14.10.2020 • 22/2020
Economic slump in East Germany not as severe as in Germany as a whole ‒ Implications of the Joint Economic Forecast and new data for East Germany
The German economy started recovering quickly after the drastic pandemic-related slump in spring 2020. The recovery, however, loses much of its momentum in the second half of the year. The Joint Economic Forecast predicts that production levels seen before the crisis will not be reached again until the second half of 2021. In principle, the East German economy is following this pattern, although the economic slump is likely to be somewhat milder.
Oliver Holtemöller
14.10.2020 • 21/2020
Recovery Loses Momentum ‒ Economy and Politics Still Shaped by the Pandemic
The corona pandemic leaves substantial marks in the German economy and its impact is more persistent than assumed in spring. In their autumn report, the leading German economic research institutes have revised their economic outlook downwards by roughly one percentage point for both this and next year. They now expect gross domestic product to fall by 5.4% in 2020 (previously -4.2%) and to grow by 4.7% (5.8%) in 2021 and 2.7% in 2022.
Oliver Holtemöller
08.10.2020 • 20/2020
Populistische Strömungen in Europa: Leopoldina und IWH laden zu Dialogveranstaltung ein
Politische Spannungen in Europa nehmen zu und gefährden die europäische Integration. Angesichts der Coronavirus-Pandemie sowie ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft fordern populistische Parteien und Strömungen zunehmend eine Rückbesinnung auf nationales Vorgehen. Worin diese Europa-Skepsis begründet liegt und wie man auf sie reagieren kann, ist Thema einer gemeinsamen Dialogveranstaltung der Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina und des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH). Zu dieser Veranstaltung laden wir Sie herzlich ein und freuen uns über eine redaktionelle Erwähnung in Ihrem Medium.
06.10.2020 • 19/2020
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcies Stabilise at a Low Level; Number of Affected Jobs Remains High
The number of companies declaring bankruptcy in Germany was very low in September, and no significant increase is expected in the coming months. By contrast, the number of jobs impacted by corporate bankruptcies remained elevated in September; monthly layoff figures have increased significantly since the beginning of the year. These are the key findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Update, a monthly monitor of insolvency statistics published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
Steffen Müller
16.09.2020 • 18/2020
Economy recovers from the shutdown – but a quick return to pre-crisis normality is unlikely
The German economy has bounced back strongly over the summer, recovering a considerable part of the production slump caused by the shutdown in spring. Nevertheless, real gross domestic product in 2020 is likely to contract by 5.7%. In 2021, growth is expected to average 3.2% according to IWH autumn economic forecast. The decline in production in 2020 is likely to be less pronounced in East Germany com¬pared to Germany as a whole.
Oliver Holtemöller
07.09.2020 • 17/2020
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcies Hit New Low; New Outlook Feature
The number of companies reporting bankruptcy in Germany sank to a new low in August. Associated job losses also declined noticeably, following marked increases in prior months. Published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research, the IWH Bankruptcy Update provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany. Starting this month, the update will also feature a two-month outlook.
Steffen Müller
18.08.2020 • 16/2020
IWH-Gutachten: Regionalförderung wirkt, sollte aber weiter verbessert werden
Deutschlands wichtigstes Instrument der Regionalpolitik fördert Arbeitsplätze, erhöht Betriebsumsätze und moderat auch die Löhne; es hat jedoch keine positiven Effekte auf die Produktivität. Das zeigt ein Gutachten zur Wirkung der Bund-Länder-Gemeinschaftsaufgabe „Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur“ (GRW), verfasst vom Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH). Daher empfehlen die Ökonomen, die Förderziele stärker auf die Produktivität auszurichten, denn nur so kann das Förderziel, dass die geförderten Regionen wirtschaftlich aufholen, erreicht werden.
Mirko Titze
06.08.2020 • 15/2020
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Number of Employees Affected by Bankruptcy Continues to Rise in Germany
In July, more than three times as many jobs were impacted by corporate bankruptcies in Germany in comparison to the monthly averages from early 2020. The July figure was also significantly higher in relation to the previous month. By contrast, the number of bankruptcies fell slightly. These are the main findings of the most recent IWH Bankruptcy Update published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), which provides monthly reports on German bankruptcies.
Steffen Müller
14.07.2020 • 14/2020
Corona-Krise wirft Sachsen-Anhalts Mittelstand zurück
Die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in Sachsen-Anhalt sehen sich dem größten Konjunktureinbruch seit der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2009 gegenüber. Das geht aus einer gemeinsamen Umfrage von Creditreform und Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hervor, an der sich rund 430 Unternehmen aus Sachsen-Anhalt beteiligt haben.
Axel Lindner
06.07.2020 • 13/2020
IWH issues warning of a new banking crisis
The coronavirus recession could mean the end for dozens of banks across Germany – even if Germany survives the economic crisis relatively unscathed. An analysis by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) shows that many savings banks and cooperative banks are particularly at risk. Loans worth hundreds of billions of euros are on the balance sheets of the financial institutions concerned. IWH President Gropp warns of a potentially high additional burden for the already weakened real economy.
Reint E. Gropp