Inside Asset Purchase Programs: The Effects of Unconventional Policy on Banking Competition
Michael Koetter, Natalia Podlich, Michael Wedow
ECB Working Paper Series,
No. 2017,
We test if unconventional monetary policy instruments influence the competitive conduct of banks. Between q2:2010 and q1:2012, the ECB absorbed Euro 218 billion worth of government securities from five EMU countries under the Securities Markets Programme (SMP). Using detailed security holdings data at the bank level, we show that banks exposed to this unexpected (loose) policy shock mildly gained local loan and deposit market shares. Shifts in market shares are driven by banks that increased SMP security holdings during the lifetime of the program and that hold the largest relative SMP portfolio shares. Holding other securities from periphery countries that were not part of the SMP amplifies the positive market share responses. Monopolistic rents approximated by Lerner indices are lower for SMP banks, suggesting a role of the SMP to re-distribute market power differentially, but not necessarily banking profits.
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6th IWH/INFER-Workshop on Applied Economics and Economic Policy: “(Ending) Unconventional Monetary Policy
Birgit Schultz, Gregor von Schweinitz
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Am 29. und 30. September 2016 fand am IWH in Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Network for Economic Research (INFER) der 6. Workshop in der Reihe „Applied Economics and Economic Policy“ statt. Im Rahmen des Workshops stellten Wissenschaftler europäischer Universitäten und internationaler Organisationen ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse zu aktuellen ökonomischen Fragen und Problemen vor und diskutierten diese intensiv. Insbesondere gab es einen regen Austausch über das Spezialthema „(Ending) Unconventional Monetary Policy“. Hier ging es vor allem um die geldpolitischen Maßnahmen und Instrumente, die neben dem Zentralbankzins seit der Finanzkrise eingesetzt werden.
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International Banking and Cross-border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from Germany
Jana Ohls, Markus Pramor, Lena Tonzer
We analyze the inward and outward transmission of regulatory changes through German banks’ (international) loan portfolio. Overall, our results provide evidence for international spillovers of prudential instruments, these spillovers are however quite heterogeneous between types of banks and can only be observed for some instruments. For instance, foreign banks located in Germany reduce their loan growth to the German economy in response to a tightening of sector-specific capital buffers, local reserve requirements and loan to value ratios in their home country. Furthermore, from the point of view of foreign countries, tightening reserve requirements was effective in reducing lending inflows from German banks. Finally, we find that business and financial cycles matter for lending decisions.
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Time-varying Volatility, Financial Intermediation and Monetary Policy
S. Eickmeier, N. Metiu, Esteban Prieto
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 19,
We document that expansionary monetary policy shocks are less effective at stimulating output and investment in periods of high volatility compared to periods of low volatility, using a regime-switching vector autoregression. Exogenous policy changes are identified by adapting an external instruments approach to the non-linear model. The lower effectiveness of monetary policy can be linked to weaker responses of credit costs, suggesting a financial accelerator mechanism that is weaker in high volatility periods. To rationalize our robust empirical results, we use a macroeconomic model in which financial intermediaries endogenously choose their capital structure. In the model, the leverage choice of banks depends on the volatility of aggregate shocks. In low volatility periods, financial intermediaries lever up, which makes their balance sheets more sensitive to aggregate shocks and the financial accelerator more effective. On the contrary, in high volatility periods, banks decrease leverage, which renders the financial accelerator less effective; this in turn decreases the ability of monetary policy to improve funding conditions and credit supply, and thereby to stimulate the economy. Hence, we provide a novel explanation for the non-linear effects of monetary stimuli observed in the data, linking the effectiveness of monetary policy to the procyclicality of leverage.
