IWH Bankruptcy Update: June Data Incomplete – Small Forecasted Increase in Bankruptcies
A complete evaluation of June data is not yet possible due to recent technical changes to Germany’s central bankruptcy-filing platform. Specifically, the bankruptcy filing data between June 19 and June 28 are currently incomplete. However, a comparison of data recorded up to June 18 with the same period in May shows no significant increase in the number of filings per business day, with an average of 36 filings per workday in May, and an average of 38 in June. In this way, aggregate filings in June are expected to be slightly higher, but largely because of the higher number of business days in that month.
The IWH Bankruptcy Update is a flash indicator, delivering fast, reliable information on insolvencies of firms with entry in the commercial register in Germany two months ahead of the comprehensive official statistics. It is based on public bankruptcy announcements of German courts combined with balance sheet information of the concerned firms. Deviations from official statistics are small. The IWH Bankruptcy Research Unit is among Germany’s leading investigators of the causes and consequences of corporate bankruptcy.
For more on the IWH Bankruptcy Research Unit and the methodology underlying it, please visit https://www.iwh-halle.de/en/research/data-and-analysis/iwh-bank ruptcy-research/.
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