Inflation und Nachhaltigkeit: Wie sich Inflationssorgen auf den Kauf von Bio-Produkten auswirken
Sabrina Jeworrek, Lena Tonzer, Matti Witte
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Der Klimawandel und die übermäßige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen stellen große Herausforderungen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung auf der Erde dar. Auf Seite der Unternehmen besteht die Herausforderung darin, Wege zu finden, wie sie Ressourcen schonen und Emissionen senken können. Die Verbraucher wiederum haben über ihr Konsumverhalten Einfluss darauf, welche Produkte Unternehmen überhaupt absetzen können. Nachhaltiger Konsum ist somit ein wichtiger Baustein in der grünen Transformation. In einer jüngst als IWH-Diskussionspapier erschienenen Studie wird untersucht, inwiefern Inflationssorgen den Kauf von Bio-Produkten beeinflussen. Gerade in Zeiten stark steigender Preise könnte die Sorge über das eigene Budget die Sorgen über Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit in den Hintergrund treten lassen und sich somit negativ auf den Konsum von oft relativ teuren Bio-Produkten auswirken. Die Ergebnisse der Studie basieren auf einer Befragung von rund 1 200 Teilnehmenden sowie einem Feldexperiment zum tatsächlichen Einkaufsverhalten mit circa 500 Teilnehmenden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass gerade Teilnehmende mit vergleichsweise geringerem Umweltbewusstsein und, damit einhergehend, sowieso schon niedrigerem Anteil an nachhaltigen Produkten nochmals erheblich weniger nachhaltige Produkte konsumieren, sobald sie mit Inflationssorgen konfrontiert werden.
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Inflation Concerns and Green Product Consumption: Evidence from a Nationwide Survey and a Framed Field Experiment
Sabrina Jeworrek, Lena Tonzer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 10,
Promoting green product consumption is one important element in building a sustainable society. Yet green products are usually more costly. In times of high inflation, not only budget constraints but also the fear that prices will continue to rise might dampen green product consumption and, hence, limit the effectiveness of exerted efforts to promote sustainable behaviors. To test this suggestion, we conducted a Germany-wide survey with almost 1,200 respondents, followed by a framed field experiment (N=500) to confirm causality. In the survey, respondents’ stated “green” purchasing behavior is, as to be expected, positively correlated with concerns about climate change. It is also negatively correlated with concerns about future inflation and energy costs, but after controlling for observable characteristics such as income and educational level only the correlation with concerns about future prices remains significant. This result is driven by individuals with below-median environmental attitude. In the framed field experiment, we use the priming method to manipulate the saliency of inflation concerns. Whereas sizably relaxing the budget constraint (i.e., by 50 percent) has no impact on the share of organic products in participants’ baskets, the priming significantly decreases the share of organic products for individuals with below-median environmental attitude, similar to the survey data.
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Gift-Exchange in Society and the Social Integration of Refugees: Evidence from a Field, a Laboratory, and a Survey Experiment
Sabrina Jeworrek, Bernd Josef Leisen, Vanessa Mertins
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
Refugee integration requires broad support from the host society, but only a minority is actively engaged. Given that most individuals reciprocate kind behavior, we examine the idea that the proportion of supporters will increase as a reciprocal response to refugees’ contributions to society through volunteering. Our nationwide survey experiment shows that citizens’ intentions to contribute time and money rise significantly when they learn about refugees’ pro-social activities. However, we find a substantial heterogeneity in the observed treatment effects. Individuals with a high reciprocal inclination show higher willingness to contribute time, while individuals with a lower reciprocal inclination are ready to contribute money after learning about the refugees' good deeds. Information regarding the possibility to establish a mutual support relationship with the refugees does not generally increase the willingness to contribute time or money beyond the information on refugees’ general contributions to the society. We complement this investigation with experiments in the lab and the field that confirm our findings for actual behavior.
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Erinnerung an soziale Isolation des Lockdowns macht Menschen egoistischer
Sabrina Jeworrek, Joschka Waibel
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
Nachdem Teilnehmer eines Online-Experiments an die soziale Isolierung des Lockdowns erinnert wurden, verhielten sich diese egoistischer als eine neutrale Vergleichsgruppe. Allerdings beurteilten Teilnehmer eines weiteren Experiments, die ebenfalls an die soziale Isolation im Lockdown erinnert wurden, ein solches egoistisches Verhalten als prinzipiell sozial unangemessen. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass lediglich die Neigung zur Befolgung sozialer Normen, welche menschliches Verhalten in den verschiedensten Lebenssituationen maßgeblich beeinflussen, durch die soziale Distanzierung gesunken ist. Auch für eine Zeit nach der Bewältigung der Corona-Pandemie werfen diese Ergebnisse Fragen auf: Wie lässt sich in einer digitalisierten Welt, in der persönliche Interaktionen immer seltener werden, die Bereitschaft zur Einhaltung sozialer Normen aufrechterhalten?
