Towards Unrestricted Public Use Business Microdata: The Synthetic Longitudinal Business Database
John M. Abowd, Ron S. Jarmin, Satkartar K. Kinney, Javier Miranda, Jerome P. Reiter, Arnold P. Reznek
International Statistical Review,
No. 3,
In most countries, national statistical agencies do not release establishment-level business microdata, because doing so represents too large a risk to establishments’ confidentiality. One approach with the potential for overcoming these risks is to release synthetic data; that is, the released establishment data are simulated from statistical models designed to mimic the distributions of the underlying real microdata. In this article, we describe an application of this strategy to create a public use file for the Longitudinal Business Database, an annual economic census of establishments in the United States comprising more than 20 million records dating back to 1976. The U.S. Bureau of the Census and the Internal Revenue Service recently approved the release of these synthetic microdata for public use, making the synthetic Longitudinal Business Database the first-ever business microdata set publicly released in the United States. We describe how we created the synthetic data, evaluated analytical validity, and assessed disclosure risk.
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Prekäre Einkommenslagen in Deutschland: Ein Ost-West-Vergleich 1996 bis 2002
Herbert S. Buscher, Juliane Parys
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
Der Beitrag untersucht die Verteilung der äquivalenzgewichteten Nettoeinkommen von Haushalten und Lebensgemeinschaft in West- und Ostdeutschland für die Zeit von 1996 bis 2002 auf der Grundlage der Daten des Mikrozensus. Die Untersuchung gliedert sich in einen deskriptiven Teil, der eindimensionale Maße zur Einkommensverteilung und zur Messung der Ungleichheit diskutiert, und in einen zweiten Teil, in dem auf der Basis eines Logit-Modells Determinanten bestimmt werden, die für prekäre Lebens- und Einkommenslagen ursächlich sein können. Ein besonderes Gewicht wird hierbei auf unterschiedliche Lebensformen und die Anzahl der Kinder gelegt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein deutlich höheres Armutsrisiko für Lebensgemeinschaften bzw. Familien mit Kindern im Vergleich zu kinderlosen Paaren.
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Evaluation of Further Training Programmes with an Optimal Matching Algorithm
Eva Reinowski, Birgit Schultz, Jürgen Wiemers
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 188,
This study evaluates the effects of further training on the individual unemployment duration of different groups of persons representing individual characteristics and some aspects of the economic environment. The Micro Census Saxony enables us to include additional information about a person's employment history to eliminate the bias resulting from unobservable characteristics and to avoid Ashenfelter's Dip. In order to solve the sample selection problem we employ an optimal full matching assignment, the Hungarian algorithm. The impact of participation in further training is evaluated by comparing the unemployment duration between participants and non-participants using the Kaplan-Meier-estimator. Overall, we find empirical evidence that participation in further training programmes results in even longer unemployment duration.
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