Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries
Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
This paper analyses the extent of technological capability of foreign subsidiaries located in East Germany, and looks at the determinants of foreign subsidiaries’ technological sourcing behaviour. The theory of international production underlines the importance of strategic and regional level variables. However, existing empirical approaches omit by and large regional level factors. We employ survey evidence from the “FDI micro data- base” of the IWH, that was only recently made available, to conduct our analyses. We find that foreign subsidiaries are above average technologically active in comparison to the whole East German manufacturing. This can be partially explained by the industrial structure of foreign direct investment. However, only a limited share of foreign subsidiaries with R&D and/or innovation activity source technological knowledge from the East German innovation system. If a subsidiary follows a competence augmenting strategy or does local trade, it is more likely to source technological knowledge locally. The endowment of a region with human capital and a scientific infrastructure has a positive effect too. The findings suggest that foreign subsidiaries in East Germany are only partially linked with the regional innovation system. Policy implications are discussed.
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East German Innovation System attractive for Foreign Investors
Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Johannes Stephan
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 1,
Ausländische Direktinvestitionen gelten als wichtige Impulsgeber für den wirtschaftlichen Aufholprozeß in Ostdeutschland. Dabei stellen die von ausländischen Investoren erhofften Beschäftigungs- und Nachfrageeffekte weiterhin eine wichtige Zielmarke dar. Vor dem Hintergrund des zunehmenden internationalen Standortwettbewerbs sollte aber auch ihrem Beitrag zur technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit im ostdeutschen Innovationssystem Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden. In der bisherigen Diskussion ist dem ostdeutschen Standort diesbezüglich wenig Potential bescheinigt worden. Belastbare empirische Befunde dafür fehlen bisher jedoch. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht daher der Frage nach, ob und inwiefern ausländische Investoren am ostdeutschen Standort technologische Aktivitäten (FuE und Innovation) durchführen und ob diese in das ostdeutsche Innovationssystem integriert sind, das heißt mit lokalen Akteuren (Unternehmen und Wissenschaftseinrichtungen) interagieren. Grundlage der empirischen Untersuchung ist eine aktuelle repräsentative Befragung ausländischer Investoren im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe Ostdeutschlands. Die empirische Untersuchung zeigt, daß sich die ausländischen Investoren im Vergleich zum gesamten Verarbeitenden Gewerbe durch eine höhere technologische Aktivität (gemessen an FuE und Innovation) auszeichnen und mit diesen Aktivitäten keineswegs isolierte Inseln bilden, sondern klar in das ostdeutsche Innovationssystem eingebettet sind. Ausländische Investoren messen dabei besonders den ostdeutschen Wissenschaftseinrichtungen Bedeutung bei. Untersucht man die Integration der Investoren in Abhängigkeit von ihrer technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit, zeigt sich im Einklang mit der theoretischen Literatur, daß es gerade die technologisch leistungsfähigen Investoren sind, die den Austausch mit lokalen Akteuren suchen. Dabei ist jedoch im Hinblick auf mögliche Spillover-Effekte zugunsten einheimischer Unternehmen festzustellen, daß lediglich Zulieferer als potentielle Adressaten firmieren. Entgegen existierenden Annahmen kann dem ostdeutschen Innovationssystem also bescheinigt werden, daß es für ausländische Investoren mit FuE- und Innovationsaktivitäten durchaus attraktiv ist und damit im Vergleich zu ostmitteleuropäischen und asiatischen Aufhol-Ländern Standortvorteile zu bieten hat.
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Does Qualification Drive Innovation? A Microeconometric Analysis Using Linked-employer-employee Data
Bianca Brandenburg, Jutta Günther, Lutz Schneider
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 10,
Degree-level science and engineering skills as well as management and leadership skills are often referred to as a source of innovative activities within companies. Broken down by sectoral innovation patterns, this article examines the role of formal education and actual occupation for product innovation performance in manufacturing firms within a probit model. It uses unique micro data for Germany (LIAB) that contain detailed information about innovative activities and the qualification of employees. We find significant differences of the human capital endowment between sectors differentiated according to the Pavitt classification. Sectors with a high share of highly skilled employees engage in product innovation above average (specialized suppliers and science based industries). According to our hitherto estimation results, within these sectors the share of highly skilled employees does not, however, substantially increase the probability to be an innovative firm.
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Industry Specialization, Diversity and the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Jena Economic Research Papers, Nr. 2007-018,
No. 18,
Innovation processes are characterized by a pronounced division of labor between actors. Two types of externality may arise from such interactions. On the one hand, a close location of actors affiliated to the same industry may stimulate innovation (MAR externalities). On the other hand, new ideas may be born by the exchange of heterogeneous and complementary knowledge between actors, which belong to different industries (Jacobs’ externalities). We test the impact of both MAR as well as Jacobs’ externalities on innovative performance at the regional level. The results suggest an inverted u-shaped relationship between regional specialization in certain industries and innovative performance. Further key determinants of the regional innovative performance are private sector R&D and university-industry collaboration.
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What Determines the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems?