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Alone at Home: The Impact of Social Distancing on Norm-consistent Behavior
Sabrina Jeworrek, Joschka Waibel
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
Around the globe, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned daily live upside down since social distancing is probably the most effective means of containing the virus until herd immunity is reached. Social norms have been shown to be an important determinant of social distancing behaviors. By conducting two experiments and using the priming method to manipulate social isolation recollections, we study whether social distancing has in turn affected norms of prosociality and norm compliance. The normative expectations of what behaviors others would approve or disapprove in our experimental setting did not change. Looking at actual behavior, however, we find that persistent social distancing indeed caused a decline in prosociality – even after the relaxation of social distancing rules and in times of optimism. At the same time, our results contain some good news since subjects seem still to care for norms and become more prosocial once again after we draw their attention to the empirical norm of how others have previously behaved in a similar situation.
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Ehrenamtliches Engagement von Flüchtlingen zur Förderung sozialer Integration
Sabrina Jeworrek
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 3,
Die soziale Integration von Flüchtlingen kann einen substanziellen Beitrag zu deren ökonomischer Integration leisten, häufig sind negative Einstellungen der Bevölkerung gegenüber ethnischen Minderheiten aber ein Schlüsselfaktor für Integrationsprobleme. Die Förderung ehrenamtlichen Engagements von Flüchtlingen könnte eine Lösung darstellen und
den Integrationsprozess positiv beeinflussen. Basierend auf den Daten dreier unterschiedlicher Experimente zeigt dieser Beitrag, dass Einheimische in höherem Maße bereit sind, die Integration von Flüchtlingen persönlich oder finanziell zu unterstützen, wenn sich Flüchtlinge an ihrem neuen Wohnort gesellschaftlich engagieren. Natürlich findet sich eine gewisse Heterogenität hinsichtlich der Neigung, eher persönlich oder eher finanziell zu unterstützen. Für die unterschiedlichsten Personengruppen gilt aber, dass ehrenamtliches Flüchtlingsengagement zumindest auf eine dieser beiden Optionen einen positiven Effekt ausübt.
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Wage Delegation in the Field
Sabrina Jeworrek, Vanessa Mertins
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy,
No. 4,
By conducting a natural field experiment, we analyze the managerial policy of delegating the wage choice to employees. We find that this policy enhances performance significantly, which is remarkable since allocated wage premiums of the same size have no effect at all. Observed self‐imposed wage restraints and absence of negative peer effects speak in favor of wage delegation, although the chosen wage premium levels severely dampen its net value. Additional experimental and survey data provide important insights into employees' underlying motivations.
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Gender Stereotypes still in MIND: Information on Relative Performance and Competition Entry
Sabrina Jeworrek
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics,
By conducting a laboratory experiment, I test whether the gender tournament gap diminishes in its size after providing information on the relative performance of the two genders. Indeed, the gap shrinks sizeably, it even becomes statistically insignificant. Hence, individuals’ entry decisions seem to be driven not only by incorrect self-assessments in general but also by incorrect stereotypical beliefs about the genders’ average abilities. Overconfident men opt less often for the tournament and, thereby, increase their expected payoff. Overall efficiency, however, is not affected by the intervention.
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Gift-exchange in Society and the Social Integration of Refugees: Evidence from a Field, a Laboratory, and a Survey Experiment
Sabrina Jeworrek, Vanessa Mertins, Bernd Josef Leisen
Refugee integration requires broad support from the host society, but only a minority of the host population is actively engaged. Given that most individuals reciprocate kind behaviour, we examine the idea that the proportion of supporters will increase as a reciprocal response to refugees’ contributions to society through volunteering. Our nationwide survey experiment shows that citizens’ intentions to contribute time and money rise significantly when they learn about refugees’ pro-social activities. Importantly, this result holds for individuals who have not been in contact with refugees. We complement this investigation with experiments in the lab and the field that confirm our findings for actual behaviour.
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Predicting Free-riding in a Public Goods Game – Analysis of Content and Dynamic Facial Expressions in Face-to-Face Communication
Dmitri Bershadskyy, Ehsan Othman, Frerk Saxen
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 9,
This paper illustrates how audio-visual data from pre-play face-to-face communication can be used to identify groups which contain free-riders in a public goods experiment. It focuses on two channels over which face-to-face communication influences contributions to a public good. Firstly, the contents of the face-to-face communication are investigated by categorising specific strategic information and using simple meta-data. Secondly, a machine-learning approach to analyse facial expressions of the subjects during their communications is implemented. These approaches constitute the first of their kind, analysing content and facial expressions in face-to-face communication aiming to predict the behaviour of the subjects in a public goods game. The analysis shows that verbally mentioning to fully contribute to the public good until the very end and communicating through facial clues reduce the commonly observed end-game behaviour. The length of the face-to-face communication quantified in number of words is further a good measure to predict cooperation behaviour towards the end of the game. The obtained findings provide first insights how a priori available information can be utilised to predict free-riding behaviour in public goods games.
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