Stock Market-Induced Currency Crises: A New Type of Twins
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Review of Development Economics,
No. 2,
This paper explores the link between currency crises and the stock market in emerging economies. By integrating foreign stock market investors in a currency crisis model, we reveal a new fundamental inconsistency as a potential crisis trigger: since emerging economies' stock markets often have high returns, whereas central bank reserves grow slowly or decline, the amount of reserves foreign investors can deplete when selling their stocks and repatriating the proceeds grows over time and is considerably higher than funds that have been invested in the stock market. Capital withdrawals of foreign stock market investors can trigger currency crises by depleting central bank reserves, particularly in successful countries with booming stock markets and large foreign investment.
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The Term Structure of Banking Crisis Risk in the United States: A Market Data Based Compound Option Approach
Stefan Eichler, Alexander Karmann, Dominik Maltritz
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 4,
We use a compound option-based structural credit risk model to estimate banking crisis risk for the United States based on market data on bank stocks on a daily frequency. We contribute to the literature by providing separate information on short-term, long-term and total crisis risk instead of a single-maturity risk measure usually inferred by Merton-type models or barrier models. We estimate the model by applying the Duan (1994) maximum-likelihood approach. A strongly increasing total crisis risk estimated from early July 2007 onwards is driven mainly by short-term crisis risk. Banks that defaulted or were overtaken during the crisis have a considerably higher crisis risk (especially higher long-term risk) than banks that survived the crisis.
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Exchange Rate Expectations and the Pricing of Chinese Cross-listed Stocks
Stefan Eichler
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 2,
I show that the price discounts of Chinese cross-listed stocks (American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) and H-shares) to their underlying A-shares indicate the expected yuan/US dollar exchange rate. The forecasting models reveal that ADR and H-share discounts predict exchange rate changes more accurately than the random walk and forward exchange rates, particularly at long forecast horizons. Using panel estimations, I find that ADR and H-share investors form their exchange rate expectations according to standard exchange rate theories such as the Harrod–Balassa–Samuelson effect, the risk of competitive devaluations, relative purchasing power parity, uncovered interest rate parity, and the risk of currency crisis.
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Currency Crises and the Stock Market: Empirical Evidence for Another Type of Twin Crisis
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics,
No. 29,
We explore the dependency between currency crises and the stock market in emerging economies. Our focus is two-fold. First, the risk of a currency crisis rises as the foreign stake in the domestic stock market increases. Successful economies with high capital flows into their booming stock markets especially are prone to stock market-induced currency crises. Second, we apply the dividend growth model to show that stock markets crash in the run-up to a currency crisis. This new type of twin crisis is empirically tested by employing a logit framework using quarterly data for 33 emerging economies for 1994Q1–2007Q4.
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Die Entwicklung der Corporate Governance deutscher Banken seit 1950
R. H. Schmidt, Felix Noth
Bankhistorisches Archiv,
No. 2,
The present paper gives an overview of the development of Corporate Governance of German banks since the 1950s. The focus will be on economic analysis. The most striking changes in Corporate Governance occurred with the ownership structure of commercial banks, in particular with the major joint-stock banks. In addition to that, the capital market has become a core element of Corporate Governance in all major German banks, which have replaced their prior concentration on the interests of a broadly defined circle of stakeholders by a one-sided concentration on shareholders’ interests. In contrast, with savings banks and cooperative cooperative banks, Corporate Governance has remained unchanged for the most part. Exceptions to this are the regional state banks: in their case, after they had turned away from traditional business models and in particular following the discontinuation of the guarantee obligation, the problems of their Corporate Governance, which were already discernible beforehand, became quite obvious. If you include the financial crisis, beginning in 2007, in the analysis, it becomes evident that it was precisely a Corporate Governance unilaterally geared to shareholders’ interest and the efficiency of the capital market that materially contributed to the evolution and widening of the crisis.
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On the Look-out for a White Knight: Options-based Calculation of Probability and Expected Value of Increased Bids in Hostile Takeover Battles
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
Applied Economics Letters,
No. 11,
Takeover bids provide an option right to the target's shareholders; they guarantee the offered price but maintain the chance of higher offers. Using Option Pricing Theory (OPT) we estimate the probability and expected value of higher bids from target stock prices.
