Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
Post-Communist Economies,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the western part of the country. To face this weakness a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analysing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted-U relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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Urban Growth in Germany – The Impact of Localization and Urbanization Economies
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz, Annette Illy, Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 19,
This study examines the impact of localization and urbanization economies as well as the impact of city size on urban growth in German cities from 2003 to 2007. Although, from a theoretical perspective, agglomeration economies are supposed to have positive impacts on regional growth, prior empirical studies do not show consistent results. Especially little is known about agglomeration economies in Germany, where interregional support policy and the characteristics of the federal system are further determinants of urban growth. The results of the econometric analysis show a U-shaped relationship between specialization and urban growth, which particularly holds for manufacturing industries. We do not find evidence for the impact of Jacobs-externalities; however, city size shows a positive (but decreasing) effect on urban growth.
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Industry Concentration and Regional Innovative Performance – Empirical Evidence for Eastern Germany
Christoph Hornych, Michael Schwartz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 8,
Regarding technological innovativeness, the transformed economy of the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) clearly lags behind the Western part of the country. To face this weakness, a broad mixture of policy measures was carried out in recent years. Particular attention is drawn to the development of industry concentrations and economic ‘clusters’. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these policy measures regarding how industry concentrations in fact promote innovative performance in Eastern Germany. The present study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the relationship between industry concentration in Eastern Germany and regional innovative performance. Our empirical analysis is based upon the number of patent applications of 22 manufacturing industries in 22 Eastern German planning regions. The estimated regression models indicate an inverted U-shaped relationship between the degree of industry concentration and innovative performance. An exceedingly high degree of industry concentration in one region hampers regional innovative output. We discuss policy implications of our findings and give recommendations for future refinement of ‘cluster’-supporting policy schemes in Eastern Germany.
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Exploring technological change in the German pharmaceutical industry. Dissertation
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa
No. 2,
In simple words the pharmaceutical industry links activities and business accomplishing the discovery, development, production and commercialisation of drugs (i. e. products with therapeutic properties). Accordingly, product innovation is based on the search and development of molecules that may have desirable therapeutic effects. Basically new drugs can be developed either with the application of organic chemical synthesis or from the separation of compounds produced by natural microorganisms, which as an application of biotechnology.
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Is There a Way for Old Industrial Districts to Become Attractive for Cultural Industry? The Case of Media Businesses in Halle (Saale), Germany
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld, Christoph Hornych
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
manufacturing have collapsed are trying to stimulate entrepreneurial activities of businesses in the cultural industry. The question is whether this strategy could be successful. This article examines the strategy of supporting the sector of Media Industry (´MI´) by policy makers in the region of Halle in East Germany, where a strong de-industrialization has taken place after the German reunification. Stimulated by the policy makers’ support measures, there actually was a remarkable development of MI. However, the number of MI firms and their employees did not further increase in recent years, after having reached a certain level. This illustrates the limits of political measures for turning a city’s path of industrial development voluntarily.
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Getting out of the ivory tower – New perspectives on the entrepreneurial university
Jutta Günther, Kerstin Wagner
European Journal of International Management,
Based on theoretical considerations about the ‘third mission’ of
universities and the discussion of different types of university-industry relations, we conclude that the entrepreneurial university is a manifold institution with direct
mechanisms to support the transfer of technology from academia to industry
as well as indirect mechanisms in support of new business activities via
entrepreneurship education. While existing literature usually deals with one or
another linking mechanism separately, our central hypothesis is that direct and
indirect mechanisms should be interrelated and mutually complementary. We
emphasise the importance of a more holistic view of the entrepreneurial university
and empirically investigate the scope and interrelatedness of direct technology
transfer mechanisms and indirect mechanisms, such as entrepreneurship education
at German universities. We find a variety of activities in both fields and most
universities’ technology transfer facilities and the providers of entrepreneurship
education co-operate in support of innovative start-ups.
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The Identification of Regional Industrial Clusters Using Qualitative Input-Output Analysis
Mirko Titze, Matthias Brachert, Alexander Kubis
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 13,
The ‘cluster theory’ has become one of the main concepts promoting regional competitiveness, innovation, and growth. As most studies focus on measures of concentration of one industrial branch in order to identify regional clusters, the appropriate analysis of specific vertical relations within a value-adding chain is developing in this discussion. This paper tries to identify interrelated sectors via national input-output tables with the help of Minimal Flow Analysis by Schnabl (1994). The regionalization of these national industry templates is carried out with the allocation of branch-specific production values on regional employment. As a result, the paper shows concentrations of vertical clusters in only 27 of 439 German NUTS-3 regions.
