Die Schließung von Polizeiposten führt zu einem Anstieg der Diebstahlkriminalität
André Diegmann, Sebastian Blesse
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Die Zusammenlegung von Polizeikräften durch die Schließung von Polizeiposten ist ein vielbeobachtetes Phänomen in entwickelten Volkswirtschaften. Polizeiposten stellen einen bedeutenden und sichtbaren Teil der öffentlichen Infrastruktur dar. Als Ergebnis der vorliegenden Studie zeigt sich, dass die Schließung von Polizeiposten zu einem Anstieg von Autodiebstählen und Wohnungseinbrüchen führt. Diese Resultate können nicht durch Verdrängungseffekte in andere Regionen, veränderte Einsatzstrategien der Polizeieinheiten oder eine geringere Inhaftierung von Kriminellen erklärt werden. Vielmehr sind sie konsistent mit einer veränderten Wahrnehmung der Aufklärungswahrscheinlichkeit. Somit zeigt sich, dass die Sichtbarkeit von lokalen Polizeiposten zur Abschreckung und demnach zur Kriminalitätsbekämpfung beiträgt.
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The Place-based Effects of Police Stations on Crime: Evidence from Station Closures
Sebastian Blesse, André Diegmann
Journal of Public Economics,
Many countries consolidate their police forces by closing down local police stations. Police stations represent an important and visible aspect of the organization of police forces. We provide novel evidence on the effect of centralizing police offices through the closure of local police stations on crime outcomes. Combining matching with a difference-in-differences specification, we find an increase in reported car theft and burglary in residential properties. Our results are consistent with a negative shift in perceived detection risks and are driven by heterogeneous station characteristics. We can rule out alternative explanations such as incapacitation, crime displacement, and changes in police employment or strategies at the regional level. We argue that criminals are less deterred due to a lower visibility of the local police.
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Police Reorganization and Crime: Evidence from Police Station Closures
Sebastian Blesse, André Diegmann
Does the administrative organization of police affect crime? In answering this question, we focus on the reorganization of local police agencies. Specifically, we study the effects police force reallocation via station closures has on local crime. We do this by exploiting a quasi-experiment where a reform substantially reduced the number of police stations. Combining a matching strategy with an event-study design, we find no effects on total theft. Police station closures, however, open up tempting opportunities for criminals in car theft and burglary in residential properties. We can rule out that our effects arise from incapacitation, crime displacement, or changes in employment of local police forces. Our results suggest that criminals are less deterred after police station closures and use the opportunity to steal more costly goods.
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