Industrieforschung in Ostdeutschland: Welchen Beitrag leisten die externen Industrieforschungseinrichtungen?
Iciar Dominguez Lacasa, Cornelia Lang, Nicole Nulsch, C. Rammer
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 12,
Das ostdeutsche Forschungs- und Innovationssystem ist einerseits durch eine gut ausgebaute öffentliche Wissenschaftsinfrastruktur und andererseits durch ein relativ niedriges Niveau an industrieller Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) charakterisiert. So erreichen die FuE-Ausgaben in der ostdeutschen Wissenschaft – gemessen am Bruttoregionalprodukt – das Niveau der Alten Bundesländer, während die FuE-Ausgaben der ostdeutschen Industrie deutlich unter Westniveau liegen. Ursächlich dafür ist die nach wie vor kleinteilig geprägte ostdeutsche Wirtschaft, es fehlen Großunternehmen und Konzernzentralen. Industrielle FuE geht daher in Ostdeutschland im Wesentlichen von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) aus. Diese können jedoch die Lücke, die durch die fehlende FuE der Großunternehmen entsteht, nicht komplett schließen. An dieser Stelle setzen die externen Industrieforschungseinrichtungen (IFE) an. Sie sind gemeinnützig und verstehen sich als FuE-Dienstleister. Die Ergebnisse ihrer FuE-Tätigkeit stellen sie der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung, führen jedoch auch Aufträge der Privatwirtschaft aus. Im Vergleich zu kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen verfügen die IFE über deutlich größere FuE-Einheiten und können ein wesentlich breiteres Kompetenzfeld anbieten. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Hochtechnologien. Im ostdeutschen Innovationssystem sind sie ein wichtiger Akteur und unterstützen ostdeutsche KMU in deren Innovationsbemühungen.
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Regional Determinants of MNE’s Location Choice in Post-transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek
No. 4,
This article focuses on the impact of agglomeration and labour market factors on the location choice of MNEs in post-transition economies. We compare data from 33 regions in East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland using a mixed logit model on a sample of 4,343 subsidiaries for the time period between 2000 and 2010. The results show that agglomeration advantages, such as sectoral specialization as well as a region’s economic and technological performance prove to be some of the most important pull factors for FDI in post-transition regions.
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Technological Intensity of Government Demand and Innovation
Viktor Slavtchev, Simon Wiederhold
Governments purchase everything from airplanes to zucchini. This paper investigates whether the technological intensity of government demand affects corporate R&D activities. In a quality-ladder model of endogenous growth, we show that an increase in the share of government purchases in high-tech industries increases the rewards for innovation, and stimulates private-sector R&D at the aggregate level. We test this prediction using administrative data on federal procurement performed in US states. Both panel fixed effects and instrumental variable estimations provide results in line with the model. Our findings bring public procurement within the realm of the innovation policy debate.
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Determinants of Evolutionary Change Processes in Innovation Networks – Empirical Evidence from the German Laser Industry
Muhamed Kudic, Andreas Pyka, Jutta Günther
We seek to understand the relationship between network change determinants, network change processes at the micro level and structural consequences at the overall network level. Our conceptual framework considers three groups of determinants – organizational, relational and contextual. Selected factors within these groups are assumed to cause network change processes at the micro level – tie formations and tie terminations – and to shape the structural network configuration at the overall network level. We apply a unique longitudinal event history dataset based on the full population of 233 German laser source manufacturers and 570 publicly-funded cooperation projects to answer the following research question: What kind of exogenous or endogenous determinants affect a firm’s propensity and timing to cooperate and enter the network? Estimation results from a non-parametric event history model indicate that young micro firms enter the network later than small-sized and large firms. An in-depth analysis of the size effects for medium-sized firms provides some unexpected yet quite interesting findings. The choice of cooperation type makes no significant difference for the firms’ timing to enter the network. Finally, the analysis of contextual determinants shows that cluster membership can, but do not necessarily, affect a firm’s timing to cooperate.
