Parent Universities and the Location of Academic Startups
S. Heblich, Viktor Slavtchev
Small Business Economics,
No. 1,
Academic startups are thought to locate in their parent university’s home region because geographic proximity to a university facilitates access to academic knowledge and resources. In this paper we analyze the importance of a different channel, namely social ties between academic entrepreneurs and university researchers, for the access to academic knowledge and resources, and therefore for the location of the startups. We employ unique data on academic startups from regions with more than one university and find that only the parent university influences academic entrepreneurs’ decisions to stay in the region while other universities in the same region play no role. Our findings suggest that geographic proximity to a university may not per se guarantee access to knowledge and resources; social contacts are additionally required. The importance of social ties implies that academic knowledge and resources are not necessarily local public goods. This holds implications for universities’ role in stimulating regional development.
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Venture Capitalists on Boards of Mature Public Firms
Ugur Celikyurt, Merih Sevilir, Anil Shivdasani
Review of Financial Studies,
No. 1,
Venture capitalists (VCs) often serve on the board of mature public firms long after their initial public offering (IPO), even for companies that were not VC-backed at the IPO. Board appointments of VC directors are followed by increases in research and development intensity, innovation output, and greater deal activity with other VC-backed firms. VC director appointments are associated with positive announcement returns and are followed by an improvement in operating performance. Firms experience higher announcement returns from acquisitions of VC-backed targets following the appointment of a VC director to the board. Hence, in addition to providing finance, monitoring and advice for small private firms, VCs play a significant role in mature public firms and have a broader influence in promoting innovation than has been established in the literature.
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5. Halle Colloquy on Local Public Economics “Cooperation between Jurisdictions: Assessing the Evidence for Cost Savings and Economic Development“
Peter Haug
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Am 21. und 22. November 2013 fand am IWH in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Kassel (Lehrstuhl für Finanzwissenschaft, Professor Dr. Ivo Bischoff) das nunmehr 5. Hallesche Kolloquium zur kommunalen Wirtschaft statt. Die diesjährige Veranstaltung stand unter dem Zeichen einer Neuausrichtung. Das Programm wurde im Vergleich zu den Vorgängerveranstaltungen stärker auf das internationale wissenschaftliche Publikum zugeschnitten und das Themenspektrum ergänzend zum Kernthema „interkommunale Kooperation“ auf alle Bereiche der Kommunalfinanzen ausgeweitet.
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Gemeindegröße, Verwaltungsform und Effizienz der kommunalen Leistungserstellung – Das Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalt
Peter Haug
Raumforschung und Raumordnung,
No. 4,
Der Beitrag befasst sich am Beispiel Sachsen-Anhalts mit den Determinanten der Effizienz der kommunalen Leistungserstellung. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Auswirkungen von Gemeindegröße, Verwaltungsform sowie räumlichen und demographischen Faktoren. Die Ergebnisse der nicht-parametrische Effizienzanalyse (Convex-order-m-Ansatz) zeigen u. a. keine Effizienznachteile von Verwaltungsgemeinschaften sowie einen signifikanten Einfluss von Demographie und Siedlungsstruktur.
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How to Create a New Holiday Destination? An Evaluation of Local Public Investment for Supporting Tourism Industry
Albrecht Kauffmann, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Quantitative Methods in Tourism Economics,
Since the 1990s tourism has been one major area in Saxony where new local public infrastructure has been created. The question is whether this newly-built tourism infrastructure has been able to change the path of economic development in those municipalities where the investment has occurred. Is it possible to activate the tourism industry with the help of public investment at locations that are completely new to the tourism industry? The econometric estimations and a survey of businesses in the field of tourism make it clear that the new tourist infrastructure really did have a positive effect on local employment – but not everywhere and not in every case. Tourist infrastructure will only have a major positive impact on economic development if a municipality already has a “track record” of being a tourist destination and is well-equipped with the relevant complementary factors for tourist activities and the “primary features” of tourist destinations – History matters!
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Vertical Grants and Local Public Efficiency
Ivo Bischoff, Peter Bönisch, Peter Haug, Annette Illy
This paper analyses the impact of vertical grants on local public sector efficiency. First, we develop a theoretical model in which the bureaucrat sets the tax price while voters choose the quantity of public services. In this model, grants reduce efficiency if voters do not misinterpret the amount of vertical grants the local bureaucrats receive. If voters suffer from fiscal illusion, i.e. overestimate the amount of grants, our model yields an ambiguous effect of grants on efficiency. Second, we use the model to launch a note of caution concerning the inference that can be drawn from the existing cross-sectional studies in this field: Taking into account vertical financial equalization systems that reduce differences in fiscal capacity, empirical studies based on cross-sectional data may yield a positive relationship between grants and efficiency even when the underlying causal effect is negative. Third, we perform an empirical analysis for the German state of Saxony-Anhalt, which has implemented such a fiscal equalization system. We find a positive relationship between grants and efficiency. Our analysis shows that a careful reassessment of existing empirical evidence with regard to this issue seems necessary.
