Openness and Income Disparities: Does Trade Explain The 'Mezzogiorno' Effect?
Claudia M. Buch, P. Monti
Review of World Economics,
No. 4,
We use Italian regional data to answer the question whether trade affects within-country income differentials. In Italy, the more affluent Northern regions trade more with the rest of the world than the poorer ones in the Southern “Mezzogiorno” regions. Prima facie, there is a positive correlation between external trade and per capita income. Studying this relationship empirically requires taking into account the endogenous component of trade. We argue that panel cointegration models can complement instrumental variables techniques to account for the endogeneity of trade in a panel context. Both methods show a positive link between trade openness and the level of income per capita.
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CO2-Navigator – ein Softwaretool zur Unterstützung von Investitionsoptionen zur Emissionsreduktion und zum Management von Klimarisiken
Edeltraud Günther, G. Weber, M. Nowack, Wilfried Ehrenfeld
Klimaschutz und Anpassung an die Klimafolgen: Strategien, Maßnahmen und Anwendungsbeispiele,
Die globale Erwärmung und zunehmende klimapolitische Maßnahmen sind für viele Unternehmen mit Risiken, aber auch mit Chancen verbunden. Der Lehrstuhl für Betriebliche Umweltökonomie an der TU Dresden und das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle untersuchten im Rahmen des BMBF-Projekts „Unternehmenssteuerung im klimapolitischen Umfeld (CO2-Navigator)“ die Frage, wie Unternehmen mit diesen Herausforderungen umgehen können. Konkretes Anliegen des Projektverbunds war, den Unternehmen eine Hilfestellung anzubieten, a) mögliche Strategien zur Emissionsminderung und mittelfristige Anpassungen an veränderte Umfeldbedingungen zu erarbeiten, b) deren wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen abzuschätzen und c) darauf aufbauend Entscheidungen für die Praxis ableiten zu können. Die Kernelemente des Forschungsprojekts, das Risikomanagement und die Bewertung von Anpassungsstrategien mit dem Realoptionsansatz sowie die im Rahmen des Projekts entstandene Software CO2-Navigator werden im vorliegenden Beitrag näher beschrieben.
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Openness and Growth: The Long Shadow of the Berlin Wall
Claudia M. Buch, Farid Toubal
Journal of Macroeconomics,
No. 3,
The question whether international openness causes higher domestic growth has been subject to intense discussions in the empirical growth literature. This paper addresses the issue in the context of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. We analyze whether the slow convergence in per capita incomes between East and West Germany and the lower international openness of East Germany are linked. We address the endogeneity of openness by adapting the methodology proposed by Frankel and Romer (1999) to a panel framework. We instrument openness with time-invariant exogenous geographic variables and time-varying exogenous policy variables. We also distinguish the impact of different channels of integration. Our paper has three main findings. First, geographic variables have a significant impact on regional openness. Second, controlling for geography, East German states are less integrated into international markets along all dimensions of integration considered. Third, the degree of openness for trade has a positive impact on regional income per capita.
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Financial constraints and the margins of FDI
Claudia M. Buch
Bundesbank Discussion Paper 29/2009,
Recent literature on multinational firms has stressed the importance of low productivity as a barrier to the cross-border expansion of firms. But firms may also need external finance to shoulder the costs of entering foreign markets. We develop a model of multinational firms facing real and financial barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI), and we analyze their impact on the FDI decision (the extensive margin) and foreign affiliate sales (the intensive margin). We provide empirical evidence based on a detailed dataset of German multinationals which contains information on parent-level and affiliate-level financial constraints as well as about the location the foreign affiliates. We find that financial factors constrain firms’ foreign investment decisions, an effect felt in particular by large firms. Financial constraints at the parent level matter for the extensive, but less
so for the intensive margin. For the intensive margin, financial constraints at the affiliate level are relatively more important.
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Barriers to Internationalization: Firm-Level Evidence from Germany
Claudia M. Buch
IAW Discussion Paper No. 52,
Exporters and multinationals are larger and more productive than their domestic
counterparts. In addition to productivity, financial constraints and labor market
constraints might constitute barriers to entry into foreign markets. We present new
empirical evidence on the extensive and intensive margin of exports and FDI based on detailed micro-level data of German firms. Our paper has three main findings. First, in line with earlier literature, we find a positive impact of firm size and productivity on firms’ international activities. Second, small firms suffer more frequently from financial constraints than bigger firms, but financial conditions have no strong effect on internationalization. Third, labor market constraints constitute a more severe barrier to foreign activities than financial constraints. Being covered by collective bargaining particularly impedes international activities.
