A Capital Structure Channel of Monetary Policy
Benjamin Grosse-Rueschkamp, Sascha Steffen, Daniel Streitz
Journal of Financial Economics,
No. 2,
We study the transmission channels from central banks’ quantitative easing programs via the banking sector when central banks start purchasing corporate bonds. We find evidence consistent with a “capital structure channel” of monetary policy. The announcement of central bank purchases reduces the bond yields of firms whose bonds are eligible for central bank purchases. These firms substitute bank term loans with bond debt, thereby relaxing banks’ lending constraints: banks with low tier-1 ratios and high nonperforming loans increase lending to private (and profitable) firms, which experience a growth in investment. The credit reallocation increases banks’ risk-taking in corporate credit.
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02.07.2019 • 16/2019
Weiter gute Stimmung in Sachsen-Anhalts Mittelstand
Der Mittelstand in Sachsen-Anhalt verzeichnet bislang keine stärkere Konjunkturabschwächung. Das geht aus einer gemeinsamen Umfrage von Creditreform und Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hervor, an der sich 465 vorrangig kleine und mittlere Unternehmen aus Sachsen-Anhalt beteiligt haben. Die überwiegende Mehrzahl der befragten Unternehmen (72,4%) schätzt die aktuelle Geschäftslage weiterhin mit „sehr gut“ bzw. „gut“ ein. In der Vorjahresumfrage gab es ähnlich viele positive Meldungen (75,2% der Befragten). Günstig für die Wirtschaftslage im Mittelstand sind weiterhin die kräftige Binnennachfrage, der private Konsum und die Bautätigkeit.
Axel Lindner
Private Equity and Financial Fragility During the Crisis
Shai B. Bernstein, Josh Lerner, Filippo Mezzanotti
Review of Financial Studies,
No. 4,
Does private equity (PE) contribute to financial fragility during economic crises? The proliferation of poorly structured transactions during booms may increase the vulnerability of the economy to downturns. During the 2008 crisis, PE-backed companies decreased investments less than did their peers and experienced greater equity and debt inflows, higher asset growth, and increased market share. These effects are especially strong among financially constrained companies and those whose PE investors had more resources at the crisis onset. In a survey, PE firms report being active investors during the crisis and spending more time working with their portfolio companies.
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07.03.2019 • 7/2019
German economy will pick up speed only slowly
In winter of 2018/2019, the global economy weakened considerably, mainly due to economic policy risks. In Germany, the economy will pick up speed only slowly. According to IWH spring economic forecast, gross domestic product will increase by 0.5% in 2019. Growth in East Germany will amount to 0.7%.
Oliver Holtemöller
Konjunktur aktuell: Deutsche Konjunktur nimmt nur langsam wieder Fahrt auf
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Im Winterhalbjahr 2018/2019 hat sich die Weltkonjunktur deutlich abgekühlt. Allerdings divergiert die Lage zwischen den Regionen erheblich: Der Aufschwung in den USA hat nur wenig an Fahrt verloren, im Euroraum ist er dagegen zum Erliegen gekommen. Auch in China ist die Wirtschaft ins Stocken geraten. Ein wichtiger Grund für die weltwirtschaftliche Schwächephase dürfte in der Unsicherheit darüber liegen, welche Wendung die Streitigkeiten der US-Regierung mit China und der Europäischen Union nehmen. Zudem sind alle Fragen um den Brexit weiterhin offen. In Deutschland hat die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion im Schlussquartal 2018 stagniert, nach einem Rückgang um 0,2% im Quartal zuvor. Zur Produktionsschwäche trugen mit dem neuen Abgas-Prüfverfahren für Automobile und dem niedrigen Rheinwasser zwei Sondereffekte bei. Mehr ins Gewicht fällt, dass sich die Auslandsnachfrage, vor allem aus den EU-Partnerländern, verlangsamt hat. Die Unternehmen bauen dennoch weiter Beschäftigung auf. Offensichtlich wird die gegenwärtige Schwächephase vielfach als vorübergehend eingeschätzt. Die Folge ist allerdings ein deutlicher Anstieg der Lohnstückkosten. Auch für das erste Halbjahr 2019 ist wenig mehr als Stagnation zu erwarten. Dennoch dürfte der private Konsum robust expandieren, nicht zuletzt wegen steigender Reallöhne. Zudem stützen die niedrigen Zinsen und eine expansive Finanzpolitik. Das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt liegt nach vorliegender Prognose im Jahr 2019 um 0,5% höher als im Vorjahr, im Jahr 2020 steigt die Rate auch wegen der höheren Arbeitstagezahl auf 2,0%. Die ostdeutsche Wirtschaft expandiert in diesem Jahr um 0,7% und im Jahr 2020 um 1,7%.
