Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries
Jutta Günther, Björn Jindra, Johannes Stephan
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 4,
This paper analyses the extent of technological capability of foreign subsidiaries located in East Germany, and looks at the determinants of foreign subsidiaries’ technological sourcing behaviour. The theory of international production underlines the importance of strategic and regional level variables. However, existing empirical approaches omit by and large regional level factors. We employ survey evidence from the “FDI micro data- base” of the IWH, that was only recently made available, to conduct our analyses. We find that foreign subsidiaries are above average technologically active in comparison to the whole East German manufacturing. This can be partially explained by the industrial structure of foreign direct investment. However, only a limited share of foreign subsidiaries with R&D and/or innovation activity source technological knowledge from the East German innovation system. If a subsidiary follows a competence augmenting strategy or does local trade, it is more likely to source technological knowledge locally. The endowment of a region with human capital and a scientific infrastructure has a positive effect too. The findings suggest that foreign subsidiaries in East Germany are only partially linked with the regional innovation system. Policy implications are discussed.
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An Assessment of Bank Merger Success in Germany
Michael Koetter
German Economic Review,
No. 2,
German banks have experienced a merger wave since the early 1990s. However, the success of bank mergers remains a continuous matter of debate.This paper suggests a taxonomy to evaluate post-merger performance on the basis of cost and profit efficiency (CE and PE). I identify successful mergers as those that fulfill simultaneously two criteria. First, merged institutes must exhibit efficiency levels above the average of non-merging banks. Second, banks must exhibit efficiency changes between merger and evaluation year above efficiency changes of non-merging banks. I assess the post-merger performance up to 11 years after the mergers and relate it to the transfer of skills, the adequacy to merge distressed banks and the role of geographical distance. Roughly every second merger is a success in terms of either CE or PE. The margin of success in terms of CE is narrow, as efficiency differentials between merging and non-merging banks are around 1 and 2 percentage points. PE performance is slightly larger. More importantly, mergers boost in particular the change in PE, thus indicating persistent improvements of merging banks to improve the ability to generate profits.
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The Stability of Bank Efficiency Rankings when Risk Preferences and Objectives are Different
Michael Koetter
European Journal of Finance,
No. 2,
We analyze the stability of efficiency rankings of German universal banks between 1993 and 2004. First, we estimate traditional efficiency scores with stochastic cost and alternative profit frontier analysis. Then, we explicitly allow for different risk preferences and measure efficiency with a structural model based on utility maximization. Using the almost ideal demand system, we estimate input- and profit-demand functions to obtain proxies for expected return and risk. Efficiency is then measured in this risk-return space. Mean risk-return efficiency is somewhat higher than cost and considerably higher than profit efficiency (PE). More importantly, rank–order correlation between these measures are low or even negative. This suggests that best-practice institutes should not be identified on the basis of traditional efficiency measures alone. Apparently, low cost and/or PE may merely result from alternative yet efficiently chosen risk-return trade-offs.
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Getting out of the Ivory Tower - New Perspectives on the Entrepreneurial University
Jutta Günther, Kerstin Wagner
Discussion Papers on Entrepreneurship and Innovation,
No. 2,
Based on theoretical considerations about the “third mission” of universities and the discussion of the nature of different university-industry relations, we conclude that the entrepreneurial university is a manifold institution with direct ways to transfer technology from academia to industry as well as indirect connections to industry via entrepreneurship education and training. While existing literature usually deals with one or another linking mechanism separately, our central hypothesises is that direct and indirect mechanisms should be interrelated and mutually complementary. We emphasize the importance of a more holistic view and empirically investigate the scope and interrelatedness of entrepreneurship education and direct technology transfer mechanisms at German universities. We find a variety of activities in both fields and evidence for an identification of HEI with the mission of knowledge commercialisation. Furthermore, it shows that the HEIs’ technology transfer facilities and the entrepreneurship education providers co-operate in support of the creation of spin-offs and innovative start-ups.
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FDI and Domestic Investment: An Industry-level View
Claudia M. Buch
CEPR. Discussion Paper No. 6464,
Previous empirical work on the link between domestic and foreign investment provides mixed results which partly depend on the level of aggregation of the data. We argue that the aggregated home country implications of foreign direct investment (FDI) cannot be gauged using firm-level data. Aggregated data, in turn, miss channels through which domestic and foreign activities interact. Instead, industry-level data provide useful information on the link between domestic and foreign investment. We theoretically show that the effects of FDI on the domestic capital stock depend on the structure of industries and the relative importance of domestic and multinational firms. Our model allows distinguishing intra-sector competition from inter-sector linkage effects. We test the model using data on German FDI. Using panel cointegration methods, we find evidence for a positive long-run impact of FDI on the domestic capital stock and on the stock of inward FDI. Effects of FDI on the domestic capital stock are driven mainly by intra-sector effects. For inward FDI, inter-sector linkages matter as well.
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East German Economy: Demand Push Stronger than Structural Deficiencies
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 7,
Das kräftige Wachstum der Produktion in Ostdeutschland im vergangenen Jahr hat überrascht. Die strukturellen Schwächen hatten für eine geringe Produktionszunahme gesprochen. Unterschätzt wurde der Einfluß des nationalen und internationalen Konjunkturverbunds der ostdeutschen Unternehmen. Ein Großteil der Anregungen für den Produktionsanstieg von 3% kam nicht aus Ostdeutschland selbst, sondern aus den Alten Bundesländern und aus dem Ausland. In Ostdeutschland stimulierte 2006 vor allem das Einschwenken der Investitionsaktivitäten in ein kräftiges Plus. Dagegen blieb die Kaufkraft der privaten Haushalte infolge des geringen Anstiegs der Masseneinkommen zurück.
