State Aid in the Enlarged European Union: Taking Stock
Jens Hölscher, Nicole Nulsch, Johannes Stephan
From Global Crisis to Economic Growth. Which Way to Take?, Vol. 1,
In the early phase of transition that started with the 1990s, Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) pursued economic restructuring that involved massive injections of state support. With reference to the history of state aids in centrally planned economies we display state aid practices of CEECs since full EU membership and analyse whether their industrial policies during and after transition challenged the European state aid legislation and whether these fit into the EUs strategy of ‘less but better targeted aid’. Therefore, qualitative analysis in case studies is used to supplement a quantitative description of state aid levels in East and West. Findings suggest that in recent years a level playing field across the EU has indeed emerged. In fact, the most pronounced differences in this respect are not observed between CEECs and the EU-15 but rather between Northern and Southern member states.
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Challenging the Production Function Approach to Assess the Developmental Effects of FDI
N. Driffield, Björn Jindra
European Journal of Development Research,
No. 1,
From a theoretical point of view, it is traditionally assumed that foreign firms possess a centrally accumulated firm-specific technological advantage over domestic firms (see, for example, Findlay, 1978; Dunning, 1979). Given a sufficient level of absorptive capacity and human capital, domestic firms in host economies are able to benefit from various externalities stimulated by the presence of foreign firms.
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The Impact of Psychic Distance on Subsidiary Autonomy - Theory and Evidence from Central and Eastern European Countries
Gjalt de Jong, D. van Vo, Philipp Marek
Journal of International Management,
The key objective of this study is to determine whether or not psychic distance between home and host countries influences the decision-making autonomy of subsidiaries. Theoretical arguments for the relationship between psychic distance and subsidiary autonomy go in both directions with some predicting a negative relationship and others predicting a positive one. We test these conflicting hypotheses with a unique multi-country and multi-industry database reporting survey evidence of 809 subsidiaries located in five Central and Eastern European countries that serve headquarters in 44 different nation states. Psychic distance is a multidimensional construct and measured in terms of linguistic, religious, economic, institutional and geographic distance. The empirical results of 103 country pairs suggest that psychic distance – in terms of religious and economic distance – is positively related to autonomy.
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Incubator Organizations as Entrepreneurship and SME Policy Instrument in Transition Economies: A Survey among six Countries
Michael Schwartz, Sebastian Blesse
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
No. 3,
Within incubator-incubation research, there is a predominant focus on incubator organizations located in industrialized or developed economies. Knowledge regarding the evolution of incubators located in transition economies is almost non-existent. However, meanwhile a significant number of incubators have been established since the fall of the iron curtain in many Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries as well. Here, the present paper sets in through providing evidence on the development, distribution and structural characteristics of incubators in six selected CEE countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia). We show that incubator organizations have become a central element of support infrastructure for SME and entrepreneurship in CEE countries during the past 20 years. We further argue that by drawing upon the accumulated experience with incubators in developed Western (European) economies, there are important lessons to be learned for incubator stakeholders in transition economies. We, therefore, outline particular suggestions considered to be vital for long-term successful incubation processes in transition economies.
