The Diffusion of Microgeneration Technologies. Assessing the Influence of Perceived Product Characteristics on Home Owners' Willingness to Pay
Marius Claudy, Claus Michelsen, A. O´Driscol
Energy Policy,
No. 3,
This study presents empirical insight into willingness to pay (WTP) for microgeneration technologies and the relative influence of subjective consumer perceptions. First, we apply a double-bounded-contingent valuation method to elicit Irish home owners’ willingness to pay for micro wind turbines, wood pellet boilers, solar panels and solar water heaters. Utilizing findings from the adoption of innovation literature, in a second step, we assess the influence of different antecedents on WTP for each of the four technologies, including (1) home owners’ perception of product characteristics, (2) normative influences, and (3) socio demographic characteristics. Our results show that WTP varies significantly between the four technologies. More importantly, however, home owners’ hold different beliefs about the respective technologies, which significantly influence their WTP. The results provide valuable information for marketers and policy makers, aiming to promote microgeneration technologies more effectively in consumer markets.
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Evaluierung des Programms des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK) zur Förderung von Projekten im Forschungsbereich
Jutta Günther, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Michael Fritsch, Nicole Nulsch, Viktor Slavtchev, Michael Schwartz, Mirko Titze, Katja Wilde
No. 1,
Die vorliegende Studie des Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) im Auftrag des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst (SMWK) evaluiert das Programm „Förderung von Projekten im Forschungsbereich“ des Ministeriums. Das Programm richtet sich an Wissenschaftseinrichtungen in Sachsen. Es zielt auf die Stärkung der Spitzenforschung, der Profilbildung, der Drittmittelfähigkeit, der Internationalisierung sowie der Vernetzung der Wissenschaftseinrichtungen untereinander und mit der Wirtschaft. Gefördert werden grundlagenorientierte Projekte, Geräteausstattungen, Aufenthalte von Gastwissenschaftlern sowie wissenschaftliche Tagungen. Die Finanzierung des Programms erfolgt ausschließlich aus Landesmitteln.
Im Zeitraum 2002 bis 2008 wurden insgesamt 745 Vorhaben mit einem Gesamtvolumen von 20,51 Mio. Euro in 41 Wissenschaftseinrichtungen gefördert. Über 90% der Mittel entfielen auf die Fördergegenstände Projektförderung sowie Geräteausstattung. Befragt wurden 311 für die Fördervorhaben zuständige Wissenschaftler, von denen sich 69% an der Befragung beteiligten. Hinsichtlich der erreichten Effekte nannten die meisten Fördermittelempfänger die „Stärkung der Profilbildung“ (82%, über alle Förderlinien). Bei der Projektförderung sowie der Förderung der Geräteausstattung hoben die Befragten die hohe Wirkung auf die „Stärkung der Drittmittelfähigkeit“ hervor (über 90%). Damit wurden in der Einschätzung der Fördermittelempfänger wesentliche Zielvorgaben des Programms erreicht. Die Erhöhung der Verbundfähigkeit mit der Wirtschaft spielte aus Sicht der Befragten eine untergeordnete Rolle (54% Zustimmung). Der Grund für diesen relativ niedrigen Wert dürfte darin liegen, dass das Förderprogramm vor allem auf grundlagenorientierte Forschung abzielt. Die wissenschaftlichen Tagungen haben einen starken Effekt auf die Vernetzung der Wissenschaftseinrichtungen untereinander, insbesondere mit solchen im Ausland. Damit ist ein weiteres wesentliches Ziel des Programms erreicht worden.
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Challenges for Future Regional Policy in East Germany. Does East Germany really show Characteristics of Mezzogiorno?
Mirko Titze
A. Kuklinski; E. Malak-Petlicka; P. Zuber (eds), Souther Italy – Eastern Germany – Eastern Poland. The Triple Mezzogiorno? Ministry of Regional Development,
Despite extensive government support the gap between East and West Germany has still not been successfully closed nearly 20 years post German unification. Hence, some economists tend to compare East Germany with Mezzogiorno – underdeveloped Southern Italy. East Germany is still subject to sever structural problems in comparison to West Germany: lower per capita income, lower productivity, higher unemployment rates, fewer firm headquarters and fewer innovation activities. There are East German regions with less than desirable rates of development. Nevertheless, the new federal states have shown some evidence of a convergence process. Some regions have developed very positively – they have improved their competitiveness and employment levels. As such, the comparison of East Germany with Mezzogiorno does not seem applicable today.
According to Neoclassical Growth Theory, regional policy is targeted enhancing investment (hereafter the notion ‘investment policy’ is used). has been the most important instrument in forcing the ‘reconstruction of the East’. Overall, the investment policy is seen as having been successful. It is not, however, the only factor influencing regional development – political policy makers noted in the mid 1990s that research and development (R&D) activities and regional concentrated production networks, amongst other factors, may also play a part. The investment policy instrument has therefore been adjusted. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that investment policy may fail in particular cases because it contains potentially conflicting targets. A ‘better road’ for future regional policy may lie in the support of regional production and innovation networks – the so-called industrial clusters. These clusters would need to be exactingly identified however to ensure effective and efficient cluster policies.
