08.09.2022 • 22/2022
Energy crisis in Germany
Dwindling gas supplies from Russia and soaring prices for gas and electricity are leading to massive real income losses and a recession in Europe and Germany. The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) forecasts that German gross domestic product (GDP) will increase by 1.1% in 2022 and decrease by 1.4% in 2023. Consumer prices are expected to rise by 7.9% in 2022 and 9.5% in 2023.
Oliver Holtemöller
IWH-Flash-Indikator III. Quartal und IV. Quartal 2022
Katja Heinisch, Oliver Holtemöller, Axel Lindner, Birgit Schultz
No. 3,
Im zweiten Quartal 2022 stagnierte die Wirtschaftsleistung in Deutschland, nachdem sie im ersten Quartal noch um 0,8% zugelegt hatte. Die Sorge um die hohe Inflation hat dabei die Zurückhaltung bedingt durch die Corona‐Krise als dämpfenden Faktor abgelöst. Die bisherigen und zusätzlich ab Oktober geplanten Preissteigerungen für private und gewerbliche Erdgasverbraucher belasten die deutsche Wirtschaft schwer. Auch die Lieferkettenprobleme konnten nach wie vor nicht abgebaut werden. Hinzu kommt, dass die Auftragseingänge kontinuierlich zurückgehen. Neben dem Krieg in der Ukraine haben sich zudem die Spannungen im Konflikt um Taiwan verstärkt, sodass sich insgesamt die Rahmenbedingungen sowohl in Deutschland als auch weltweit deutlich eingetrübt haben. Dies alles dürfte dazu führen, dass das Bruttoinlandsprodukt im zweiten Halbjahr schrumpfen wird und Deutschland damit in eine Rezession rutscht. Insgesamt wird die Wirtschaftsleistung laut IWH‐Flash‐Indikator im dritten und vierten Quartal 2022 jeweils um 0,2% zurückgehen (vgl. Abbildung 1).
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Trust, Politics and Post-IPO Performance: SOEs vs. the Private Sector
Bill Francis, Iftekhar Hasan, Xian Sun, Mingming Zhou
Economic and Political Studies,
No. 3,
This paper empirically investigates the role of social trust in the long-term performance of the initial public offerings (IPOs) in China, controlling for the formal institutional environment. We find that privately owned or smaller IPO firms experience significantly better post-IPO performance when they are incorporated in regions with more social trust. The state-owned and bigger IPO firms, on the other hand, experience better long-term post-IPO performance when they are incorporated in regions with stronger formal institutions (e.g. court enforcement and contract holding). Political pluralism turns out to benefit all IPOs in the long term. In addition, our evidence shows that stronger social trust substitutes for the quality of court enforcement but complements the role of contract holding. These results are robust after controlling for alternative definitions of ownership, outliers, non-linear effects of institutions, and the potential endogeneity of institutions in the model.
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28.06.2022 • 15/2022
Gefahr einer Gaslücke gegenüber April deutlich verringert – aber Versorgungsrisiken bleiben
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Versorgungslücke mit Erdgas im Fall eines Stopps russischer Lieferungen ist gegenüber April deutlich gesunken. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine aktualisierte Simulationsrechnung der an der Gemeinschaftsdiagnose beteiligten Institute. Trotz mittlerweile deutlich besser gefüllter Speicher sind damit aber noch nicht alle Risiken für die Gasversorgung der Industrie im Winterhalbjahr 2022/2023 gebannt. Es ist daher ratsam, zeitnah die Preissignale bei den Verbrauchern ankommen zu lassen.
21.06.2022 • 14/2022
War drives up energy prices ‒ High inflation weighs on economy
While the lifting of nationwide coronavirus regulations boosts many service sectors such as the hospitality industry, supply bottlenecks are likely to weigh on the manufacturing sector throughout the summer and high inflation will dampen private consumption. Gross domestic product (GDP) in Germany is expected to decline slightly in the second quarter of 2022. The situation in the manufacturing sector is expected to ease towards the end of the year. The Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) forecasts that GDP will increase by 1.5% in 2022, following an increase by 2.9% in 2021. In East Germany, GDP will increase by 1%.
