Die Entwicklung der Corporate Governance deutscher Banken seit 1950
R. H. Schmidt, Felix Noth
Bankhistorisches Archiv,
No. 2,
The present paper gives an overview of the development of Corporate Governance of German banks since the 1950s. The focus will be on economic analysis. The most striking changes in Corporate Governance occurred with the ownership structure of commercial banks, in particular with the major joint-stock banks. In addition to that, the capital market has become a core element of Corporate Governance in all major German banks, which have replaced their prior concentration on the interests of a broadly defined circle of stakeholders by a one-sided concentration on shareholders’ interests. In contrast, with savings banks and cooperative cooperative banks, Corporate Governance has remained unchanged for the most part. Exceptions to this are the regional state banks: in their case, after they had turned away from traditional business models and in particular following the discontinuation of the guarantee obligation, the problems of their Corporate Governance, which were already discernible beforehand, became quite obvious. If you include the financial crisis, beginning in 2007, in the analysis, it becomes evident that it was precisely a Corporate Governance unilaterally geared to shareholders’ interest and the efficiency of the capital market that materially contributed to the evolution and widening of the crisis.
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Worker Remittances and Capital Flows to Developing Countries
Claudia M. Buch, A. Kuckulenz
International Migration,
No. 5,
Worker remittances constitute an increasingly important channel for the
transfer of resources to developing countries. Behind foreign direct investment,
remittances are the second-largest source of external funding for developing countries. Yet, literature on worker remittances has traditionally focused on the impact of remittances on income distribution within countries, on the determinants of remittances at a micro-level, or on the effects of migration and remittances for specific countries or regions. Macroeconomic determinants and effects of remittances have received more attention only recently. Hence, the focus of this paper is on the macroeconomic determinants of remittances and on differences in these determinants between remittances and other capital flows. We find that
remittances respond more to demographic variables while private capital
flows respond more to macroeconomic conditions.
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Neo-liberalism, the Changing German Labor Market, and Income Distribution: An Institutionalist and Post Keynesian Analysis
John B. Hall, Udo Ludwig
Journal of Economic Issues,
This inquiry relies on an Institutionalist and Post Keynesian analysis to explore Germany's neo-liberal project, noting cumulative effects emerging as measurable economic and societal outcomes. Investments in technologies generate rising output-to-capital ratios. Increasing exports offset the Domar problem, but give rise to capital surpluses. National income redistributes in favor of capital. Novel labor market institutions emerge. Following Minsky, good times lead to bad: as seeming successes of neo-liberal policies are accompanied by financial instability, growing disparities in household incomes, and sharp declines in German exports on world markets, resulting in one of the deepest, recent contractions in the industrialized world.
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Human Capital Investment, New Firm Creation and Venture Capital
Merih Sevilir
Journal of Financial Intermediation,
No. 4,
This paper studies the relation between firm investment in general human capital, new firm creation and financial development for new firm financing, such as the existence of a venture capital industry. On one hand, firm investment in general human capital leads employees to generate new innovative ideas for starting their own firm. Since employees need a venture capitalist to start their new firm, firm investment in general human capital encourages the creation of venture capitalists by increasing the need for their services, such as providing advice and monitoring. On the other hand, as new firm financing becomes available, firms' willingness to invest in general human capital increases, and as a by-product, the creation of employee-founded and venture capital-backed new firms increases in the economy. Hence, our model provides a rational explanation for the emergence of new firms created by employees of established firms, which represents one of the most common type of new firms in many industries.
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Regionale Migration in Abhängigkeit von Humankapital und sektoraler Struktur. Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel von Deutschland und Polen
Alexander Kubis
No. 2,
Die vorliegende Promotionsschrift von Dipl.-Volkswirt Alexander Kubis über deutsch-polnische Migrationsmuster und die Möglichkeiten, künftiges Wanderungsverhalten regional differenziert zu prognostizieren, ordnet sich in die Tradition der Arbeiten des IWH ein, die sich mit der Interdependenz transformationsökonomischer Entwicklungen und der europäischen Integration befassen. Die Verzahnung beider Aspekte ist bei Wanderungen besonders explizit, weil der Umbau von staatlich gelenkten Planwirtschaften zu Marktwirtschaften regional und sektoral mit unterdurchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeiten ablief, weshalb eine erhebliche Dynamik in den Veränderungen dessen, was man als Chancenverteilung im Raum bezeichnen möchte, konstatiert werden kann – und genau auf diese reagiert Migration. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund ursprünglicher Zuwanderungsbeschränkungen und eines nunmehr tatsächlich vorhandenen, aber auch im Bewusstsein präsent werdenden erhöhten Fachkräftebedarfs gewinnt die Analyse regionaler und sektoraler Bestimmungsgründe der Migration eine herausragende Bedeutung.
