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The German far right and the scars of reunificationOliver HoltemöllerFinancial Times, September 6, 2024
IWH Annual Reports The IWH Annual Reports beginning from year 2003 are provided as pdf documents. The latest reports are available in English and in German, former reports only in…
We estimate a Markow-switching dynamic factor model with three states based on six leading business cycle indicators for Germany preselected from a broader set using the Elastic Net softthresholding rule.
Am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) forschen wir zu ökonomischen Themen und beraten die Wirtschaftspolitik auf Basis unserer wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse. Das Institut ist Mitglied der Projektgruppe Gemeinschaftsdiagnose, die halbjährlich Gutachten zur Lage der Wirtschaft in der Welt und in Deutschland für die Bundesregierung erstellt. Dazu gehört auch die Konjunkturprognose, also die möglichst genaue Schätzung, wie sich beispielsweise das Wirtschaftswachstum in der nächsten Zeit entwickeln wird.
Auch 2017 Jahr öffnet das IWH bei der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften wieder seine Türen. In diesem Jahr bieten wir Powerpoint-Karaoke, ein Mitmachspiel für Kinder zum Thema Überfischung, spannende Vorträge und ein Inkognito-Quiz über Finanzen an.
This paper proposes a new approach to evaluate the macroeconomic effects of the Hartz IV reform in Germany, which reduced the generosity of long-term unemployment benefits.
Traditional approaches to structural interpretation of vector autoregressions can be viewed as special cases of Bayesian inference arising from very strong prior beliefs about certain aspects of the model.
This paper has four goals: First, the use of cash as a possible driving factor of the shadow economy is investigated. Second, the use of cash in crime, here especially in corruption, is also econometrically investigated.
We study loan conditions when bank branches close and firms subsequently transfer to a branch of another bank in the vicinity.
This paper investigates how taxes affect relative mobility in the income distribution in the US. Household panel data drawn from the PSID between 1967 and 1996 is employed to analyse the relationship between marginal tax rates and the probability of staying in the same income decile.
This paper studies the link between bank risk, and the attention that retail depositors pay to it depending on deposit insurance. We propose a new measure of depositor attention, the Google search frequency for a given bank name.