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Can Germany’s economy stage an unexpected recovery?Steffen MüllerThe Economist, January 30, 2025
The workshop provided a platform to discuss new developments in the field of empirical and applied macroeconomic modelling and aimed at bringing together academic researchers and practitioners.
Using a laboratory experiment we examine how social comparisons affect behavior in a sequential search task. In a control treatment, subjects search in isolation while in two other treatments subjects get feedback on the search decisions and outcomes of a partner subject.
We propose a novel mechanism how central bank interventions can affect the real economy: direct corporate debt purchases by a central bank can increase the effectiveness of the banklending channel.
A growing recent literature relies on a precautionary pricing motive embedded in representative agent DSGE models with sticky prices and wages to generate negative output effects of uncertainty shocks.
This paper revisits the question about the role of culture for comparative development differences by considering heterogeneity in patience as a central factor.
Unter dem Titel „Von der Transformation zur Europäischen Integration: Optimieren durch Evaluieren – Wirtschaftsförderung im Qualitätscheck“ hat das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) gemeinsam mit Partnern und Partnerinnen aus Forschungseinrichtungen und Universitäten in Deutschland am 21. Februar 2018 evidenzbasierte Evaluationen von Wirtschaftsförderprogrammen vorgestellt und diskutiert.
We study the implications of multi-period mortgage loans for monetary policy, considering several realistic modifications – fixed interest rate contracts, lower bound constraint on newly granted loans, and possibility for the collateral constraint to become slack – to an otherwise standard DSGE model with housing and financial intermediaries.
Am Girls’Day öffnete das Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) seine Türen, um Schülerinnen die Arbeit mit ökonomischen Themen näher zu bringen. Wir stellten interessante Berufe und Arbeitsfelder im Bereich der Volkswirtschaftslehre vor. Am Beispiel Geld und Geldpolitik demonstrierten wir, wie das ökonomische Denken funktioniert. Man konnte miterleben, welche verblüffenden Ergebnisse unsere Wissenschaftler*innen in Zahlen und Daten finden. Und schließlich durfte man an einem verhaltensökonomischen Experiment teilnehmen, bei dem man herausfand, warum Menschen manchmal lieber zusammenarbeiten und manchmal weniger.
The extent to which a country can benefit from trade openness crucially depends on its ease of reallocating resources. However, we know little about the role of domestic frictions in shaping the effects of trade policy.
We offer new evidence on the real effects of credit shocks in the presence of employment protection regulations by exploiting a unique provision in Spanish labor laws: dismissal rules are less stringent for Spanish firms with fewer than 50 employees, lowering the cost of hiring new workers.