Investment, Financial Markets, New Economy Dynamics and Growth in Transition Countries
Albrecht Kauffmann, P. J. J. Welfens
Economic Opening Up and Growth in Russia: Finance, Trade, Market Institutions, and Energy,
The transition to a market economy in the former CMEA area is more than a decade old and one can clearly distinguish a group of relatively fast growing countries — including Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia — and a majority of slowly growing economies, including Russia and the Ukraine. Initial problems of transition were natural in the sense that systemic transition to a market economy has effectively destroyed part of the existing capital stock that was no longer profitable under the new relative prices imported from world markets; and there was a transitory inflationary push as low state-administered prices were replaced by higher market equilibrium prices. Indeed, systemic transformation in eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have brought serious transitory inflation problems and a massive transition recession; negative growth rates have continued over many years in some countries, including Russia and the Ukraine, where output growth was negative throughout the 1990s (except for Russia, which recorded slight growth in 1997). For political and economic reasons the economic performance of Russia is of particular relevance for the success of the overall transition process. If Russia would face stagnation and instability, this would undermine political and economic stability in the whole of Europe and prospects for integrating Russia into the world economy.
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Information or Regulation: What Drives the International Activities of Commercial Banks?
Claudia M. Buch
Journal of Money Credit,
No. 6,
Information costs and regulatory barriers distinguish international financial markets from national ones. Using panel data on bilateral assets and liabilities of commercial banks, I empirically determine the impact of information, costs and regulations, and I isolate intra-EU financial linkages. I confirm that information costs and regulations are important factors influencing international asset choices of banks, but their relative importance differs among countries.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan, Karin Szalai
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 183,
Industrial productivity levels of formerly socialist economies in Central East Europe (including East Germany) are considerably lower than in the more mature Western economies. This research aims at assessing the reasons for lower productivities at the firm level: what are the firm-specific determinants of productivity gaps. To assess this, we have conducted an extensive field study and focussed on a selection of two important manufacturing industries, namely machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers, and on the construction industry. Using the data generated in field work, we test a set of determinant-candidates which were derived from theory and prior research in that topic. Our analysis uses the simplest version of the matched-pair approach, in which first hypothesis about relevant productivity level-determinants are tested. In a second step, positively tested hypothesis are further assessed in terms of whether they also constitute firm-specific determinants of the apparent gaps between the firms in our Eastern and such in our Western panels. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in all three industrial branches assessed. Amongst manufacturing firms, networking activities and the use of modern technologies for communication are important reasons for the lower levels of labour productivity in the East. The intensity of long-term strategic planning on behalf of the management turned out to be relevant only for machinery manufacturers. Product and process innovations unexpectedly exhibit an ambiguous picture, as did the extent of specialisation on a small number of products in the firms’ portfolio and the intensity of competition.
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Why do we have an interbank money market?
Jürgen Wiemers, Ulrike Neyer
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 182,
The interbank money market plays a key role in the execution of monetary policy. Hence, it is important to know the functioning of this market and the determinants of the interbank money market rate. In this paper, we develop an interbank money market model with a heterogeneous banking sector. We show that besides for balancing daily liquidity fluctuations banks participate in the interbank market because they have different marginal costs of obtaining funds from the central bank. In the euro area, which we refer to, these cost differences occur because banks have different marginal cost of collateral which they need to hold to obtain funds from the central bank. Banks with relatively low marginal costs act as intermediaries between the central bank and banks with relatively high marginal costs. The necessary positive spread between the interbank market rate and the central bank rate is determined by transaction costs and credit risk in the interbank market, total liquidity needs of the banking sector, costs of obtaining funds from the central bank, and the distribution of the latter across banks.
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A Study of the Competitiveness of Regions based on a Cluster Analysis: The Example of East Germany
Franz Kronthaler
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 179,
This paper examines whether some East German regions have already achieved the same economic capability as the regions in West Germany, so that they are on a competitive basis with the West German regions and are able to reach the same economic level in the long run. If this is not the case, it is important to know more about the reasons for the economic weakness of the East German regions twelve years after unification.
The study is based on a cluster analysis. Criteria for the cluster formation are several economic indicators, which provide information about the economic capability of regions. The choice of the indicators is based on a review of results of the theoretical and empirical literature on the new growth theory and new economic geography.
The results show that most of the East German regions have not yet reached the economic capability and competitiveness of their West German counterparts so that they - from the viewpoint of the new growth theory and the new economic geography - are not in the position to reach the same economic level. According to these theories economic disadvantages are most notably the consequences of less technical progress, a lack of entrepreneurship and fewer business concentration. Under these points it is especially noteworthy that young well educated people leave these East German regions so that human capital might will turn into a bottle-neck in the near future. Only a few regions in East Germany - those with important agglomerations - are comparable to West German regions that are characterised by average capability and competitiveness, but not to those with above average economic capability and competitiveness. Even those more advanced East German regions still suffer from a slower technical progress.
There are important policy implications based on these results: regional policy in East Germany was not able to assist raising all regions to a sufficient level of competitiveness. It may be more effective to concentrate the regional policy efforts on a selection of important agglomerations. This has also strong implications for the EU regional policy assuming that the accession countries will have similar problems in catching up to the economic level of the EU as have the East German regions.