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Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from manufacturing industries
Jutta Günther, Johannes Stephan, Björn Jindra
Applied Economics Quarterly Supplement,
No. 59,
Die Veröffentlichung analysiert das Ausmaß technologischer Leistungsfähigkeit auf ausländische Tochtergesellschaften, welche in Ostdeutschland angesiedelt sind. Darüber hinaus betrachtet es Determinanten des technologischen Beschaffungsverhaltens ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften. Die Theorie der internationalen Produktion unterstreicht die Wichtigkeit von Variablen auf der strategischen und regionalen Ebene. Dennoch lassen existierende empirische Studien im Großen und Ganzen Faktoren auf regionaler Ebene aus. Wir entnehmen die Studienergebnisse aus der „ADI Mikrodatenbank“ des IWH, welche erst seit kurzem zur Verfügung steht, um die Analyse durchzuführen. Wir fanden heraus, dass ausländische Tochtergesellschaften im Vergleich zum gesamten verarbeitenden Gewerbe in Ostdeutschland überdurchschnittlich technologisch aktiv sind. Dies kann teilweise durch die industrielle Struktur der ausländischen Direktinvestitionen erklärt werden. Dennoch bezieht nur ein begrenzter Teil ausländischer Tochtergesellschaften mit F&E und/oder Innovationsaktivitäten technologisches Wissen aus dem ostdeutschen Innovationssystem. Wenn eine Tochtergesellschaft die Strategie der Kompetenzvermehrung verfolgt oder lokalen Handel betreibt, dann bezieht sie eher technologisches Wissen lokal. Die Ausstattung einer Region mit Humankapital und wissenschaftlicher Infrastruktur hat ebenfalls einen positiven Effekt. Diese Ergebnisse lassen schlussfolgern, dass ausländische Tochtergesellschaften in Ostdeutschland nur teilweise mit dem regionalen Innovationssystem verbunden sind. Strategien werden diskutiert.
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Monetary Policy and Financial (In)stability: An Integrated Micro–Macro Approach
Ferre De Graeve, Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter
Journal of Financial Stability,
No. 3,
Evidence on central banks’ twin objective, monetary and financial stability, is scarce. We suggest an integrated micro–macro approach with two core virtues. First, we measure financial stability directly at the bank level as the probability of distress. Second, we integrate a microeconomic hazard model for bank distress and a standard macroeconomic model. The advantage of this approach is to incorporate micro information, to allow for non-linearities and to permit general feedback effects between financial distress and the real economy. We base the analysis on German bank and macro data between 1995 and 2004. Our results confirm the existence of a trade-off between monetary and financial stability. An unexpected tightening of monetary policy increases the probability of distress. This effect disappears when neglecting microeffects and non-linearities, underlining their importance. Distress responses are largest for small cooperative banks, weak distress events, and at times when capitalization is low. An important policy implication is that the separation of financial supervision and monetary policy requires close collaboration among members in the European System of Central Banks and national bank supervisors.
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Parenting Benefit – A New Risk for Companies
Nicole Nulsch, Henry Dannenberg
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 7,
Mit dem zum 1. Januar 2007 neu eingeführten Elterngeld verfolgt der Gesetzgeber unter anderem das Ziel, mehr Väter für eine Elternzeit zu begeistern. Bislang wurden die Auswirkungen des Elterngelds insbesondere aus familienpolitischer Perspektive betrachtet. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es jedoch, die unternehmenspolitischen Folgen des Elterngelds zu untersuchen.
Die Entwicklung der Elterngeldanträge im Jahr 2007 deutet darauf hin, dass zunehmend mehr Väter von der Elternzeit Gebrauch machen. Dabei handelt es sich in mehr als der Hälfte der Fälle um berufstätige Väter. Konnten Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit das Risiko, dass eine wichtige Position im Unternehmen für einen längeren Zeitraum aufgrund der Geburt eines Kindes unbesetzt ist, verhältnismäßig einfach dadurch senken, indem ein Mann beschäftigt wurde, wird diese Strategie in Zukunft an Bedeutung verlieren. Es ist zu erwarten, dass dieses veränderte Risikoumfeld einerseits die Karrierechancen der Frauen verbessern und zu einer Verringerung der Lohnlücke zwischen den Geschlechtern beitragen kann. Es ist jedoch auch zu erwarten, dass sich die Risikosituation der Unternehmen insgesamt verschlechtert und bei gegebener Risikotragfähigkeit bisher tragbare Risiken zukünftig nicht mehr eingegangen werden können, was sich negativ auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung auswirken könnte.
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