The Determinants of Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Business Services Across European Regions
Davide Castellani
Finanza e Statistica 104/2012,
The paper accounts for the determinants of inward foreign direct investment in business services across the EU-27 regions. Together with the traditional variables considered in the literature (market size, market quality, agglomeration economies, labour cost, technology, human capital), we focus on the role of forward linkages with manufacturing sectors and other service sectors as
attractors of business services FDI at the regional level. This hypothesis is based on the evidence that the growth of business services is mostly due to increasing intermediate demand by other services industries and by manufacturing industries and on the importance of geographical proximity for forward linkages in services.
To our knowledge, there are no studies investigating the role of forward linkages for the location of FDI. This paper aims therefore to fill this gap and add to the FDI literature by providing a picture of the specificities of the determinants of FDI in business services at the regional level. The empirical analysis draws upon the database fDi Markets, from which we selected projects having as a destination NUTS 2 European regions in the sectors of Business services over the period 2003-2008. Data on FDI have been matched with data drawn from the Eurostat Regio
database. Forward linkages have been constructed using the OECD Input/Output database. By estimating a negative binomial model, we find that regions specialised in those (manufacturing) sectors that are high potential users of business services attract more FDI than other regions. This confirms the role of forward linkages for the localisation of business service FDI, particularly in the case of manufacturing.
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Germany’s Production of Export Goods: Human Capital Content Slightly Exceeds that of Imports
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Udo Ludwig
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 11,
Getrieben von der wachsenden Weltnachfrage sowie der Internationalisierung der nationalen Produktionsprozesse und begünstigt durch die Verbesserung der preislichen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit hat die deutsche Wirtschaft im Jahrzehnt vor der derzeitigen Weltfinanzkrise die Exportaktivitäten drastisch ausgeweitet. Im gleichen Zeitraum hat sich im Zuge der Tertiärisierung der Wirtschaft die Ausstattung der Produzenten mit Humankapital erhöht. Vor diesem Hintergrund geht die Studie dem qualitativen Wandel des Faktors Arbeit, gemessen an der formalen Qualifikation der Beschäftigten, bei der Entstehung der Exportgüter nach und vergleicht ihn mit dem Geschehen auf der Importseite. Die mit dem Input-Output-Modell und einer eigens dafür generierten Datenbasis erstmalig für das vereinigte Deutschland erzielten empirischen Ergebnisse weisen zwar auf einen in den deutschen Exporten verkörperten Vorteil hin, der jedoch gegenüber den Importen qualifikatorisch nur relativ gering ist. Unter Einschluss des seit Mitte der 90er Jahre anhaltenden Exportüberschusses ist dieser Vorteil jedoch, absolut betrachtet, recht groß. Das spricht für die Realisierung eines Humankapitalvorteils Deutschlands im Exportgeschäft.
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Capital Stock Approximation using Firm Level Panel Data: A Modified Perpetual Inventory Approach
Steffen Müller
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik,
No. 4,
Many recent studies exploring conditional factor demand or factor substitution issues use firm level panel data. A considerable number of establishment panels contains no direct information on the capital input, necessary for production or cost function estimation. Incorrect measurement of capital leads to biased estimates and casts doubt on any inference on output elasticities or input substitution properties. The perpetual inventory approach, commonly used for long panels, is a method that attenuates these problems. In this paper a modified perpetual inventory approach is proposed. This method provides more reliable measures for capital input when short firm panels are used and no direct information on capital input is available. The empirical results based on a replication study of Addison et al. (2006) support the conclusion that modified perpetual inventory is superior to previous attempts in particular when fixed effects estimation techniques are used. The method thus makes a considerable number of recently established firm panels accessible to more sophisticated production function or factor demand analyses.
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