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Germany 2004: Only a transitory economic stimulus from moving tax cuts forward
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Auch im Sommer 2003 hat die deutsche Wirtschaft die seit drei Jahren anhaltende Stagnation nicht überwunden. Im vergangenen Winterhalbjahr haben erneut rezessive Tendenzen die Oberhand gewonnen. Die Inlandsnachfrage nach Konsum- und Investitionsgütern hat sich zwar seit Jahresbeginn etwas gefestigt, sie expandierte jedoch nach wie vor schwach – vor allem wegen der weiterhin rückläufigen Bauinvestitionen. Impulse von der Belebung der Weltkonjunktur fehlen noch ganz. Zudem belastet der gegenüber dem Vorjahr höhere Außenwert des Euro Exporte aus Deutschland und regt Importe an. Die an sich nur verhaltenen konjunkturellen Impulse vom Inland fließen stärker als zuvor in die Nachfrage nach Importgütern ab, und die Außenwirtschaft trägt nicht – wie sonst üblich – zum Anstieg der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Produktion bei, sondern entzieht ihr sogar Kaufkraft.
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Cross subsidization of municipal services in Germany: Current importance and evaluation with respect to efficiency and distribution
Peter Haug
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Trotz Liberalisierung des Energiemarktes und der absehbaren Deregulierung des Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs (ÖPNV) innerhalb der EU hat die Quersubventionierung des Nahverkehrs über die Gewinne der kommunalen Versorgungsunternehmen nach wie vor eine große quantitative Bedeutung in Deutschland. Dies belegt eine Erhebung des IWH in deutschen Großstädten. Diese Praxis kann aus wohlfahrtsökonomischer Sicht und aus der Verteilungsperspektive als ineffizient bzw. nicht mit den üblichen Vorstellungen von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit vereinbar beurteilt werden. Soll aus politischen Gründen das ÖPNV-Angebot im bisherigen Umfang aufrechterhalten werden, wäre unter Umständen eine alternative Finanzierungsform geboten.
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On the presence of important growth factors in German regions along the border with Poland
Gerhard Heimpold
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 7,
Die deutschen Regionen entlang der Grenze zu Polen gelten als wirtschaftlich schwach. Über deren künftige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung besteht – nicht zuletzt angesichts der bevorstehenden EU-Osterweiterung – große Unsicherheit. Vor diesem Hintergrund versucht der Beitrag, mehr Licht in die Debatte über die Zukunft der Grenzregionen zu bringen. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen zweierlei. Erstens ist der Grenzraum kein homogener Raum. Einzelne Teilräume weisen durchaus Stärken auf: die Universitätsstädte – erwartungsgemäß – beim Humankapital und beim Dienstleistungsbesatz. Andere Kreise zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Industriebeschäftigtenanteil und durch überdurchschnittliche Industrieinvestitionen aus. Zweitens sind zwar die Grenzregionen bei der Ausstattung mit wichtigen Wachstumsdeterminanten im Durchschnitt etwas schlechter als Ostdeutschland als Ganzes gestellt. Dies trifft aber auch auf viele andere strukturschwache Regionen in Ostdeutschland zu. Gravierender als die intra-ostdeutschen Unterschiede fallen die Unterschiede im Vergleich zu den alten Ländern aus.
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Macroeconomic Modelling of the German Economy in the Framework of Euroland
Rüdiger Pohl, Heinz P. Galler
Schriften des IWH,
No. 11,
An attempt to develop a new macroeconometric model for Germany is confronted with several questions that range from the general rationality of such an approach to specific problems of an appropriate model structure. One important aspect of this discussion is the introduction of the Euro as a common currency of the European monetary union. This institutional change may result in structural breaks due to changing behavior of economic agents. In addition, the definition of the spatial unit that is appropriate for modelling becomes a problem. Additional problems come from the introduction of the European Single Market and the increasing international economic integration not only within the European union but also beyond its borders. And in the case of Germany, the unification of the West and the East demand special attention. Last but not least, the harmonization of national accounting for the member states of the European Union has to be dealt with. Thus, the introduction of the Euro as a common currency is just one problem besides others that must be addressed.
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Korean unification and banking system - An analysis in view of German experiences and Korean differences
Ralf Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 139,
One of the reforms that have to be launched in a future unification process in Korea, which seems possible after the political negotiations last year, is the transformation of the North Korean banking system. The question arises whether Korea could profit from the German experience where banking transformation was one of the rather few success stories in unification. In 1990 the East German banking transformation was achieved relatively fast and uncomplicated due to considerable direct investments of the West German banks compounded with state guarantees for bad loans resulting from the credit business with existing GDR-corporations. Unfortunately, South Korea currently lacks some major prerequesites that contributed to the German banking unification, among them – and probably the most important one – is the lack of a sound and efficient banking
system that could become active in the North. Consequently, depending on the circumstances of a future Korean unification either a more gradual process is recommended or, if inner-Korean migration requires a more dynamic transition, considerable investment by foreign banks and assistance from international organisations is recommended.
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