Financial crisis and problems yet to solve - Conference proceedings
No. 6,
Since the beginning of 1997, a currency and/or banking crisis broke out in several transition countries (Bulgaria, Romania, the Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine). In 1995, Hungary avoided a financial crisis by adjusting properly her macroeconomic policies. Financial markets in transition countries are still small. They gain, however, more and more importance for the entire economy. Part of the countries mentioned are candidates for EU membership. They have to show their ability to stabilize their exchange rates and financial sectors. The fact that overcoming the financial crisis in Asia and Latin America required international assistance (e.g. IMF) underlines the political importance of strategies of preventing such crises in the EU's immediate neighborhood.
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Die Region Halle-Leipzig im Wandel vom Industriestandort zum modernen Dienstleistungsstandort
Martin T. W. Rosenfeld
Wirtschaftsstandort Halle,
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Foreign banks in economic development: Experiences from the regulated financial system of South Korea
Ralf Müller
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 110,
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The Polish national bank's tightrope walk between price level stabilization and securing strong economic growth
Thomas Linne
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 16,
Das relative starke Wirtschaftswachstum Polens wird von hartnäckigen Problemen bei der Stabilisierung des Preisniveaus begleitet. Der Zielkonflikt für die polnische Nationalbank besteht darin, die Zins- und Wechselkurspolitik so zu gestalten, dass sie einerseits eine moderatere Preissteigerungsrate erreicht, andererseits aber die Wachstumschancen nicht gefährdet.
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EKO-Stahl GmbH: Der lange Weg zur Erneuerung eines Unternehmens und einer Region
Manfred Wilhelm
Herausforderung Ostdeutschland – Fünf Jahre Währungs-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialunion,
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Jan Bouckaert, Hans Degryse
European Economic Review,
No. 2,
In a two-stage game, we study under what conditions banks offer phonebanking (first stage). In the second stage, they are competitors in the market for deposits. Offering the phone option creates two opposing effects. The first is a demand effect as depositors strictly prefer to manage some of their financial transactions by phone. The second (strategic) effect is that competition is increased as transaction costs are lowered. Universal phonebanking prevails when the demand effect dominates the strategic effect. Specialization can occur in that one bank offers the phone option while the other does not.
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