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Polens Wirtschaft wenig beeindruckt von globaler Konjunkturabschwächung
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Die Erholung der Konjunktur in Polen hatte sich zu Beginn des Jahres 2011 fortgesetzt. Mit einer steigenden Auslastung der Produktionskapazitäten hatten auch die Unternehmensinvestitionen sich wieder stärker belebt. Sie trugen positiv zur Binnennachfrage bei, der wichtigsten Triebkraft der wirtschaftlichen Expansion. Der private Konsum blieb trotz beschleunigter Inflation und einer Mehrwertsteuererhöhung weiter nach oben gerichtet. Die gute Konjunktur hatte auch eine Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktlage zur Folge: Die Beschäftigung in den Unternehmen stieg wieder kräftiger an, die Arbeitslosenquote verringerte sich aber noch kaum. Im Verlauf des Jahres 2011 hat sich das konjunkturelle Klima allerdings etwas abgekühlt. Die Verschlechterung des außenwirtschaftlichen Umfeldes und damit verbundene Risiken für Nachfrage und Produktion haben die Aussichten für den Prognosezeitraum eingetrübt: Von der Binnennachfrage werden 2012 schwächere Impulse für die wirtschaftliche Expansion kommen. Investitionen in den Unternehmen werden zeitlich nach hinten verschoben, der Beschäftigungsaufbau wird abgebremst werden. Auch der private Konsum wird im kommenden Jahr wohl etwas gedämpfter zunehmen. Leicht entspannt hat sich die Haushaltslage. Das hohe Budgetdefizit von nahezu 8% des Bruttoinlandsproduktes
im Jahr 2010 hat sich im Folgejahr auf etwa 5% verringert und fiel damit geringer aus als ursprünglich veranschlagt. Dafür sind allerdings größtenteils Sondereffekte verantwortlich, während der strukturell verursachte Anteil des Defizits weiter erheblich ist. Angesichts bisheriger Versäumnisse ist die Politik gefordert, die Reform der öffentlichen Finanzen konsequenter als bislang anzugehen und einen Ausweg aus dem weiteren Anstieg der Schuldenquote zu weisen.
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Local Economic Structure and Sectoral Employment Growth in German Cities
Annette Illy, Michael Schwartz, Christoph Hornych, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie,
No. 5,
This study systematically examines the impact of fundamental elements of urban economic structure on sectoral employment growth in German cities (“urban growth”). We test four elements simultaneously – sectoral specialisation, diversification of economic activities, urban size and the impact of local competition. To account for the effect of varying spatial delimitations in the analysis of urban growth, we further differentiate between cities and planning regions as geographical units. Our regression results show a U-shaped relationship between localisation economies and urban growth and positive effects of local competition on urban growth. With respect to diversification, we find positive effects on urban growth on the city level, but insignificant results on the level of the planning regions. The impact of urban size also differs between free cities and planning regions; in the former, a U-shaped relationship is found, whereas the effect is inversely U-shaped for the latter.
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Municipality Size and Efficiency of Local Public Services: Does Size Matter?
Peter Bönisch, Peter Haug, Annette Illy, L. Schreier
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 18,
published in: FinanzArchiv
Similarly to western Germany in the 1960s and 1970s, the eastern part of Germany has experienced a still ongoing process of numerous amalgamations among counties, towns and municipalities since the mid-1990s. The evidence in the economic literature is mixed with regard to the claimed expenditure reductions and efficiency gains from municipal mergers. We therefore analyze the global efficiency of the municipalities in Saxony-Anhalt, for the first time in this context, using a double-bootstrap procedure combining DEA and truncated regression. This allows including environmental variables to control for exogenous determinants of municipal efficiency. Our focus thereby is on institutional and fiscal variables. Moreover, the scale efficiency is estimated to find out whether large units are necessary to benefit from scale economies. In contrast to previous studies, we chose the aggregate budget of municipal associations (“Verwaltungsgemeinschaften”) as the object of our analysis since important competences of the member municipalities are settled on a joint administrative level. Furthermore, we use a data set that has been carefully adjusted for bookkeeping items and transfers within the communal level. On the “eve” of a mayor municipal reform the majority of the municipalities were found to have an approximately scale-efficient size and centralized organizational forms (“Einheitsgemeinden”) showed no efficiency advantage over municipal associations.
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Optimum Currency Areas in Emerging Market Regions: Evidence Based on the Symmetry of Economic Shocks
Stefan Eichler, Alexander Karmann
Open Economies Review,
No. 5,
This paper examines which emerging market regions form optimum currency areas (OCAs) by assessing the symmetry of macroeconomic shocks. We extend the output-prices-VAR framework by adding net exports and the real effective exchange rate as endogenous variables. Based on theoretical considerations, we derive which shocks affect these variables in the long run: shocks to labor productivity, foreign trade, labor supply, and money supply. The considered economies of Central and Eastern Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, East and Southeast Asia, and South Asia, exhibit large enough shock symmetry to form a currency union; the economies of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East do not.
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