Liberalization and Rules on Regulation in the Field of Financial Services in Bilateral Trade and Regional Integration Agreements
Diemo Dietrich, J. Finke, C. Tietje
Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht Nr. 97, Halle (Saale),
Die jüngste internationale Finanzkrise hat eine scharfe Debatte um die Ursachen ausgelöst. Liberalisierung und Deregulierung werden hierbei benannt, und Deliberalisierung und Reregulierung scheinen eine natürliche Reaktion zu sein. Aus ökonomischer Perspektive ist diese Schlussfolgerung jedoch nicht berechtigt. Obwohl eine Liberalisierung von Finanzdienstleistungen die Stabilität eines Entwicklungslandes kurzfristig bedrohen kann, so fördert sie doch langfristiges Wirtschaftswachstum wenn gute rechtliche und ökonomische Institutionen die negativen Nebenwirkungen mildern. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen brauchen Staaten den Politikspielraum zur Implementierung solcher Maßnahmen. Entgegen weitläufiger Meinung ist der Politikspielraum von Staaten keinesfalls übermäßig durch bilateral oder multilateral Abkommen beschränkt. Deren weitreichenden Ausnahmen hinsichtlich der Regulierung erlauben es den Staaten ihren eigenen Weg bei der Regulierung zu verfolgen. Die Herausforderung hierbei besteht vielmehr darin, die entsprechenden Regulierungskapazitäten aufzubauen.
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The Determinants of Bank Capital Structure
Reint E. Gropp, Florian Heider
Review of Finance,
No. 4,
The paper shows that mispriced deposit insurance and capital regulation were of second-order importance in determining the capital structure of large U.S. and European banks during 1991 to 2004. Instead, standard cross-sectional determinants of non-financial firms’ leverage carry over to banks, except for banks whose capital ratio is close to the regulatory minimum. Consistent with a reduced role of deposit insurance, we document a shift in banks’ liability structure away from deposits towards non-deposit liabilities. We find that unobserved time-invariant bank fixed-effects are ultimately the most important determinant of banks’ capital structures and that banks’ leverage converges to bank specific, time-invariant targets.
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Cross-border Diversification in Bank Asset Portfolios
Claudia M. Buch, J.C. Driscoll, C. Ostergaard
International Finance,
We compute optimally diversified international asset portfolios for banks located in France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States using the mean–variance portfolio model with currency hedging. We compare these benchmark portfolios with the actual cross-border asset positions of banks from 1995 to 2003 and ask whether the differences are best explained by regulations, institutions, cultural conditions or other financial frictions. Our results suggest that both culture and regulations affect the probability of a country's being overweighted in banks' portfolios: countries whose residents score higher on a survey measure of trust are more likely to be overweighted, while countries that have tighter capital controls are less likely to be overweighted. From a policy standpoint, the importance of culture suggests a limit to the degree of financial integration that may be achievable by the removal of formal economic barriers.
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Bank Regulation and Supervision in Bank-dominated Financial Systems: A Comparison between Japan and Germany
Diemo Dietrich, Ralf Bebenroth, Uwe Vollmer
European Journal of Law and Economics,
Diese Arbeit vergleicht die Bankenregulierung und -aufsicht in Japan und Deutschland. Diese Länder werden betrachtet, weil sie beide ein bankendominiertes Finanzsystem aufweisen und trotzdem Unterschiede in Bezug auf die Bankenstabilität aufweisen. Es wird gezeigt, dass Japan und Deutschland unterschiedliche Ansätze zur Regulierung und Aufsicht von Banken gewählt haben, und fragt, warum sie ihre Wahl so getroffen haben. Es wird argumentiert, dass Regulierung und Aufsicht in Japan weniger effizient gewesen sind und dass diese Unterschiede maßgeblich für das verschiedene Bankenverhalten war.
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Competition between Financial Markets in Europe: What can be Expected from MiFID?
Hans Degryse
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management,
No. 1,
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) could be the foundation of new trading platforms in Europe. This contribution employs insights from the theoretical and empirical literature to highlight some of the possible implications of MiFID. In particular, we argue that more competition will lead to more liquid markets, reflected in lower bid–ask spreads and greater depth. It will also lead to innovation in incumbent markets and stimulate the design of new trading platforms. MiFID has already introduced more competition, as evidenced by the startup of Instinet Chi-X, the announcement of new initiatives, including Project Turquoise and BATS, and the reactions of incumbent exchanges.
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Banking Integration, Bank Stability, and Regulation: Introduction to a Special Issue of the International Journal of Central Banking
Reint E. Gropp, H. Shin
International Journal of Central Banking,
No. 1,
The link between banking integration and financial stability has taken center stage in the wake of the current financial crisis. To what extent is the banking system in Europe integrated? What role has the introduction of the common currency played in this context? Are integrated banking markets more vulnerable to contagion and financial instability? Does the fragmented regulatory framework in Europe pose special problems in resolving bank failures? What policy reforms may become necessary? These questions are of considerable policy interest as evidenced by the extensive discussions surrounding the design and implementation of a new regulatory regime and by the increasing attention coming from academia.
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Bank Lending, Bank Capital Regulation and Efficiency of Corporate Foreign Investment
Diemo Dietrich, Achim Hauck
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
In this paper we study interdependencies between corporate foreign investment and the capital structure of banks. By committing to invest predominantly at home, firms can reduce the credit default risk of their lending banks. Therefore, banks can refinance loans to a larger extent through deposits thereby reducing firms’ effective financing costs. Firms thus have an incentive to allocate resources inefficiently as they then save on financing costs. We argue that imposing minimum capital adequacy for banks can eliminate this incentive by putting a lower bound on financing costs. However, the Basel II framework is shown to miss this potential.
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Banks’ Internationalization Strategies: The Role of Bank Capital Regulation
Diemo Dietrich, Uwe Vollmer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 18,
This paper studies how capital requirements influence a bank’s mode of entry into foreign financial markets. We develop a model of an internationally operating bank that creates and allocates liquidity across countries and argue that the advantage of multinational banking over offering cross-border financial services depends on the benefit and the cost of intimacy with local markets. The benefit is that it allows to create more liquidity. The cost is that it causes inefficiencies in internal capital markets, on which a multinational bank relies to allocate liquidity across countries. Capital requirements affect this trade-off by influencing the degree of inefficiency in internal capital markets.
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Cross-border bank mergers: What lures the rare animal?
Claudia M. Buch, G. DeLong
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 9,
Although domestic mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the financial services industry have increased steadily over the past two decades, international M&As were until recently relatively rare. Moreover, the share of cross-border mergers in the banking industry is low compared with other industries. This paper uses a novel dataset of over 3000 mergers that took place between 1985 and 2001 to analyze the determinants of international bank mergers. We test the extent to which information costs and regulations hold back merger activity. Our results suggest that information costs significantly impede cross-border bank mergers. Regulations also influence cross-border bank merger activity. Hence, policy makers can create environments that encourage cross-border activity, but information cost barriers must be overcome even in (legally) integrated markets.
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Market Indicators, Bank Fragility, and Indirect Market Discipline
Reint E. Gropp, Jukka M. Vesala, Giuseppe Vulpes
Economic Policy Review,
No. 2,
A paper presented at the October 2003 conference “Beyond Pillar 3 in International Banking Regulation: Disclosure and Market Discipline of Financial Firms“ cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Jerome A. Chazen Institute of International Business at Columbia Business School.
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