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IWH-DPE Call for Applications – Fall 2020 Intake
Vacancy The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) is one of Germany’s leading economic research institutes. The IWH focuses on research in macroeconomics, financial…
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European Firm Concentration and Aggregate Productivity
Tommaso Bighelli, Filippo di Mauro, Marc Melitz, Matthias Mertens
Journal of the European Economic Association,
No. 2,
This paper derives a European Herfindahl–Hirschman concentration index from 15 micro-aggregated country datasets. In the last decade, European concentration rose due to a reallocation of economic activity toward large and concentrated industries. Over the same period, productivity gains from an increasing allocative efficiency of the European market accounted for 50% of European productivity growth while markups stayed constant. Using country-industry variation, we show that changes in concentration are positively associated with changes in productivity and allocative efficiency. This holds across most sectors and countries and supports the notion that rising concentration in Europe reflects a more efficient market environment rather than weak competition and rising market power.
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Debatte um Intel-Ansiedlung: IWH veröffentlicht umstrittene Zitate im Volltext
Oliver Holtemöller
In einer öffentlichen Kontroverse über die Ansiedelung einer Chipfabrik in Magdeburg wurden Einschätzungen des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) teils stark kritisiert. Die Kritik bezieht sich auf einzelne Zitate aus einem Medienbericht. Nach Ansicht des IWH ergeben die Aussagen in ihrem ursprünglichen Zusammenhang ein anderes Bild, weshalb sie hier vollständig wiedergegeben werden.
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Strukturwandel zulassen
Steffen Müller
IFO Schnelldienst,
No. 3,
Nach den beschlossenen Ausstiegen Deutschlands aus der Kernenergie und der Kohleverstromung galten Gaskraftwerke als Brücke hin zu einer CO2-neutralen Volkswirtschaft. Billiges Pipelinegas aus Russland half der energieintensiven Industrie in Deutschland aber auch, bei den Energiekosten die preisliche Wettbewerbsfähigkeit mit internationalen Wettbewerbern nicht komplett zu verlieren. So waren in den Jahren vor dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine die Gaspreise für industrielle Abnehmer in Deutschland auf dem Niveau, das die amerikanische oder asiatische Konkurrenz zahlen musste. Die dramatischen Preisanstiege für Erdgas (aber auch für Kraftwerkskohle und Strom) nach Kriegsbeginn und dem Gaslieferstopp durch Russland waren ein Schock für die deutsche Industrie.
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17.08.2022 • 19/2022
Labour mobility is part of structural change
The coal phase-out will also change the affected regions in that part of the workforce will migrate. Politicians should take this process into account in structural policy, because it cannot be completely prevented. A study published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) illustrates this with a historical example.
Oliver Holtemöller
A Note of Caution on Quantifying Banks' Recapitalization Effects
Felix Noth, Kirsten Schmidt, Lena Tonzer
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
No. 4,
Unconventional monetary policy measures like asset purchase programs aim to reduce certain securities' yield and alter financial institutions' investment behavior. These measures increase the institutions' market value of securities and add to their equity positions. We show that the extent of this recapitalization effect crucially depends on the securities' accounting and valuation methods, country-level regulation, and maturity structure. We argue that future research needs to consider these factors when quantifying banks' recapitalization effects and consequent changes in banks' lending decisions to the real sector.
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How Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Affect Corporate Debt Maturity?
Xiang Li
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 5,
This paper investigates whether and how economic policy uncertainty affects corporate debt maturity. Using a large firm-level dataset for four European countries, we find that an increase in economic policy uncertainty is significantly associated with a shortened debt maturity. Moreover, the impacts are stronger for innovation-intensive firms. We use firms’ flexibility in changing debt maturity and the deviation to leverage target to gauge the causal relationship, and identify the reduced investment and steepened term structure as the transmission mechanisms.
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Trade Shocks, Labour Markets and Elections in the First Globalisation
Richard Bräuer, Wolf-Fabian Hungerland, Felix Kersting
This paper studies the economic and political effects of a large trade shock in agriculture – the grain invasion from the Americas – in Prussia during the first globalisation (1871-1913). We show that this shock accelerated the structural change in the Prussian economy through migration of workers to booming cities. In contrast to studies using today’s data, we do not observe declining per capita income and political polarisation in counties affected by foreign competition. Our results suggest that the negative and persistent effects of trade shocks we see today are not a universal feature of globalisation, but depend on labour mobility. For our analysis, we digitise data from Prussian industrial and agricultural censuses on the county level and combine it with national trade data at the product level. We exploit the cross-regional variation in cultivated crops within Prussia and instrument with Italian trade data to isolate exogenous variation.
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24.06.2021 • 17/2021
Loneliness during the pandemic – social isolation increases the likelihood of selfish behaviour
Social distancing as a counter-measure to the COVID-19 pandemic has far-reaching social consequences which have so far hardly been discussed from an economic perspective. This is demonstrated in a study by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH). “Experiencing social isolation resulted in the participants in our study making more selfish decisions,” says the author of the study, Sabrina Jeworrek, Assistant Professor at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg and head of research group in the Department of Structural Change and Productivity at IWH.
Sabrina Jeworrek