Oliver Holtemöller
Ricardian Equivalence, Foreign Debt and Sovereign Default Risk
Stefan Eichler, Ju Hyun Pyun
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,
We study the impact of sovereign solvency on the private-public savings offset. Using data on 80 economies for 1989–2018, we find robust evidence for a U-shaped pattern in the private-public savings offset in sovereign credit ratings. While the 1:1 savings offset is observed at intermediate levels of sovereign solvency, fiscal deficits are not offset by private savings at extremely low and high levels of sovereign solvency. Particularly, the U-shaped pattern is more pronounced for countries with high levels of foreign ownership of government debt. The U-shaped pattern is an emerging market phenomenon; additionally, it is confirmed when considering foreign currency rating and external public debt, but not for domestic currency rating and domestic public debt. For considerable foreign ownership of sovereign bonds, sovereign default constitutes a net wealth gain for domestic consumers.
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13.04.2022 • 8/2022
From Pandemic to Energy Crisis: Economy and Politics under Permanent Stress
The German economy is steering through difficult waters and faces the highest inflation rates in decades. In their spring report, the leading German economic research institutes revise their outlook for this year significantly downward. The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis is slowing down as a result of the war in Ukraine, but remains on track. The institutes expect GDP to increase by 2.7% and 3.1% in 2022 and 2023 respectively. In the event of an immediate interruption to Russian gas supplies, a total of 220 billion euros in German economic output would be at risk in both years.
Oliver Holtemöller
Aktuelle Trends: Immobilienpreise in Deutschland steigen seit Pandemiebeginn im EU-Vergleich am stärksten
Michael Koetter, Felix Noth
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Seit dem Beginn der Pandemie sind die Angebotspreise für privat genutzte Immobilien EU-weit um ein Viertel, in Deutschland bis März 2021 um 45% gestiegen. Die Preisdynamik ist auch außerhalb der Ballungszentren beachtlich.
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The (Heterogenous) Economic Effects of Private Equity Buyouts
Steven J. Davis, John Haltiwanger, Kyle Handley, Josh Lerner, Ben Lipsius, Javier Miranda
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 10,
The effects of private equity buyouts on employment, productivity, and job reallocation vary tremendously with macroeconomic and credit conditions, across private equity groups, and by type of buyout. We reach this conclusion by examining the most extensive database of U.S. buyouts ever compiled, encompassing thousands of buyout targets from 1980 to 2013 and millions of control firms. Employment shrinks 13% over two years after buyouts of publicly listed firms – on average, and relative to control firms – but expands 13% after buyouts of privately held firms. Post-buyout productivity gains at target firms are large on average and much larger yet for deals executed amidst tight credit conditions. A post-buyout tightening of credit conditions or slowing of GDP growth curtails employment growth and intra-firm job reallocation at target firms. We also show that buyout effects differ across the private equity groups that sponsor buyouts, and these differences persist over time at the group level. Rapid upscaling in deal flow at the group level brings lower employment growth at target firms.
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The Effects of Sovereign Risk: A High Frequency Identification Based on News Ticker Data
Ruben Staffa
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
This paper uses novel news ticker data to evaluate the effect of sovereign risk on economic and financial outcomes. The use of intraday news enables me to derive policy events and respective timestamps that potentially alter investors’ beliefs about a sovereign’s willingness to service its debt and thereby sovereign risk. Following the high frequency identification literature, in the tradition of Kuttner (2001) and Guerkaynak et al. (2005), associated variation in sovereign risk is then obtained by capturing bond price movements within narrowly defined time windows around the event time. I conduct the outlined identification for Italy since its large bond market and its frequent coverage in the news render it a suitable candidate country. Using the identified shocks in an instrumental variable local projection setting yields a strong instrument and robust results in line with theoretical predictions. I document a dampening effect of sovereign risk on output. Also, borrowing costs for the private sector increase and inflation rises in response to higher sovereign risk.
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