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Bitte um Gnade für den BundeshaushaltReint GroppDer Spiegel, 13. November 2024
The aim of this workshop is to bring together original economic and inter-disciplinary papers that cast some light on new developments in theoretical and empirical research from all fields of local public economics and local public finance. The workshop should also give PhD students an opportunity of presenting and discussing their research results.
The Halle Forum on Urban Economic Growth established in 2006 has the aim to bring together original economic and interdisciplinary papers that cast some light on new developments in theoretical and empirical research on economic growth and development in urban environments. The Forum should also give PhD students an opportunity for presenting and discussing their research results.
Cities all over the world have a very prominent function for generating creativity and economic growth. The institutional conditions for this function differ a lot between nations, not least between Russia and Germany. The Workshop shall promote the exchange of research results on the impact of these differences on the local economy. The main focus is laid on the urban system in Russia.
We study the implications of multi-period mortgage loans for monetary policy, considering several realistic modifications – fixed interest rate contracts, lower bound constraint on newly granted loans, and possibility for the collateral constraint to become slack – to an otherwise standard DSGE model with housing and financial intermediaries.
Using a unique setting in Antebellum America, this paper provides new evidence on how access to finance impacts technological innovation.
Die Konferenz befasste sich unter anderem mit der Internationalisierung des Forschungsstandortes Deutschland, dem europäischen Fiskalpakt und der Schuldenbremse, der aktuellen gesamtwirtschaftlichen Lage in Ostdeutschland und der Auswirkung gestiegener Transportkosten auf das Städtesystem.
Futures markets are a potentially valuable source of information about price expectations. Exploiting this information has proved difficult in practice, because time-varying risk premia often render the futures price a poor measure of the market expectation of the price of the underlying asset.
We exploit detailed data on approved and rejected small-business loans to assess the impact of a new credit registry in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The labour market is undergoing permanent adjustment processes accompanied by worker mobility, firm dynamics, and structural change.
This paper investigates how financial market imperfections and nominal rigidities interact.