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Russia: Ongoing Strong Economic Growth Overshadowed by High Inflation
Martina Kämpfe
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Der kräftige Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts in Russland wurde im vergangenen Jahr erneut von der Binnennachfrage bestimmt. Privater Konsum und Unternehmensinvestitionen nahmen im zweistelligen Bereich zu; insbesondere die Investitionen beschleunigten sich merklich. Auslöser dafür ist der große Modernisierungsbedarf der Wirtschaft. Durch den kräftigen Nachfrageanstieg nach Investitionsgütern in nahezu allen Wirtschaftsbereichen wurde einerseits die einheimische Produktion angeregt, andererseits stiegen auch die Importe stark. Zusätzlich nachfragewirksam war die verstärkte Kreditvergabe an Haushalte und Unternehmen. Allerdings hat sich zugleich der Preisanstieg wieder beschleunigt und das von der Zentralbank angestrebte Inflationsziel von maximal 8% verfehlt. Neben dem Einfluss des weltweiten Anstiegs der Ölpreise und der Lebensmittelpreise wirkte sich auf die Inflationsbeschleunigung aber vor allem die kräftige Expansion der Geldmenge M2 aus. Der sprunghafte Anstieg der Kapitalbeschaffung russischer Unternehmen auf ausländischen Märkten hatte massive Nettokapitalzuflüsse zur Folge, die ebenso wie die hohen Devisenzuflüsse aus den Ölexporterlösen inflationswirksam waren. Der hohe Preisdruck dürfte die Wirtschaftsentwicklung dämpfen, da sowohl die Investitionen als auch der private Konsum infolge der zinspolitischen Gegensteuerung durch die Zentralbank etwas schwächer als im Vorjahr zulegen werden; zudem wird der Anstieg der Realeinkommen verhaltener sein. Dennoch wird die Binnennachfrage weiterhin kräftig bleiben und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in diesem und im kommenden Jahr stimulieren. Die Impulse von der Außenwirtschaft werden angesichts der weltwirtschaftlichen Abschwächung gering ausfallen. Der Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts wird vor diesem Hintergrund insgesamt aber hoch bleiben und bei Raten um 6,5% liegen.
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International Banking and the Allocation of Risk
Claudia M. Buch
IAW Discussion Paper No. 32,
Macroeconomic risks could magnify individual bank risk. Mitigating the influence of economy-wide risks on banks could therefore be very important to maintain a smooth-running banking system. In this paper, we explore the extent to which macroeconomic risks affect banks. We use a bank-level dataset on over 2,000 banks worldwide for the years 1995-2002 to study the effect of macroeconomic volatility, the openness of the banking system, and banking regulations on bank risks. Our measure of bank risk is the volatility of banks' pre-tax profits. We find that macroeconomic volatility increases banks' profit volatility and that international openness of the banking system lowers bank risk. We find no impact of banking regulation on profit volatility. Our findings suggest that if policymakers want to lower bank risk, they should seek to lower macroeconomic volatility as well as increase openness in the banking system.
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The Role of the Human Capital and Managerial Skills in Explaining the Productivity Gaps between East and West
Wolfgang Steffen, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 11,
This paper assess determinants of productivity gaps between firms in the European transition countries and regions and firms in West Germany. The analysis is conducted at the firm level by use of a unique database constructed by field work. The determinants tested in a simple econometric regression model are focussed upon the issue of human capital and modern market-oriented management. The results are novel in as much as a solution was established for the puzzling results in related research with respect to a comparison of formal qualification between East and West. Furthermore, the analysis was able to establish that the kind of human capital and expertise mostly needed in the post-socialist firms are related to the particular requirements of a competitive marketbased economic environment. Finally, the analysis also finds empirical support for the role of capital deepening in productivity catch-up, as well as the case that the gaps in labour productivity are most importantly rooted in a more labour-intense production, which does not give rise to a competitive disadvantage.
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Stochastische Unternehmensmodelle als Kern innovativer Ratingsysteme
Ulrich Blum, Werner Gleißner, Frank Leibbrand
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 6,
Auf der Grundlage einer Stichprobe von 105 sächsischen Unternehmen wird deren Zukunftsfähigkeit mit Hilfe einer neuen Ratingtechnologie analysiert. Diese basiert – neben klassischen Analysewerkzeugen – auf einer direkten Einbeziehung von Risikogesichtspunkten und einer stochastischen Unternehmensmodellierung. Die Ergebnisse belegen, daß das Verfahren gegenüber den bisherigen Ansätzen zusätzlichen und ökonomisch bedeutsamen Erklärungsgehalt besitzt. Über den Aspekt Basel-II hinaus ist es insbesondere möglich, langfristige strategisch angelegte Entwicklungsprozesse nachzuzeichnen.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan, Karin Szalai
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 183,
Industrial productivity levels of formerly socialist economies in Central East Europe (including East Germany) are considerably lower than in the more mature Western economies. This research aims at assessing the reasons for lower productivities at the firm level: what are the firm-specific determinants of productivity gaps. To assess this, we have conducted an extensive field study and focussed on a selection of two important manufacturing industries, namely machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers, and on the construction industry. Using the data generated in field work, we test a set of determinant-candidates which were derived from theory and prior research in that topic. Our analysis uses the simplest version of the matched-pair approach, in which first hypothesis about relevant productivity level-determinants are tested. In a second step, positively tested hypothesis are further assessed in terms of whether they also constitute firm-specific determinants of the apparent gaps between the firms in our Eastern and such in our Western panels. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in all three industrial branches assessed. Amongst manufacturing firms, networking activities and the use of modern technologies for communication are important reasons for the lower levels of labour productivity in the East. The intensity of long-term strategic planning on behalf of the management turned out to be relevant only for machinery manufacturers. Product and process innovations unexpectedly exhibit an ambiguous picture, as did the extent of specialisation on a small number of products in the firms’ portfolio and the intensity of competition.
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