Public Bank Guarantees and Allocative Efficiency
Reint E. Gropp, Andre Guettler, Vahid Saadi
In the wake of the recent financial crisis, many governments extended public guarantees to banks. We take advantage of a natural experiment, in which long-standing public guarantees were removed for a set of German banks following a lawsuit, to identify the real effects of these guarantees on the allocation of credit (“allocative efficiency”). Using matched bank/firm data, we find that public guarantees reduce allocative efficiency. With guarantees in place, poorly performing firms invest more and maintain higher rates of sales growth. Moreover, firms produce less efficiently in the presence of public guarantees. Consistently, we show that guarantees reduce the likelihood that firms exit the market. These findings suggest that public guarantees hinder restructuring activities and prevent resources to flow to the most productive uses.
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Gemeinschaftsdiagnose: Kräftiger Aufschwung dank günstigem Öl und schwachem Euro
Oliver Holtemöller, Ferdinand Fichtner, Roland Döhrn, Timo Wollmershäuser
No. 5,
In ihrem Frühjahrsgutachten prognostizieren die an der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose teilnehmenden Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitute einen Anstieg des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) um 2,1% im Jahr 2015 und um 1,8% im Jahr 2016. Die Institute korrigieren damit ihre Prognose vom Herbst 2014 erheblich nach oben; vor einem halben Jahr war für 2015 noch eine Veränderungsrate von 1,2% erwartet worden. Ein großer Teil der Revision geht auf eine seit dem Herbst unerwartet deutliche Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen für die deutsche Konjunktur zurück. Vor allem der massive Rückgang des Ölpreises stimuliert die deutsche Wirtschaft, aber auch die deutliche Abwertung des Euro, die mit der Ausweitung der Anleiheankaufprogramme der Europäischen Zentralbank einherging.
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The Joint Dynamics of Sovereign Ratings and Government Bond Yields
Makram El-Shagi, Gregor von Schweinitz
In the present paper, we build a bivariate semiparametric dynamic panel model to repro-duce the joint dynamics of sovereign ratings and government bond yields. While the individual equations resemble Pesaran-type cointegration models, we allow for different long-run relationships in both equations, nonlinearities in the level effect of ratings, and asymmetric effects in changes of ratings and yields. We find that the interest rate equation and the rating equation imply significantly different long-run relationships. While the high persistence in both interest rates and ratings might lead to the misconception that they follow a unit root process, the joint analysis reveals that they converge slowly to a joint equilibrium. While this indicates that there is no vicious cycle driving countries into default, the persistence of ratings is high enough that a rating shock can have substantial costs. Generally, the interest rate adjusts rather quickly to the risk premium that is in line with the rating. For most ratings, this risk premium is only marginal. However, it becomes substantial when ratings are downgraded to highly speculative (a rating of B) or lower. Rating shocks that drive the rating below this threshold can increase the interest rate sharply, and for a long time. Yet, simulation studies based on our estimations show that it is highly improbable that rating agencies can be made responsible for the most dramatic spikes in interest rates.
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Vierteljährliche Konjunkturberichterstattung für das Land Sachsen-Anhalt - Die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage im 4. Quartal 2014 -
Brigitte Loose, Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Franziska Exß
IWH Online,
No. 2,
Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Sachsen-Anhalt hat nach den indikatorgestützten Schätzungen des IWH im Schlussquartal des Jahres 2014 mit einer Rate von 0,6% vergleichsweise kräftig zugenommen. Dieser Zuwachs entspricht in etwa dem der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktion in Deutschland insgesamt und auch in Ostdeutschland. Nach der Schwäche im Sommerhalbjahr, die zum einen auf Sondereffekten und zum anderen auf konjunkturbedingten Rückschlägen beruhte, konnte insbesondere das Verarbeitende Gewerbe wieder deutlich aufholen. Die Mineralölproduktion wurde nach den außerordentlich kräftigen wartungsbedingten Produktionsausfällen im Frühjahr nun bereits das zweite Quartal in Folge mit einer zweistelligen Rate ausgeweitet. Die Bauproduktion legte angesichts des ausgesprochen milden Winterwetters und hoher Auftragsbestände deutlich zu. Davon profitierten auch baustoffnahe Branchen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes. Gleichzeitig konnten die Investitions- und Verbrauchsgüterhersteller mit der wieder anziehenden Weltkonjunktur höhere Absätze im Ausland erzielen. Die Wertschöpfung im Handel nahm nach zum Teil hohen Umsatzverlusten in den drei Quartalen zuvor ebenfalls wieder zu; hier dürfte wohl die Entlastung der Budgets der privaten Haushalte aufgrund der niedrigen Inflation eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt haben. Diesen positiven Impulsen wirkt nach wie vor ein leichter Rückgang bei den öffentlichen Dienstleistern aufgrund des Konsolidierungskurses entgegen.