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Consumer Awareness in the Adoption of Microgeneration Technologies: An Empirical Investigation in the Republic of Ireland
Claus Michelsen, A. O´Driscol, M.R. Mullen, Marius Claudy
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
Despite major policy and marketing efforts, the uptake of microgeneration technologies in most European countries remains low. Whereas most academic studies and policy reports aim to identify the underlying reasons why people buy these new technologies, they often fail to assess the general level of consumer awareness. The process of adopting an innovation, however, shows that awareness is a prerequisite which needs to be understood before adoption can be addressed. This paper takes a closer look at awareness of microgeneration and presents the results from a nationally representative study conducted in the Republic of Ireland. Findings from logistic regressions clearly indicate that awareness varies significantly between the individual technologies and customer segments. The paper concludes with implications for policy makers and marketers aiming to promote microgeneration technologies in consumer markets.
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What Determines the Innovative Success of Subsidized Collaborative R&D Projects? – Project-Level Evidence from Germany –
Michael Schwartz, François Peglow, Michael Fritsch, Jutta Günther
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 7,
published in: Technovation
Systemic innovation theory emphasizes that innovations are the result of an interdependent exchange process between different organizations. This is reflected in the current paradigm in European innovation policy, which aims at the support of collaborative R&D and innovation projects bringing together science and industry. Building on a large data set using project-level evidence on 406 subsidized R&D cooperation projects, the present paper provides detailed insights on the relationship between the innovative success of R&D cooperation projects and project characteristics. Patent applications and publications are used as measures for direct outcomes of R&D projects. We also differentiate between academic-industry projects and pure inter-firm projects. Main results of negative binomial regressions are that large-firm involvement is positively related to pa-tent applications, but not to publications. Conversely, university involvement has positive effects on project outcomes in terms of publications but not in terms of patent applications. In general, projects’ funding is an important predictor of innovative success of R&D cooperation projects. No significant results are found for spatial proximity among cooperation partners and for the engagement of an applied research institute. Results are discussed with respect to the design of R&D cooperation support schemes.
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20 years of innovation policy in East Germany – from a pure “survival support” to high-tech subsidy
Jutta Günther, Nicole Nulsch, Katja Wilde
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
20 Jahre Deutsche Einheit - Teil 2 -
Mit dem Systemwechsel von einer planwirtschaftlich zu einer marktwirtschaftlich organisierten Wirtschaftsordnung erfuhr auch die Forschungs- und Entwicklungslandschaft in den Neuen Bundesländern tiefgreifende Veränderungen. Mit der Entflechtung, Umstrukturierung und Privatisierung der ehemals staatseigenen Betriebe kam es zu einem massiven Rückgang der industriellen Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE). Um den Erhalt der Industrieforschung und des Innovationspotenzials in den Neuen Bundesländern zu unterstützen, wurden vom Bund und von den Ländern unmittelbar nach der Wende Förderprogramme aufgelegt, um zunächst insbesondere dem starken Abbau des FuE-Personals entgegenzuwirken. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird eine Bestandsaufnahme der in Ostdeutschland seit 1990 wirksamen Förderprogramme des Bundes vorgelegt. Diese lassen sich hinsichtlich der primären Zielsetzung der Innovationspolitik in drei Phasen einteilen.
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Market Concentration and Innovation in Transnational Corporations: Evidence from Foreign Affiliates in Central and Eastern Europe
Liviu Voinea, Johannes Stephan
Research on Knowledge, Innovation and Internationalization (Progress in International Business Research, Volume 4),
Purpose – The main research question of this contribution is whether local market concentration influences R&D and innovation activities of foreign affiliates of transnational companies.
Methodology/approach – We focus on transition economies and use discriminant function analysis to investigate differences in the innovation activity of foreign affiliates operating in concentrated markets, compared to firms operating in nonconcentrated markets. The database consists of the results of a questionnaire administered to a representative sample of foreign affiliates in a selection of five transition economies.
Findings – We find that foreign affiliates in more concentrated markets, when compared to foreign affiliates in less concentrated markets, export more to their own foreign investor's network, do more basic and applied research, use more of the existing technology already incorporated in the products of their own foreign investor's network, do less process innovation, and acquire less knowledge from abroad.
Research limitations/implications – The results may be specific to transition economies only.
Practical implications – The main implications of these results are that host country market concentration stimulates intranetwork knowledge diffusion (with a risk of transfer pricing), while more intense competition stimulates knowledge creation (at least as far as process innovation is concerned) and knowledge absorption from outside the affiliates' own network. Policy makers should focus their support policies on companies in more competitive sectors, as they are more likely to transfer new technologies.
Originality/value – It contributes to the literature on the relationship between market concentration and innovation, based on a unique survey database of foreign affiliates of transnational corporations operating in Eastern Europe.
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Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
Post-Communist Economies,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the western part of the country. To face this weakness a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analysing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted-U relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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