local suppliers. We use survey data on 809 foreign affiliates in five transition economies. Our evidence shows that foreign affiliates’ technological capability, embeddedness and autonomy are positively related to knowledge transfer via backward linkages. In contrast to what is widely assumed, we find a non-linear relationship between extent of local sourcing and knowledge transfer to domestic suppliers.
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