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Risk and Return - Is there an Unholy Cycle of Ratings and Yields?
Makram El-Shagi, Gregor von Schweinitz
Economics Letters,
After every major financial crisis, the question about the responsibility of the rating agencies resurfaces. Regarding government bonds, the most frequently voiced concern targeted “unreasonably” bad ratings that might trigger capital flights and increasing risk premia which sanction further rating downgrades. In this paper we develop a multivariate, nonparametric version of the Pesaran type cointegration model that allows for nonlinearities, to show that a unique equilibrium between ratings and sovereign yields exists. Therefore, we have to reject the concern that there is an unholy cycle leading to certain default in the long run.
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22.01.2015 • 4/2015
EZB-Staatsanleihekäufe: Langfristig sehr riskant – aber angesichts der akuten Gefahren für die Preisstabilität vertretbar
Die Europäische Zentralbank hat sich für den Kauf von Staatsanleihen in großem Umfang entschieden. Durch den damit verbundenen Rückgang der Umlaufsrendite von Staatsanleihen ist es wahrscheinlich, dass auch die Unternehmenszinsen ge-senkt werden können. Dadurch würden mehr realwirtschaftliche Projekte rentabel und die Unternehmensinvestitionen zunehmen. Käufe von Staatsanleihen durch die Notenbank bringen zwar erhebliche Risiken mit sich, sind aber mit Blick auf die akuten Gefahren für die Geldpolitik vertretbar.
Reint E. Gropp
Oliver Holtemöller
Corporate Taxation and Firm Location in Germany
Götz Zeddies
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 2,
German Fiscal Federalism is characterized by a high degree of fiscal equalization which lowers the efficiency of local tax administration. Currently, a reform of the fiscal equalization scheme is on the political agenda. One option is to grant federal states the right to raise surtaxes on statutory tax rates set by the central government in order to reduce the equalization rate. In such an environment, especially those federal states with lower economic performance would have to raise comparatively high surtaxes. With capital mobility, this could further lower economic performance and thus tax revenues. Although statutory tax rates are so far identical across German federal states, corporate tax burden differs for several reasons. This paper tries to identify the impact of such differences on firm location. As can be shown, effective corporate taxation did seemingly not have a significant impact on firm location across German federal states.
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Understanding the Great Recession
Mathias Trabandt, Lawrence J. Christiano, Martin S. Eichenbaum
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
No. 1,
We argue that the vast bulk of movements in aggregate real economic activity during the Great Recession were due to financial frictions. We reach this conclusion by looking through the lens of an estimated New Keynesian model in which firms face moderate degrees of price rigidities, no nominal rigidities in wages, and a binding zero lower bound constraint on the nominal interest rate. Our model does a good job of accounting for the joint behavior of labor and goods markets, as well as inflation, during the Great Recession. According to the model the observed fall in total factor productivity and the rise in the cost of working capital played critical roles in accounting for the small drop in inflation that occurred during the Great Recession.
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Isolation and Innovation – Two Contradictory Concepts? Explorative Findings from the German Laser Industry
Wilfried Ehrenfeld, T. Pusch, Muhamed Kudic
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 1,
We apply a network perspective and study the emergence of core-periphery (CP) structures in innovation networks to shed some light on the relationship between isolation and innovation. It has been frequently argued that a firm’s location in a densely interconnected network area improves its ability to access information and absorb technological knowledge. This, in turn, enables a firm to generate new products and services at a higher rate compared to less integrated competitors. However, the importance of peripheral positions for innovation processes is still a widely neglected issue in literature. Isolation may provide unique conditions that induce innovations which otherwise may never have been invented. Such innovations have the potential to lay the ground for a firm’s pathway towards the network core, where the industry’s established technological knowledge is assumed to be located.
The aim of our paper is twofold. Firstly, we propose a new CP indicator and apply it to analyze the emergence of CP patterns in the German laser industry. We employ publicly funded Research and Development (R&D) cooperation project data over a period of more than two decades. Secondly, we explore the paths on which firms move from isolated positions towards the core (and vice versa). Our exploratory results open up a number of new research questions at the intersection between geography, economics and network research.
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