Unsere Projekte 07.2022 ‐ 12.2026 Evaluierung des InvKG und des Bundesprogrammes STARK Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums…
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Exposure to Conflict, Migrations and Long-run Education and Income Inequality: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Adnan Efendic, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro
Defence and Peace Economics,
Nr. 8,
We investigate the long-term relationship between conflict-related migration and individual socioeconomic inequality. Looking at the post-conflict environment of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), a former Yugoslav state most heavily impacted by the wars of the early 1990s, the paper focuses on differences in educational performance and income between four groups: migrants, internally displaced persons, former external migrants, and those who did not move. The analysis leverages a municipality-representative survey (n ≈ 6,000) that captured self-reported education and income outcomes as well as migration histories. We find that individuals with greater exposure to conflict had systematically worse educational performance and lower earnings two decades after the war. Former external migrants now living in BiH have better educational and economic outcomes than those who did not migrate, but these advantages are smaller for external migrants who were forced to move. We recommend that policies intended to address migration-related discrepancies should be targeted on the basis of individual and family experiences caused by conflict.
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DPE Course Programme Archive
DPE Course Programme Archive 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2023 Microeconomics several lecturers winter term 2023/2024 (IWH) Econometrics several…
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Forced Displacement, Exposure to Conflict and Long-run Education and Income Inequality: Evidence from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
Adnan Efendic, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro
This paper investigates the long-term relationship between conflict-related migration and individual socioeconomic inequality. Looking at the post-conflict environments of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Croatia, the two former Yugoslav states most heavily impacted by the conflicts of the early 1990s, the paper focuses on differences in educational performance and income between four groups: migrants, internally displaced persons, refugees, and those who did not move two decades after the conflicts. For BiH, the analysis leverages a municipality-representative survey (n = 6, 021) that captured self-reported education and income outcomes as well as migration histories. For Croatia, outcomes are measured using an anonymized education registry that captured outcomes for over half a million individuals over time. This allows an assessment of convergence between different categories of migrants. In both countries, individuals with greater exposure to conflict had systematically worse educational performance. External migrants now living in BiH have better educational and economic outcomes than those who did not migrate, but these advantages are smaller for individuals who were forced to move. In Croatia, those who moved during the conflict have worse educational outcomes, but there is a steady convergence between refugees and non-migrants. This research suggests that policies intended to address migration-related discrepancies should be targeted on the basis of individual and family experiences caused by conflict.
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Exposure to Conflict, Migrations and Long-run Education and Income Inequality: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Adnan Efendic, Dejan Kovač, Jacob N. Shapiro
We investigate the long-term relationship between conflict-related migration and individual socioeconomic inequality. Looking at the post-conflict environment of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), a former Yugoslav state most heavily impacted by the conflicts of the early 1990s, the paper focuses on differences in educational performance and income between four groups: migrants, internally displaced persons, former external migrants, and those who did not move. The analysis leverages a municipality-representative survey (n≈6,000) that captured self-reported education and income outcomes as well as migration histories. We find that individuals with greater exposure to conflict had systematically worse educational performance and lower earnings two decades after the war. Former external migrants now living in BiH have better educational and economic outcomes than those who did not migrate, but these advantages are smaller for individuals who were forced to move. We recommend that policies intended to address migration-related discrepancies should be targeted on the basis of individual and family experiences caused by conflict.
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Enforcement of Banking Regulation and the Cost of Borrowing
Yota D. Deli, Manthos D. Delis, Iftekhar Hasan, Liuling Liu
Journal of Banking and Finance,
We show that borrowing firms benefit substantially from important enforcement actions issued on U.S. banks for safety and soundness reasons. Using hand-collected data on such actions from the main three U.S. regulators and syndicated loan deals over the years 1997–2014, we find that enforcement actions decrease the total cost of borrowing by approximately 22 basis points (or $4.6 million interest for the average loan). We attribute our finding to a competition-reputation effect that works over and above the lower risk of punished banks post-enforcement and survives in a number of sensitivity tests. We also find that this effect persists for approximately four years post-enforcement.
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17th IWH-CIREQ-GW Macroeconometric Workshop: „Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics”
Christoph Schult
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Am 5. und 6. Dezember 2016 fand am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) zum 17. Mal der IWH-CIREQ Macroeconometric Workshop statt. Die erfolgreiche Kooperation mit dem Centre inter- universitaire de recherche en economie quantitative (CIREQ) wurde in diesem Jahr um die George Washington University (GW) verstärkt. Als neuer Kooperationspartner wurde die seit Februar 2016 am IWH tätige Forschungsprofessorin Tara Sinclair, Ph.D., in diesem Jahr mit in die Auswahlkommission berufen. Der diesjährige Workshop befasste sich mit dem Thema „Inequality, Micro Data and Macroeconomics“.
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The Drivers of Revenue Productivity: a New Decomposition Analysis with Firm-level Data
Filippo di Mauro, Giordano Mion, Daniel Stöhlker
ECB Working Paper,
Nr. 2014,
This paper aims to derive a methodology to decompose aggregate revenue TFP changes over time into four different components – namely physical TFP, mark-ups, quality and production scale. The new methodology is applied to a panel of EU countries and manufacturing industries over the period 2006-2012. In summary, patterns of measured revenue productivity have been broadly similar across EU countries, most notably when we group them into stressed (Italy, Spain and Slovenia) and non-stressed countries (Belgium, Finland, France and Germany). In particular, measured revenue productivity drops for both groups by about 6 percent during the recent crisis. More specifically, for both stressed and non-stressed countries the drop in revenue productivity was accompanied by a substantial dip in the proxy we use for TFP in quantity terms, as well as by a strong reduction in mark-ups.
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27.06.2016 • 27/2016
Wie können wir den Wettbewerb im Dienstleistungssektor ankurbeln?
Konferenz des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) und der Vertretung der EU-Kommission in Deutschland
Im Fokus: Interkommunale Kooperation ist deutlich im Kommen – Ergebnisse einer Kommunalbefragung des IWH und der Universität Kassel
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Ivo Bischoff, C. Bergholz, Simon Melch, Peter Haug, F. Blaeschke
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
Nr. 1,
Interkommunale Kooperation wird vielfach als ein Mittel angesehen, mit dem speziell Städte und Gemeinden außerhalb der großen Ballungsräume die Folgen des demographischen Wandels und des zunehmenden interregionalen Standortwettbewerbs besser bewältigen könnten. Obschon immer mehr Gemeinden bei ihrer Aufgabenerfüllung zusammenarbeiten, fehlen für Deutschland bislang großflächige empirische Untersuchungen zum Phänomen der interkommunalen Kooperation. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse aus einer Befragung von 6 745 Gemeinden abseits der großen Ballungsräume zu ihrem Kooperationsverhalten in den Aufgabenbereichen Allgemeine Verwaltung, Bauhof und Tourismusmarketing vor. Die Auswertung der 1 321 Antworten gewährt aktuelle Einblicke in Merkmale und Tendenzen der interkommunalen Zusammenarbeit. Es werden unter anderem Befunde zum räumlichen, zeitlichen und thematischen Auftreten sowie zu den dahinterstehenden Rechtsformen und Motiven vorgestellt. Abschließend wird ein Ausblick auf die Möglichkeiten gegeben, mit den erhobenen Daten die Fragen nach den Wirkungen und den Bedingungen für das Zustandekommen von interkommunaler Kooperation zu beantworten.
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