06.10.2021 • 24/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcy Figures Remain Low; More Manufacturing Jobs Impacted
The number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany remained near to a historic low in September. However, there was a considerable increase in the share of manufacturing jobs impacted by bankruptcy. These are the key findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Update, published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), which provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany.
Steffen Müller
07.09.2021 • 22/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Ongoing Decline in Bankruptcy Statistics
After hitting an all-time low in July, the number of firms declaring bankruptcy in Germany fell yet again in August. A new low was also registered in the number of impacted jobs. These are the headline findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Report, published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), which provides a monthly update on German bankruptcy statistics.
Steffen Müller
05.08.2021 • 21/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcies in Germany Fall to an All-time Low
The number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany fell to a historic low in July, and are not anticipated to trend higher in August, according to IWH’s leading indicators. The IWH Bankruptcy Update, published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany.
Steffen Müller
08.06.2021 • 14/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Still No Bankruptcy Wave in Sight; Number of Impacted Jobs Reaches New Low
In May the number of corporate bankruptcies once again fell significantly. A jump in June is also unlikely, according to early indicators assessed by IWH. The number of jobs impacted by bankruptcy has fallen to the lowest level witnessed since the Corona outbreak. The IWH Bankruptcy Report, published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), provides a monthly update on German bankruptcy statistics.
Steffen Müller
06.05.2021 • 13/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Upward Trend in Bankruptcies Stopped; Reintroduction of Filing Requirement Unlikely to Generate Bankruptcy Wave
Following a rising trend in recent months, the number of corporate bankruptcies fell significantly in April. The number of impacted jobs also remained at modest levels. After a recent sharp rise in the bankruptcy statistics for microbusinesses (which has drawn little press attention), the upward trend for this subcategory loses steam. These are the key findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Update, which provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany.
Steffen Müller
08.04.2021 • 10/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcy Statistics Rise Again in March
The number of firms declaring bankruptcy in Germany increased once again in March. However, the number of jobs impacted by the bankruptcy of large firms remained constant. The IWH Bankruptcy Report, published by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), provides a monthly update on German bankruptcy statistics.
Steffen Müller
04.03.2021 • 7/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: German Bankruptcy Rates Remain Low in February
Bankruptcies statistics trended sideways at a low level in February 2021. Furthermore, the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) does not anticipate higher bankruptcy rates in the coming months, despite Germany’s prolonged lockdown. These are the key findings of the IWH Bankruptcy Update, which provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany.
Steffen Müller
Importwettbewerb und Firmenproduktivität
Viktor Slavtchev
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Dieser Beitrag untersucht für Unternehmen aus dem Verarbeitenden Gewerbe in Deutschland empirisch, ob der Wettbewerbsdruck durch Importe zu einer Steigerung der Produktivität führt. Um die Reaktionen der einheimischen Unternehmen besser zu verstehen, werden auch Effekte auf Output, Beschäftigung und FuE-Aktivitäten der Unternehmen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Anreize der Unternehmen, in eine Erhöhung ihrer Produktivität zu „investieren“, von der Art der importierten Güter abhängen sowie davon, wie schwierig es für die einheimischen Unternehmen ist, mit der Konkurrenz mitzuhalten. Auf Importe von vergleichsweise technologisch einfachen und arbeitsintensiven Produkten aus Niedriglohnländern reagieren einheimische Unternehmen nicht mit einer Erhöhung ihrer Produktivität; vielmehr reduzieren sie Output und Beschäftigung. Dagegen steigt die Produktivität einheimischer Unternehmen als Reaktion auf Wettbewerbsdruck durch Importe von kapital- und technologieintensiven Gütern aus Industrieländern – jedoch nicht aufgrund höherer FuE-Ausgaben; ein Rückgang von Output und Beschäftigung ist in diesem Fall nicht beobachtbar.
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04.02.2021 • 5/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Wave of bankruptcies in retail and hospitality has yet to materialise as downward trend in statistics continues
The number of reported bankruptcies in Germany fell in January 2021. Furthermore, bankruptcy statistics are anticipated to stay at a low level in coming months, according to the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), which provides monthly statistics on corporate bankruptcies in Germany with its IWH Bankruptcy Update.
Steffen Müller
07.01.2021 • 1/2021
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Bankruptcies Tick Upward in December
In December 2020 the number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany experienced a noticeable uptick reaching pre-COVID levels. According to the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH), which monitors corporate bankruptcies in Germany, similar bankruptcy figures can be expected for January and February of 2021.
Steffen Müller