Assessing Competitiveness: How Firm-Level Data Can Help
Carlo Altomonte, Filippo di Mauro, Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Gianmarco Ottaviano
Bruegel Policy Contribution,
No. 16,
As policymakers refocus on growth, the ability to take a firm-level view is key to disentangling the various factors at the root of competitiveness, and thus to designing appropriate policies. Firm-level data provides critical information for the design of appropriate competitiveness measures that complement traditional macro analysis. More work remains to be done assembling firm-level information, but the variance of the distribution of firm characteristics already conveys important information in addition to standard averages. New indicators should be developed to translate the distribution of firm characteristics into indicators of competitiveness designed to capture not only average performance but also the heterogeneity of firm performance. This Policy Contribution builds on ongoing research within EFIGE (, a project to help identify the internal policies needed to improve the external competitiveness of the European Union.
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Size is not everything – The efficiency of municipal service provision in Saxony-Anhalt
Peter Haug, Annette Illy
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 10,
Befürworter von Gemeindegebietsreformen – wie z.B. der erst kürzlich beendeten Reform in Sachsen-Anhalt – erwarten von Gemeindezusammenlegungen und zentralisierten Verwaltungsformen (Einheitsgemeinde statt Verwaltungsgemeinschaft) Kosteneinsparungen bzw. Effizienzsteigerungen bei der kommunalen Leistungserstellung. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht die möglichen Effizienznachteile kleinteiliger Gemeindestrukturen am Beispiel
Sachsen-Anhalts zum Zeitpunkt vor der entscheidenden Phase der Gemeindegebietsreform. Die empirischen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass dezentrale Verwaltungsformen keinen signifikanten Effizienznachteil gegenüber Einheitsgemeinden aufweisen müssen. Ferner deuten die Analysen zur Skaleneffizienz darauf hin, dass die Mehrheit der sachsen-anhaltischen Gemeinden – wenn die aggregierte Ebene der Verwaltungsgemeinschaften
betrachtet wird – eine weitgehend effiziente „Betriebsgröße“ hatte, wobei der Zusammenhang zwischen Einwohnerzahl und Skaleneffizienz u-förmig verläuft. Einerseits stützt die Untersuchung daher nicht den Erhalt von Kleinstgemeinden oder die Bildung von Verwaltungsgemeinschaften mit zweistelligen Mitgliedsgemeindezahlen. Andererseits liefern die Ergebnisse – selbst unter Berücksichtigung des sich abzeichnenden Bevölkerungsrückgangs – aber auch keinen Beleg für die Notwendigkeit der Reduzierung der Anzahl der Städte und Gemeinden in Sachsen-Anhalt von 1 118 im Jahr 2004 auf aktuell 219.
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A Systemic View on Knowledge-based Development Metrics
Mirko Titze, Michael Schwartz, Matthias Brachert
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development,
No. 1,
Drawing on the systems perspective of innovation processes, this article proposes a conceptual approach for a comprehensive analysis of regional knowledge generation and transfer. Instead of focusing on one single indicator, the approach emphasizes the importance to take multiple channels of knowledge transfer into account. This provides valuable insights into the spatial structure of innovation processes on different levels. We disentangle the innovation process and consider four different layers: i.) publications in peer-reviewed journals, ii.) patent applications, iii.) formal R&D collaboration projects, the iv.) localized input-output relations. Further, we demonstrate the relevance of the „multi-layer approach‟ by applying it empirically to a specific regional innovation system: The Free State of Saxony – a federal state in Germany. We argue that the approach could be a valuable tool to inform policy-makers about knowledge-based regional development strategies.
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The Role of Investment Banking for the German Economy: Final Report for Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main
Michael Schröder, M. Borell, Reint E. Gropp, Z. Iliewa, L. Jaroszek, G. Lang, S. Schmidt, K. Trela
ZEW-Dokumentationen, Nr. 12-01,
No. 1,
The aim of this study is to assess the contributions of investment banking to the economy with a particular focus on the German economy. To this end we analyse both the economic benefits and the costs stemming from investment banking.