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What Drives Innovation Output from Subsidized R&D Cooperation? — Project-level Evidence from Germany
Michael Schwartz, Michael Fritsch, Jutta Günther, François Peglow
No. 6,
Using a large dataset of 406 subsidized R&D cooperation projects, we provide detailed insights into the relationship between project characteristics and innovation output. Patent applications and publications are used as measures for the innovation output of an R&D project. We find that large-firm involvement is strongly positively related with the number of patent applications, but not with the number of publications. Conversely, university involvement has positive effects on projects’ innovation output in terms of the number of publications but not in terms of patent applications. In general, projects’ funding as measure of projects’ size is an important predictor of the innovation output of R&D cooperation projects. No significant effects are found for the number of partners as (an alternative) measure of projects’ size, for spatial proximity between cooperation partners, for the involvement of a public institute for applied research, and for prior cooperation experiences. We derive conclusions for the design of R&D cooperation support schemes.
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Foreword: Competing: Important Stimuli for Knowledge Cities to Become Prosperous
Peter Franz
T. Yigitcanlar, K. Metaxiotis, J. Carrillo (eds), Building Prosperous Knowledge Cities. Policies, Plans and Metrics,
The author discusses the role of competitions in urban development strategies based on the cooperation of higher education institutions. The experience with similar strategies in regional policy and in innovation policy is reflected upon. After the presentation of some cases, the advantages and disadvantages of development strategies based on competitions are compared.
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Incubator Organizations as Entrepreneurship and SME Policy Instrument in Transition Economies: A Survey among six Countries
Michael Schwartz, Sebastian Blesse
Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,
No. 3,
Within incubator-incubation research, there is a predominant focus on incubator organizations located in industrialized or developed economies. Knowledge regarding the evolution of incubators located in transition economies is almost non-existent. However, meanwhile a significant number of incubators have been established since the fall of the iron curtain in many Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries as well. Here, the present paper sets in through providing evidence on the development, distribution and structural characteristics of incubators in six selected CEE countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia). We show that incubator organizations have become a central element of support infrastructure for SME and entrepreneurship in CEE countries during the past 20 years. We further argue that by drawing upon the accumulated experience with incubators in developed Western (European) economies, there are important lessons to be learned for incubator stakeholders in transition economies. We, therefore, outline particular suggestions considered to be vital for long-term successful incubation processes in transition economies.
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Internationalisation Theory and Technological Accumulation - An Investigation of Multinational Affiliates in East Germany
Björn Jindra
Studies in Economic Transition, London,
The integration of post-communist countries into the European and global economy after 1990 has led to a renewed interest in the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in economic restructuring and technological development. This book explains the expansion of MNEs into a transition economy from the technology accumulation perspective. Key assumptions of the technological accumulation approach towards firms' internationalisation are tested, using the examples of foreign and West German MNEs in East Germany. The effects of technological externalities on MNE location choice are analysed, in addition to an exploration of the factors driving the location of foreign affiliates' research and development (R&D) and innovation activities. The book provides a novel and comprehensive empirical approach to assess the developmental role of MNEs, deriving significant economic policy implications for transition and emerging economies.
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Regional Determinants of MNE´s Location Choice in Transition Economies
Andrea Gauselmann, Philipp Marek
WIFO Working Papers,
No. 412,
published in: Empirica
The article at hand analyses the impact of agglomeration effects, labour market conditions and other determinants on the location choice of MNEs in transition economies. We compare data from 33 regions in East Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland using a conditional logit model on a sample of 4,343 subsidiaries for the time period between 2000 to 2010. The results show that agglomeration advantages, such as sectoral specialization, a certain economic diversity as well as a region’s economic and technological performance prove to be some of the most important pull factors for FDI in transition regions. In addition, the labour market factors prove to play an important role in the location of FDI.
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