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Grant Dependence, Regulation and the Effects of Formula-based Grant Systems on German Local Governments: A Data Report for Saxony-Anhalt
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
Recent empirical studies have found – seemingly − efficiency-enhancing effects of vertical grants on local public service provision. The main purpose of this paper is to prepare an elaborate theoretical and empirical analysis of these contradictory results. Therefore, it investigates if certain fiscal and institutional conditions (fiscal stress, fiscal rank-preserving vertical grant systems, input- and output regulation), that might help to explain these empirical findings, are characteristic of at least some parts of the local government sector or certain regions. The German state of Saxony-Anhalt is chosen for case study purposes. The main results are: First, the local governments suffer from severe fiscal problems such as high grant dependency, low tax revenues and the prevalent inability to finance investments by own resources. Second, the output- and input-regulation density of certain mandatory municipal services (schools, childcare facilities, fire protection) is high. Finally, the most important vertical grant category for local governments, the formula-based grants (“Schlüsselzuweisungen”), can be described as mainly exogenous, unconditional block grants that in most cases preserve the relative fiscal position of the grant recipients.
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Federal grants for local development to stop economic decline? – Lessons from Germany
Peter Haug, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Consequences of the International Crisis for European SMEs – Vulnerability and resilience. Routledge Studies in the European Economy, Routledge,
Der Beitrag untersucht - theoretisch und empirisch - die Angebotseffekte der öffentlichen Investitionen, die im Rahmen des im Jahr 2009 gestarteten „Konjunkturpakets II“ (genauer: das darin enthaltene sog. „Zukunftsinvestitionsgesetz“) gefördert wurden. Im theoretischen Teil des Beitrags werden die verzerrenden Effekte von Investitionszuweisungen auf die Bereitstellung von öffentlichen Kapital und die örtliche Wirtschaftsentwicklung behandelt. Entsprechend der theoretischen Literatur zur effizienten Bereitstellung von öffentlichen Gütern, zu öffentlichen Vorleistungsgütern und Wachstum haben zweckgebundene Investitionszuweisungen diverse negative allokative Effekte: Erstens führen sie zu einer Verzerrung der relativen Faktorpreise für die Kommune, was wiederum übermäßig große Bestände an öffentlichem Kapital und eine Pareto-ineffiziente Bereitstellung von öffentlichen Gütern begünstigt. Zweitens können langfristig wachstumsfördernde Wirkungen durch schuldenfinanzierte öffentliche Investitionen nur für öffentliche Vorleistungsgüter erwartet werden, die entweder die Produktivität des privater Unternehmen direkt steigern oder indirekt über eine Steigerung der Faktorproduktivität wirken, vor allem über eine Erhöhung des Bestandes an Humankapital. Im empirischen Teil konnten trotz des jüngsten Anstiegs der kommunalen Investitionen mittels Regressionsanalyse kein Zusammenhang mit den gewährten KPII-Mitteln für Sachsen belegt werden. Weiterhin erwiesen sich die Finanzkraft der sächsischen Kommunen und die Höhe der erhaltenen KPII-Zuweisungen als voneinander unabhängig. Insgesamt können aufgrund der Konzentration der Fördermittel auf öffentliche Konsumgüter anstelle von öffentlichen Vorleistungsgütern nur marginale Wachstumseffekte von den geförderten Investitionen für die Zukunft erwartet werden.
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Do Government Owned Banks Trade Market Power for Slack?
Andreas Hackethal, Michael Koetter, Oliver Vins
Applied Economics,
No. 33,
The ‘Quiet Life Hypothesis (QLH)’ posits that banks with market power have less incentives to maximize revenues and minimize cost. Especially government owned banks with a public mandate precluding profit maximization might succumb to a quiet life. We use a unified approach that simultaneously measures market power and efficiency to test the quiet life hypothesis of German savings banks. We find that average local market power declined between 1996 and 2006. Cost and profit efficiency remained constant. Nonparametric correlations are consistent with a quiet life regarding cost efficiency but not regarding profit efficiency. The quiet life on the cost side is negatively correlated with bank size, quality of loan portfolio and local per capita income. The last result indicates that the quiet cost life is therefore potentially due to benevolent excess consumption of local input factors by public savings banks.
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