The study focuses on investment banks as this part of banking is particularly relevant for financing companies as well as the development and use of specific products to support the needs of private and professional clients. The assessment of benefits and costs of investment banking has been conducted from a European perspective. Nevertheless there is a focus on the German economy to allow a more detailed analysis of certain aspects as for example the use of derivatives by German companies, the success of M&As in Germany or the effect of securitization on loan supply and GDP in Germany. For comparison purposes other European countries and also the U.S. have been taken into account.
The last financial crisis has shown the negative impacts of banks on the financial system and the whole economy. In a study on the contribution of investment banks to systemic risk we quantify the negative side of the investment banking business.
In the last part of the study we assess how the effects of regulatory changes on investment banking. All important changes in banking and capital market regulation are taken into account such as Basel III, additional capital requirements for systemically important financial institutions, regulation of OTC derivatives and specific taxes.
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Industrial Associations as a Channel of Business-Government Interactions in an Imperfect Institutional Environment: The Russian Case
A. Yakovlev, A. Govorun
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 16,
International lessons from emerging economies suggest that business associations may provide an effective channel of communication between the government and the private sector. This function of business associations may become still more important in transition economies, where old mechanisms for coordinating enterprise activities have been destroyed, while the new ones have not been established yet. In this context, Russian experience is a matter of interest, because for a long time, Russia was regarded as a striking example of state failures and market failures. Consequently, the key point of our study was a description of the role and place of business associations in the presentday
Russian economy and their interaction with member companies and bodies of state
administration. Relying on the survey data of 957 manufacturing firms conducted in
2009, we found that business associations are more frequently joined by larger companies, firms located in regional capital cities, and firms active in investment and innovation. By contrast, business associations tend to be less frequently joined by business groups’ subsidiaries and firms that were non-responsive about their respective ownership structures. Our regression analysis has also confirmed that business associations are a component of what Frye (2002) calls an “elite exchange”– although only on regional and local levels. These “exchanges” imply that members of business associations, on the one hand, more actively assist regional and local authorities in social development of their regions, and on the other hand more often receive support from authorities. However, this effect is insignificant in terms of support from the federal government. In general, our results allow us to believe that at present, business associations (especially the
industry-wide and “leading” ones) consolidate the most active, advanced companies and act as collective representatives of their interests. For this reason, business associations can be regarded as interface units between the authorities and businesses and as a possible instrument for promotion of economic development.
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Related Variety, Unrelated Variety and Regional Functions: Identifying Sources of Regional Employment Growth in Germany from 2003 to 2008
Matthias Brachert, Alexander Kubis, Mirko Titze
This article analyses how regional employment growth in Germany is affected by related variety, unrelated variety and the functions a region performs in the production process. Following the related variety literature, we argue that regions benefit from the existence of related activities that facilitate economic development. However, we argue that the sole reliance of related variety on standard industrial classifications remains debatable. Hence, we offer estimations for establishing that conceptual progress can indeed be made when a focus for analysis goes beyond solely considering industries. We develop an industry-function based approach of related and unrelated variety. Our findings suggest that related variety only in combination with a high functional specialization of the region facilitates regional growth in Germany. Additionally, also unrelated variety per se fails to wield influences affecting development of regions. It is rather unrelated, but functionally proximate variety in the groups “White Collar” and “Blue Collar Workers” positively affects regional employment growth.
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Selektivität, soziale Bindung und räumliche Mobilität - Eine Analyse der Rückkehrpräferenz nach Ostdeutschland
Lutz Schneider, Alexander Kubis, D. Wiest
Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsgeographie,
No. -1,
Selectivity, social ties and spatial mobility. An analysis of preferences for return migration to East Germany. In the public debate, brain drain from East Germany is supposed to be the most critical trend regarding the development and catching up of the New Länder. Therefore, potential for in- and re-migration has attracted much attention at least in the political context. Our contribution analyses the remigration potential on basis of data from a DFG research project focussing on the re-migration intentions of people formerly emigrated from Saxony-Anhalt. The analysis concentrates on the following aspects: the effect of job market success after emigration; the impact of social ties to the origin and the host region and on the selectivity of re-migration preferences. The econometric results confirm several expected effects: On the one hand an individual’s job market success reduces the intention to return. Likewise, the re-migration preference increases for people whose expectations were disappointed. On the other hand, the relevance of social ties to the origin region for re-migration dispositions is confirmed by the estimations. Yet, regarding selectivity of re-migration preferences in terms of human capital econometric results are somewhat ambiguous.