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Jena Economic Research Papers, Nr. 2007-006,
No. 6,
We assess the efficiency of regional innovation systems (RIS) in Germany by means of a knowledge production function. This function relates private sector research and development (R&D) activity in a region to the number of inventions that have been registered by residents of that region. Different measures and estimation approaches lead to rather similar assessments. We find that both spillovers within the private sector as well as from universities and other public research institutions have a positive effect on the efficiency of private sector R&D in the respective region. It is not the mere presence and size of public research institutions, but rather the intensity of interactions between private and public sector R&D that leads to high RIS efficiency. We find that relationship between the diversity of a regions’ industry structure and the efficiency of its innovation system is inversely u-shaped. Regions dominated by large establishments tend to be less efficient than regions with a lower average establishment size.
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The relationship between unemployment and output in post-communist countries
Hubert Gabrisch, Herbert Buscher
Post-Communist Economies,
Unemployment is still disappointingly high in most Central and East European countries, and might be a reflection of the ongoing adjustment to institutional shocks resulting from systemic transition, or it may be caused by high labour market rigidity, or aggregate demand that is too weak. In this paper we have investigated the dynamics of unemployment and output in those eight post-communist countries, which entered the EU in 2004. We used a model related to Okun’s Law; i.e. the first differences in unemployment rates were regressed on GDP growth rates. We estimated country and panel regressions with instrument variables (TSLS) and applied a few tests to the data and regression results. We assume transition of labour markets to be accomplished when a robust relationship exists between unemployment rate changes and GDP growth. Moreover, the estimated coefficients contain information about labour market rigidity and unemployment thresholds of output growth. Our results suggest that the transition of labour markets can be regarded as completed since unemployment responds to output changes and not to a changing institutional environment that destroys jobs in the state sector. The regression coefficients have demonstrated that a high trend rate of productivity and a high unemployment intensity of output growth have been occurring since 1998. Therefore, we conclude that labour market rigidities do not play an important role in explaining high unemployment rates. However, GDP growth is dominated by productivity progress and the employment-relevant component of aggregate demand is too low to reduce the high level of unemployment substantially.
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Measuring the Efficiency of Regional Innovation Systems – An Empirical Assessment
Michael Fritsch, Viktor Slavtchev
Freiberg Working Papers, Nr. 08-2006,
No. 8,
Wir messen die Effizienz der regionalen Innovationssysteme (RIS) in Deutschland anhand einer Wissensproduktionsfunktion. Diese Funktion stellt einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Anzahl der von den Einwohnern einer Region angemeldeten Patente und der Anzahl der FuE-Beschäftigten im Privatsektor in der Region. Zwei alternative Methoden zur empirischen Berechnung der Wissensproduktionsfunktion werden vorgestellt. In einem ersten Ansatz nehmen wir an, dass sich Unterschiede der Produktivität der FuE-Beschäftigten in der Steigung der Wissensproduktionsfunktion und somit in der Grenzproduktivität der FuE-Aktivitäten niederschlagen. Ein zweiter Ansatz bestimmte die Durchschnittsproduktivität der FuE-Beschäftigten mittels einer stochastischen Frontier-Wissensproduktionsfunktion. Wir vergleichen die Resultate beider Ansätze und diskutieren kritische Fragen hinsichtlich der Verteilungscharakteristika der technischen Effizienz von Regionen, der adäquaten Größe regionaler Innovationssysteme sowie der Präsenz und der Effekte räumlicher Interdependenzen zwischen den Regionen (räumlicher Autokorrelation).
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Buchbesprechung - Werner Meske (Hrsg.), From System Trans-formation to European Integration. Science and Technology in Central and Eastern Europe at the Beginnung of the 21st Century. Lit Verlag: Münster 2004
Jutta Günther
Science and Public Policy, Vol. 32, Nr. 4,
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The National German Innovation System - its Development in Different Governmental and Territorial Structures
Hariolf Grupp, Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Monika Friedrich-Nishio
Economics, Evolution and the State: The Governance of Complexity,
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Non-market Allocation in Transport: A Reassessment of its Justification and the Challenge of Institutional Transition
Ulrich Blum
50 Years of Transport Research: Experiences Gained and Major Challenges Ahead,
Economic theory knows two systems of coordination: through public choice or through the market principle. If the market is chosen, then it may either be regulated, or it may be fully competitive (or be in between these two extremes). This paper first inquires into the reasons for regulation, it analyses the reasons for the important role of government in the transportation sector, especially in the procurement of infrastructure. Historical reasons are seen as important reasons for bureaucratic objections to deregulation. Fundamental economic concepts are forwarded that suggest market failure and justify a regulatory environment. The reasons for regulation cited above, however, may be challenged; we forward theoretical concepts from industrial organization theory and from institutional economics which suggest that competition is even possible on the level of infrastructure. The transition from a strongly regulated to a competitive environment poses problems that have given lieu to numerous failures in privatization and deregulation. Structural inertia plays an important role, and the incentive-compatible management of infrastructure is seen as the key element of any liberal transportation policy. It requires that the setting of rules on the meta level satisfies both local and global efficiency ends. We conclude that, in market economies, competition and regulation should not be substitutes but complements. General rules, an "ethic of competition" have to be set that guarantee a level playing field to agents; it is complimented by institutions that provide arbitration in case of misconduct.
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