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25.05.2018 • 12/2018
The resistance of employers against works councils
Germany votes. However, this time it’s not about the politicians – instead it’s about the works councils. It’s certainly worthwhile: Many studies have shown that works councils all in all have a positive impact on productivity, wages and profits. Despite this, employers are sometimes very resistant to the idea of staff involvement in company decision-making. A common argument is that such participation limits managerial freedom and that employers are willing to sacrifice the benefits of staff participation in return for greater room for manoeuvre. Steffen Müller from the Halle Institute for Economic Research Halle (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association now provides an alternative economic justification for employer resistance: Employer associations are dominated by small and medium-sized enterprises, and in these works councils – in contrast to large firms – often produce no positive economic benefits.
Steffen Müller
Regulations, institutions and income smoothing by managing technical reserves: international evidence from the insurance industry
Chrysovalantis Gaganis, Iftekhar Hasan, Fotios Pasiouras
No. 3,
This paper investigates the role of technical reserves in the income smoothing behavior of insurance companies. This is one of the first attempts in the literature to trace such relationship in the insurance industry, especially at a multi-country setting. The experience of 770 insurance firms operating in 87 countries over the period 2000–2009 reveals that there is a significant evidence of income smoothing. The paper also finds that institutional characteristics, e.g., the rule of law, common law legal origin, economic freedom, and regulations relating to technical provisions and supervisory power constrain income smoothing but other factors such as capital requirements, tax deductibility of provisions, auditing, and corporate governance do not have a significant effect.
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Aid and Economic Freedom: An Empirical Investigation Using the Heritage Index
Tobias Knedlik, Franz Kronthaler
Journal of Development Perspectives,
No. 3,
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Development aid and economic freedom: Are there interrelations?
Tobias Knedlik, Franz Kronthaler
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Entwicklungshilfezahlungen erfreuen sich aktuell einer zunehmenden öffentlichen Beachtung, zum Beispiel im Zusammenhang mit den Millennium- Entwicklungszielen der Vereinten Nationen. Einen zunehmenden Stellenwert in der entwicklungspolitischen Debatte gewinnen dabei sogenannte weiche Faktoren. Hier steht die Schaffung von Bedingungen im Vordergrund, in denen sich wirtschaftliche Aktivität entfalten kann. Ein wichtiges Konzept in diesem Zusammenhang stellt die ökonomische Freiheit dar. In der Wissenschaft besteht weitgehend Einigkeit darüber, daß ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen ökonomischer Freiheit und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung existiert. Dies legt nahe, auch den Zusammenhang zwischen Entwicklungshilfe und ökonomischer Freiheit zu untersuchen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird dies für zwei Formen der Entwicklungshilfe (allgemeine und konditionierte Entwicklungshilfe) analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zeigen, daß wider Erwarten allgemeine Entwicklungshilfe positiv auf die ökonomische Freiheit wirkt. Konditionen, wie sie beispielsweise bei Krediten des Internationalen Währungsfonds abverlangt werden, führen hingegen nicht unbedingt zu mehr Freiheit, sondern können sogar, wie in dem hier untersuchten Beobachtungsbereich, freiheitsverringernd wirken. Aus wirtschaftspolitischer Sicht kann damit der allgemeinen Entwicklungshilfe nicht abgesprochen werden, einen positiven Beitrag zu den Wachstumsbedingungen zu leisten. Mit Hinblick auf die konditionierte Hilfe ist zu berücksichtigen, daß die Bedingungen an den jeweiligen Empfängerländern so ausgerichtet werden, daß mögliche Nachteile für die ökonomische Freiheit vermieden werden.
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Forced to Freedom? Empirical Relations between Aid and Economic Freedom
Tobias Knedlik, Franz Kronthaler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
The paper explores the relationships between economic freedom on the one side and development aid and IMF credit as approximation for conditional aid on the other side. After a short review of current literature on the issue of economic development, economic freedom, aid, and IMF credit, the paper develops a simple panel regression model to evaluate the relationship between “economic freedom” as dependent variable and “aid” and “IMF credit” as independent variables. The estimation is based upon data taken from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators and the Heritage Index of Economic Freedom. In contrast to previous research, our results allow the rejection of the hypothesis that IMF credit increases economic freedom and that aid is not contributing to economic freedom. The estimation results suggest that, firstly, aid is positively correlated with economic freedom, and secondly, that IMF credit is negatively correlated with economic freedom. Taking IMF credit as proxy for conditional aid, we conclude that for the period of observation it could not be shown that countries can be forced to economic freedom by aid conditions.
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