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Currency Crisis Prediction Using ADR Market Data: An Options-based Approach
Stefan Eichler, Dominik Maltritz
International Journal of Forecasting,
No. 4,
During capital control episodes, large price deviations between American Depositary Receipts (ADR) and their underlying stocks signal that a currency crisis is about to occur. We interpret this price spread as the price of a call option. Using option pricing theory we derive detailed information about both the probability of a currency crisis and the expected magnitude of devaluation. Analyzing daily ADR market data preceding the Venezuelan crisis (1996), our approach predicts crisis probabilities of almost 100% and forecasts the exchange rate after floating quite accurately. During the Argentine crisis (2002), the estimated exchange rates are similar to the actual ones.
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Why are East Germans not More Mobile? Analyzing the Impact of Social Ties on Regional Migration
Peter Bönisch, Lutz Schneider
Individuals’ preferences in transition regions are still shaped by the former communist system. We test this ‘Communism legacy’ hypothesis by examining the impact of acculturation in a communist regime on social network participation and, as a consequence, on preferences for spatial mobility. We focus on the paradigmatic case of East Germany where mobility intentions seem to be substantially weaker than in the western part. Applying an IV ordered probit approach we firstly find that East German people acculturated in a Communist system are more invested in locally bounded informal social capital than West Germans. Secondly, we confirm that membership in such locally bounded social networks reduces the intention to move away. Thirdly, after controlling for the social network effect the mobility gap between East and West substantially reduces. Low spatial mobility of the eastern population, we conclude, is to an important part attributable to a social capital endowment characteristic to post-communist economies.
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Human Capital in a regional Comparison of East and West Germany: Catching up of the New Laender
Maike Irrek
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 7,
Der Humankapitalbestand einer Region bestimmt nicht nur in entscheidendem Maße die gegenwärtige Leistungskraft ihrer Wirtschaft, sondern hat auch beträchtlichen Einfluss auf die zukünftigen produktiven Möglichkeiten, das heißt das Wachstum. Humankapital umfasst die Fähigkeiten und das personenspezifische Wissen der erwerbsfähigen Personen, welches einerseits zur Produktion von Gütern und Dienstleistungen und andererseits zu deren Weiter- bzw. Neuentwicklung benötigt wird. Die öffentliche Diskussion über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Ostdeutschlands greift diesen essentiellen Zusammenhang auf, wenn sie die mittelfristige Entwicklung des Fachkräfteangebots oder die Forschungs- und Entwicklungsintensität der Unternehmen problematisiert. Zur Beurteilung der Situation auf der Aggregationsebene der Neuen sucht werden, den Humankapitalbestand und seine Entwicklung im Zeitverlauf sowie im Vergleich zu Westdeutschland zu schätzen. Das durchschnittliche Humankapital der Erwerbstätigen und des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials wird mit Hilfe des Lohneinkommens für Ost- und Westdeutschland getrennt geschätzt. Im Ergebnis kann festgestellt werden, dass das durchschnittliche Humankapital der Erwerbstätigen von 1995 bis 2004 in Ostdeutschland leicht und in Westdeutschland kaum gestiegen ist, sodass von einem leichten Aufholprozess gesprochen werden kann, der jedoch noch nicht zur Angleichung geführt hat.
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FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry-level View
C. Arndt, Claudia M. Buch, Monika Schnitzer
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy,
Previous empirical work on the link between domestic and foreign investment has provided mixed results. This may partly be due to the level of aggregation of the data. In this paper, we argue that the impact of FDI on the domestic capital stock depends on the structure of industries. Using industry-level data on the stock of German FDI, we test our predictions. We use panel cointegration methods which address the potential endogeneity of FDI. We find evidence for a positive long-run impact of FDI on the domestic capital stock.
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