SEP 2024

SEP 2024
Workshops und Konferenzen

1st Bootcamp in Financial Economics (BOFE) for Master Students

The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) – Member of the Leibniz Association is organising a Bootcamp in Financial Economics (BOFE) for Master Students on September 2nd to 5th, 2024, to be held in Halle (Saale).

several lecturers
IWH, conference room

Why apply?
The current polycrisis is a catalyst for far-reaching structural change that lies ahead of European society. Rebuilding more resilient and sustainable social systems will require the mobilisation and (re)allocation of vast financial resources between governments, firms, and households. Whereas the financial system plays a pivotal role in this intermediation process, it is also a source of disruptions and risks itself, which need to be regulated and carefully monitored. The IWH-BOFE provides participants with insights how an economic research institute informs the policy process about the opportunities and challenges associated with financial systems based on rigorous financial economics research.

What would I do?
During an intensive four-day on-site experience with IWH researchers, participants are acquainted with policy tools to monitor the (in)stability of European financial markets, study the economics of banking and compete with another in an online simulation game, discuss the DNA of financial crises and learn to process data empirically to comprehend them, meet IWH PhD alumni who share their experiences from working in the financial industry, and talk to current PhD students and senior scientists about a career as an economist.

Who should apply?
The IWH-BOFE targets in particular students pursuing a master’s degree in economics, econometrics, or finance and who have started to work on their thesis projects. We invite you to visit us on-campus in Halle (Saale) and peek inside an economic research institute working on the intersection of academic excellence and evidence-based policy advice. The four-day programme should provide you with a clear idea on how to conduct applied empirical research in financial economics and to better understand the possibilities offered by pursuing a PhD study to become a trained economist.

How to get in?
We invite up to 15 participants to the IWH-BOFE. There is no tuition fee, catering during the day is included (coffee and lunch breaks), but participants would have to cover travel and accommodation themselves. IWH assists with finding hotels, staff and alumni will organise self-paid social events in the evening, and IWH is happy to invite you to a farewell dinner. We provide 5 scholarships to cover travel and accommodation costs. To apply, send a motivation letter, CV, and transcripts to by June 24, 2024. If you would like to apply for the scholarship, please include a short statement in your motivation letter and an 800 word summary of your most loved econ, business or finance academic paper.

To apply, send a motivation letter, a CV, and transcripts to by June 24, 2024. We inform selected participants 3 weeks after the deadline and provide them with a reading package.

We assume that by applying, you agree that your information will be used exclusively for the review process and for purposes of planning the bootcamp. After the event the data will be deleted.

Ihr Kontakt

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