03.07.2020 • 12/2020
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Much more jobs affected by corporate bankruptcy in Germany
The number of corporate bankruptcies declines but, compared to the beginning of the year, the number of affected employees per month recently doubled. This is the latest insight from the IWH Bankruptcy Update provided monthly by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
Steffen Müller
01.07.2020 • 11/2020
New Horizon 2020 project: The Challenge of the Social Impact of Energy Transitions
Funded by the European Commission’s Framework Programme Horizon 2020, the ENTRANCES project recently closed its kick-off meeting with a high scientific and institutional participation, and taking on the challenge of modeling the social impact of the energy transition.
Oliver Holtemöller
17.06.2020 • 10/2020
High risk of corporate bankruptcy due to the corona shutdown
The Corona shutdown increases the probability of corporate bankruptcy. An analysis based on corporate financial statements from 2014 to 2018 reveals that in the United Kingdom, 73% of shutdown firms are not able to cover interest expenses from earnings before interest and taxes if they lose one twelfth of annual turnover. In Germany, the fraction amounts to 81%.
Oliver Holtemöller
16.06.2020 • 9/2020
The economy adapts to the pandemic
In the first half of 2020, the pandemic has exacted a heavy toll on the German economy, causing a slump in production that will not be fully recovered within the next year. According to IWH summer economic forecast, gross domestic product is expected to contract by 5.1% in 2020 and to increase by 3.2% in 2021. The decline in production in Eastern Germany is likely to be less pronounced compared to Germany as a whole and estimated at 3.2% in 2020.
Oliver Holtemöller
05.06.2020 • 8/2020
IWH Bankruptcy Update: Increase in large firm bankruptcies
With overall corporate bankruptcies remaining constant, ever more employees are subject to employer bankruptcy in Germany. This is the latest insight from the IWH Bankruptcy Update provided monthly by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH).
Steffen Müller
07.05.2020 • 7/2020
Launch of IWH Bankruptcy Update: Number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany constant despite Corona crisis
Despite the Corona outbreak, the number of corporate bankruptcies in Germany so far remains at 2019 levels. This is according to the new IWH Bankruptcy Update provided by the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) on a monthly basis and much earlier than official statistics.
Steffen Müller
08.04.2020 • 5/2020
Economy in Shock – Fiscal Policy to Counteract
The coronavirus pandemic is triggering a severe recession in Germany. Economic output will shrink by 4.2% this year. This is what the leading economics research institutes expect in their spring report. For next year, they are forecasting a recovery and growth of 5.8%.
Oliver Holtemöller
12.03.2020 • 4/2020
Global economy under the spell of the coronavirus epidemic
The epidemic is obstructing the economic recovery in Germany. Foreign demand is falling, private households forgo domestic consumption if it comes with infection risk, and investments are postponed. Assuming that the spread of the disease can be contained in short time, GDP growth in 2020 is expected to be 0.6% according to IWH spring economic forecast. Growth in East Germany is expected to be 0.9% and thus higher than in West Germany. If the number of new infections cannot be decreased in short time, we expect a recession in Germany.
Oliver Holtemöller
18.02.2020 • 3/2020
Presseeinladung zur IWH-Konferenz „Europas Finanzmarkt: Zwangsehe oder lose Bekanntschaft?“ am 26. Februar 2020
Ein Jahrzehnt nach der weltweiten Finanzkrise steht das Finanzsystem noch immer vor enormen Herausforderungen. Wie diese in Europa gemeistert werden können, ist Thema einer hochkarätig besetzten Tagung am Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH). Zur Eröffnung spricht Claudia Buch, Vizepräsidentin der Deutschen Bundesbank.