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15.01.2019 • 1/2019
Schneller Braunkohleausstieg hat deutliche Folgen in betroffenen Regionen
Wenn Deutschland die Braunkohleverstromung vorzeitig beendet, wird die Gesamtwirtschaft kaum beeinträchtigt. Allerdings zeigen Berechnungen des Leibniz-Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) spürbare Effekte auf die Arbeitsmärkte des Rheinlands, Mitteldeutschlands und der Lausitz. Eine Region ist besonders betroffen von Arbeitslosigkeit und Abwanderung.
Oliver Holtemöller
Identifying Cooperation for Innovation – A Comparison of Data Sources
Michael Fritsch, Matthias Piontek, Mirko Titze
The value of social network analysis is critically dependent on the comprehensive and reliable identification of actors and their relationships. We compare regional knowledge networks based on different types of data sources, namely, co-patents, co-publications, and publicly subsidised collaborative Research and Development projects. Moreover, by combining these three data sources, we construct a multilayer network that provides a comprehensive picture of intraregional interactions. By comparing the networks based on the data sources, we address the problems of coverage and selection bias. We observe that using only one data source leads to a severe underestimation of regional knowledge interactions, especially those of private sector firms and independent researchers. The key role of universities that connect many regional actors is identified in all three types of data.
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Senior Debt and Market Discipline: Evidence from Bank-to-bank Loans
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Liuling Liu, Haizhi Wang
Journal of Banking and Finance,
We empirically investigate whether taking senior bank loans would enhance market discipline and control risk-taking among borrowing banks. Controlling for endogeneity concern arising from borrowing bank self-select into taking senior bank debt, we document that both the spreads and covenants in loan contracts are sensitive to bank risk variables. Our analysis also reveals that borrowing banks reduce their risk exposure after their first issuance of senior bank debt. We also find that lending banks significantly increase their collaboration with borrowing banks and increase their presence in the home markets of borrowing banks.
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Decision Making by the Treuhandanstalt on Privatization, Restructuring, or Liquidation of Former State-owned Firms in East Germany
Gerhard Heimpold
H.-G. Jeong, G. Heimpold (Hrsg.), Economic Development after German Unification and Implications for Korea. Policy References 18-08. Sejong: Korea Institute for International Economic Policy,
Subject to this paper is the decision making by Treuhandanstalt on privatization, restructuring, or liquidation of former state-owned firms in East Germany. To explain: the Treuhandanstalt was the agency at the Federal level tasked with the privatization of the former state-owned firms of the GDR. All former state-owned firms were assigned to the Treuhandanstalt in mid-1990. The notion of Treuhand firms (“Treuhandfirmen”) will be used to characterize this type of firms.
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27.09.2018 • 19/2018
Upswing in East Germany has slowed, but continues – implications of the joint forecast of the German economic research institutes in autumn 2018 and of official data for the Eastern German economy in the first half of 2018
The German institutes forecast a slowdown in the cyclical upswing in Germany. Foreign demand, in particular from other euro area countries, has eased, and capacity constraints make it increasingly difficult for companies to expand production. Both arguments apply to East Germany as well: high vacancy rates indicate that labour may be even scarcer than in the West despite higher unemployment. Moreover, a particularly high proportion of East German exports go to other European countries. Important drivers of growth in the East, however, are still intact: unlike the manufacturing sector, services have been rising a bit faster in recent years in East Germany than in the West. Providers of services benefit from significantly rising disposable incomes of private households, as employment is currently expanding healthily and at only a slightly slower pace than in West Germany, despite poorer demographic conditions. Retirement pensions in East Germany have also been increased considerably.
Oliver Holtemöller