Ausschlaggebend für die regionale Mitnahme der Produktionsimpulse aus dem Export und den Investitionsaktivitäten der deutschen Wirtschaft war die gewachsene Absorptionsfähigkeit konjunktureller Impulse durch die ostdeutschen Unternehmen. Hier schlugen vor allem die Ausstattung der Arbeitsplätze mit modernen Produktionsanlagen und der fortgesetzte Abbau der Nachteile im Kostenwettbewerb im Bereich der Herstellung handelbarer Güter positiv zu Buche. Der Vorteil bei den Arbeitskosten gegenüber westdeutschen Anbietern ist weiter gestiegen, und der Nachteil gegenüber industriellen Anbietern aus dem mittelosteuropäischen Raum hat sich verringert.
Mit diesen Vorzügen ausgestattet, wächst die gesamtwirtschaftliche Aktivität in Ostdeutschland stärker als in Westdeutschland, solange der Aufschwung in Deutschland und im Ausland kräftig ist. Treibende Kräfte bleiben in diesem und im kommenden Jahr die Investitionsaktivitäten – und hier die Anschaffung von Ausrüstungsgütern – sowie die Ausfuhren sowohl in das Ausland als auch in die Alten Bundesländer. Weiter an Bedeutung für den Export gewinnen die kräftig expandierenden Märkte in Mittelosteuropa und Rußland. Der private Konsum wird die Expansion der Produktion mit der Verbesserung der Einkommens- und Beschäftigungsperspektiven stützen. Die registrierte Arbeitslosigkeit dürfte im kommenden Jahr unter die 1-Million-Marke sinken.
Tragende Kraft des Aufschwungs bleibt die Industrie. Ihre Vorteile im Kostenwettbewerb laufen so lange nicht Gefahr zu verschwinden, wie die Löhne und Gehälter auch unter dem Druck der Verknappung des Angebots an Fachkräften nicht stärker steigen als in den Alten Bundesländern. Im Gefolge des kräftigen Wachstums der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Aktivität in Ostdeutschland wird sich der Rückstand gegenüber Westdeutschland bei Produktion und Einkommen je Einwohner weiter verringern. Das Defizit in der regionalen Leistungsbilanz schmilzt.
Die Unternehmen können sich bei ihren Geschäftsaktivitäten wieder auf die private Kreditwirtschaft stützen, auch wenn ein nicht geringer Anteil beispielsweise der Investitionsfinanzierung nach wie vor aus Fördermitteln stammt. Mittelfristig dürfte sich ihr Zugang zur Kreditfinanzierung durch die Verbesserung der Eigenkapitalbasis noch optimieren. Allerdings bleibt die Abhängigkeit von der Innenfinanzierung hoch und birgt zyklische Gefahren. Im konjunkturellen Abschwung dürften dann die strukturellen Schwächen der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft die Entwicklung beeinträchtigen.
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Slippery Slopes of Stress: Ordered Failure Events in German Banking
Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter
Journal of Financial Stability,
No. 2,
Outright bank failures without prior indication of financial instability are very rare. In fact, banks can be regarded as troubled to varying degrees before outright closure. But failure studies usually neglect the ordinal nature of bank distress. We distinguish four different kinds of increasingly severe events on the basis of the distress database of the Deutsche Bundesbank. Only the worst distress event entails a bank to exit the market. Since the four categories of hazard functions are not proportional, we specify a generalized ordered logit model to estimate respective probabilities of distress simultaneously. We find that the likelihood of ordered distress events changes differently in response to given changes in the financial profiles of banks. Consequently, bank failure studies should account more explicitly for the different shades of distress. This allows an assessment of the relative importance of financial profile components for different degrees of bank distress.
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Local Government Control and Efficiency of the Water Industry: An Empirical Analysis of Water Suppliers in East Germany
Peter Haug
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 3,
The paper deals with the effects of local governments’ interference with business affairs of publicly owned utilities. A partial model is presented to illustrate the consequences of “democratic control” for the public managers’ effort and the efficiency of local public production. To check the theoretical results empirically, a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) is carried out for a sample of East German water suppliers. The organisational form is used as a measure for the degree of municipal control. The results of the OLS- and Tobit regression indicate an efficiency-enhancing effect of organisational forms with less distinctive control options for local politicians.
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Recent trends: Yield of the East German industry in 2004 again higher than in West Germany
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
In den ostdeutschen Unternehmen des Verarbeitenden Gewerbes betrug im Jahr 2004 – aktuellere Daten liegen nicht vor – die Rendite im Durchschnitt 3,8%, im Westen lag sie bei 2,4%. Damit überstieg sie im zweiten Jahr in Folge den westdeutschen Vergleichswert, wobei der Ost-West-Abstand zugunsten der ostdeutschen Industrie zugenommen hat. Dies ergab eine im Auftrag des IWH durchgeführte Sonderauswertung der Kostenstrukturen, die jährlich vom Statistischen Bundesamt bei einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von west- und ostdeutschen Unternehmen mit 20 und mehr Beschäftigten erhoben werden.
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Firm-Specific Determinants of Productivity Gaps between East and West German Industrial Branches
Johannes Stephan
East-West Journal of Economics and Business,
This research assesses the firm-specific reasons for lower producitivity levels between West and East German firms. The study is based on a unique data-base generated by field-work in the two particularly important sectors of machinery manufacturers and furniture manufacturers. Our results suggest that the quality of human capital plays an important role in explaining lower productivity levels, as well as particularly networking activities, and the use of modern technologies for communication. Classifying those as management-functions beyond the organisation of the production process itself, we identify management deficits as the main specific determinants of productivity gaps between West and East German firms.
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