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Stadtumbau – Preise – Investitionen. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Wohnungsmarkt auf Grundlage der Realoptionstheorie
Dominik Weiß
Wirtschaftspolitik in Forschung und Praxis, Bd. 56. Zugl. Dissertation Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Dr. Kovac Verlag, Hamburg,
Mit der Studie legt Dominik Weiß die erste umfassende Untersuchung vor, die sich quantitativ mit den Effekten des Stadtumbaus auf Preisbildung und Wertentwicklung am Immobilienmarkt auseinandersetzt. Durch die Anwendung eines realoptionstheoretischen Ansatzes wird eine innovative Analysemethodik angewendet, die zumindest in Deutschland bisher kaum mit umfangreichen empirischen Analysen verknüpft worden ist. Dadurch wird die Problematik der zeitlich verzögerten Wirkung baulicher Maßnahmen am Markt und der indirekte Charakter der Stadtumbauförderung für private Wohnungseigentümer adäquat berücksichtigt. Die Studie beleuchtet Entscheidungskalküle und das Investitionsverhalten von Hauseigentümern und liefert Erkenntnisse über die Potenziale und Grenzen der klassischen Stadtumbaumaßnahmen. Von besonderem Wert für Entscheider in Stadtentwicklung, Förderpolitik und Wohnungswirtschaft sind die umfangreiche Aufarbeitung ökonomischer Begründungen für die Stadtumbauförderung und die vielfältigen Hinweise und Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung und Weiterentwicklung des Stadtumbaus.
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Auswirkungen der aus dem Konjunkturpaket II für das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) bereitgestellten Mittel auf die konjunkturelle Entwicklung. Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi)
Jutta Günther, Udo Ludwig, Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Brigitte Loose, Nicole Nulsch
Das Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM) des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie unterstützt in Deutschland Forschung und Innovation in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. In Reaktion auf die weltweite Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise wurde das ZIM in den Jahren 2009 und 2010 – zusätzlich zu dem Haushaltsvolumen von 626 Mio. Euro – um 900 Mio. Euro aus dem Konjunkturpaket II aufgestockt. Das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) hat die konjunkturelle Hebelwirkung dieser Mittel quantifiziert. Ergebnis: Die staatliche Anschubfinanzierung in Höhe von 1,3 Mrd. Euro führte zu Forschungsprojekten der Unternehmen und Wissenschafts-einrichtungen in beinahe dreimal so hohem Umfang (3,7 Mrd. Euro). Über zuliefernde Firmen erhöht sich der volkswirtschaftliche Effekt nochmals um das Doppelte. Kumuliert über die Jahre 2009 bis 2011 werden bis zu 69 500 Arbeitsplätze gesichert oder neu geschaffen.
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The Impact of Government Procurement Composition on Private R&D Activities
Viktor Slavtchev, Simon Wiederhold
This paper addresses the question of whether government procurement can work as a de facto innovation policy tool. We develop an endogenous growth model with quality-improving in-novation that incorporates industries with heterogeneous innovation sizes. Government demand in high-tech industries increases the market size in these industries and, with it, the incentives for private firms to invest in R&D. At the economy-wide level, the additional R&D induced in high-tech industries outweighs the R&D foregone in all remaining industries. The implications of the model are empirically tested using a unique data set that includes federal procurement in U.S. states. We find evidence that a shift in the composition of government purchases toward high-tech industries indeed stimulates privately funded company R&D.
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