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Currency Crisis Prediction Using ADR Market Data: An Options-based Approach
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
International Journal of Forecasting,
No. 4,
During capital control episodes, large price deviations between American Depositary Receipts (ADR) and their underlying stocks signal that a currency crisis is about to occur. We interpret this price spread as the price of a call option. Using option pricing theory we derive detailed information about both the probability of a currency crisis and the expected magnitude of devaluation. Analyzing daily ADR market data preceding the Venezuelan crisis (1996), our approach predicts crisis probabilities of almost 100% and forecasts the exchange rate after floating quite accurately. During the Argentine crisis (2002), the estimated exchange rates are similar to the actual ones.
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Energy Efficiency of the Housing Stock: Are potential savings overrated?
Claus Michelsen, S. Müller-Michelsen
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Ein zentrales Element der europäischen Klimaschutzpolitik ist die Reduktion des Energieverbrauchs privater Haushalte. Im Fokus stehen dabei Wohnimmobilien, insbesondere im Mehrfamilienhausbestand. Die Energieeinsparverordnung
(EnEV 2009) fordert deshalb eine deutliche Reduktion des Energiebedarfs bei Sanierungen bzw. beim Neubau von Wohnimmobilien. Allerdings sind diese Vorgaben weitgehend undifferenziert, was Alter und Art einer Immobilie sowie die
Marktbedingungen betrifft, unter denen errichtet oder saniert wird. Der vorliegende Artikel zeigt auf Grundlage eines umfangreichen Datensatzes des Energiedienstleisters ista Deutschland GmbH, dass die Energiekennwerte von Mehrfamilienhäusern abhängig vom Jahr ihrer Errichtung sowohl im sanierten
als auch im unsanierten Zustand deutlich variieren. Die Daten zeigen zudem, dass die allgemein angenommenen Einsparpotenziale, die sich vor allem am technisch Machbaren orientieren, die Realität erheblich überschätzen. So sind die tatsächlichen Verbräuche in unsanierten Immobilien und die unter Marktbedingungen realisierten Energieeinsparungen nach einer Sanierung teilweise
deutlich geringer als bisher angenommen. Eine bautechnische und architektonische Betrachtung legt die Vermutung nahe, dass unterschiedliche
Sanierungskostenverläufe und die Bestandseigenschaften des Altbaus zu den beobachtbaren Differenzen beitragen. Im Ergebnis sprechen die hier präsentierten Zahlen für eine differenziertere Strategie, die sowohl die Belange der Wirtschaftlichkeit von Sanierungen, als auch die Belange des Klimaschutzes und Städtebaus berücksichtigt. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass sich die spezifischen
Eigenschaften von Immobilien auch in den rechtlichen Vorgaben und der Förderpolitik niederschlagen sollten, um Investitionsanreize auch tatsächlich
zu setzen.
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Real Estate Prices and Bank Stability
Michael Koetter, Tigran Poghosyan
Journal of Banking and Finance,
No. 34,
Real estate prices can deviate from their fundamental value due to rigid supply, heterogeneity in quality, and various market imperfections, which have two contrasting effects on bank stability. Higher prices increase the value of collateral and net wealth of borrowers and thus reduce the likelihood of credit defaults. In contrast, persistent deviations from fundamentals may foster the adverse selection of increasingly risky creditors by banks seeking to expand their loan portfolios, which increases bank distress probabilities. We test these hypotheses using unique data on real estate markets and banks in Germany. House price deviations contribute to bank instability, but nominal house price developments do not. This finding corroborates the importance of deviations from the fundamental value of real estate, rather than just price levels or changes alone, when assessing bank stability.
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Im Fokus: Polen in der globalen Finanz- und Konjunkturkrise – Realwirtschaft trotzt mit IWF-Unterstützung den Finanzmarktturbulenzen
Tobias Knedlik
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 4,
Auch Polen konnte sich den Auswirkungen der globalen Finanzkrise nicht entziehen. Im Vergleich mit anderen Ländern Mittelosteuropas stellt Polen jedoch einen Sonderfall dar: Die Risikoprämien für handelbare Kreditversicherungen für Staatsanleihen (so genannte Credit Default Swaps, CDS) sind zwischen Juni 2007 und März 2009 weniger stark, dafür aber plötzlicher angestiegen als in den anderen Ländern der Region. Die Währungskrise begann in Polen früher und hielt länger an. Die krisenhaften Entwicklungen an den Kapital- und Währungsmärkten und der Einbruch der Exportnachfrage führten in Polen im Gegensatz zu seinen mittelosteuropäischen Nachbarländern nicht zu einer Rezession.
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