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Does the Technological Content of Government Demand Matter for Private R&D? Evidence from US States
Viktor Slavtchev, Simon Wiederhold
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics,
No. 2,
Governments purchase everything from airplanes to zucchini. This paper investigates the role of the technological content of government procurement in innovation. In a theoretical model, we first show that a shift in the composition of public purchases toward high-tech products translates into higher economy-wide returns to innovation, leading to an increase in the aggregate level of private R&D. Using unique data on federal procurement in US states and performing panel fixed-effects estimations, we find support for the model's prediction of a positive R&D effect of the technological content of government procurement. Instrumental-variable estimations suggest a causal interpretation of our findings.
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How Effective is Macroprudential Policy during Financial Downturns? Evidence from Caps on Banks' Leverage
Manuel Buchholz
Working Papers of Eesti Pank,
No. 7,
This paper investigates the effect of a macroprudential policy instrument, caps on banks' leverage, on domestic credit to the private sector since the Global Financial Crisis. Applying a difference-in-differences approach to a panel of 69 advanced and emerging economies over 2002–2014, we show that real credit grew after the crisis at considerably higher rates in countries which had implemented the leverage cap prior to the crisis. This stabilising effect is more pronounced for countries in which banks had a higher pre-crisis capital ratio, which suggests that after the crisis, banks were able to draw on buffers built up prior to the crisis due to the regulation. The results are robust to different choices of subsamples as well as to competing explanations such as standard adjustment to the pre-crisis credit boom.
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Executive Compensation Structure and Credit Spreads
Stefano Colonnello, Giuliano Curatola, Ngoc Giang Hoang
We develop a model of managerial compensation structure and asset risk choice. The model provides predictions about how inside debt features affect the relation between credit spreads and compensation components. First, inside debt reduces credit spreads only if it is unsecured. Second, inside debt exerts important indirect effects on the role of equity incentives: When inside debt is large and unsecured, equity incentives increase credit spreads; When inside debt is small or secured, this effect is weakened or reversed. We test our model on a sample of U.S. public firms with traded CDS contracts, finding evidence supportive of our predictions. To alleviate endogeneity concerns, we also show that our results are robust to using an instrumental variable approach.
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Does the Technological Content of Government Demand Matter for Private R&D? Evidence from US States
Viktor Slavtchev, Simon Wiederhold
Governments purchase everything from airplanes to zucchini. This paper investigates the role of the technological content of government procurement in innovation. We theoretically show that a shift in the composition of public purchases toward high-tech products translates into higher economy-wide returns to innovation, leading to an increase in the aggregate level of private research and development (R&D). Collecting unique panel data on federal procurement in US states, we find that reshuffling procurement toward high-tech industries has an economically and statistically significant positive effect on private R&D, even after extensively controlling for other R&D determinants. Instrumental-variable estimations support a causal interpretation of our findings.
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Fiscal Equalization, Tax Salience, and Tax Competition
Martin Altemeyer-Bartscher
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 3,
Jurisdictions that engage in inter-regional tax competition usually try to attenuate competitive pressures by substituting salient tax instruments with hidden ones. On this effect, we investigate the efficiency consequences of inter-regional tax competition and fiscal equalization in a federal system when taxpayers fail to optimally react on shrouded attributes of local tax policy. If the statuary tax rate is a relatively salient instrument and taxpayers pay low attention to the quality and the frequency of tax enforcement, the underlying substitution of tax instruments with the aim of reducing the perceived tax price may suppress the under-exploitation of tax bases that is typically triggered by fiscal equalization.
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Zur Wirtschaftspolitik: Strukturreformen auch in Deutschland erforderlich!
Oliver Holtemöller, , Tobias Knedlik, Axel Lindner, Götz Zeddies
Konjunktur aktuell,
No. 1,
Die günstige konjunkturelle Lage in Deutschland scheint der Wirtschaftspolitik den Blick auf die mittel- bis langfristigen Probleme zu verstellen. Im Bereich der Finanzpolitik liegt der Fokus derzeit auf der Ausweitung von Sozialleistungen. Wachstumsfreundliche Maßnahmen stehen hinten an. Zwar plant die neue Koalition zusätzliche investive Ausgaben, die grundsätzlich das Produktionspotenzial erhöhen könnten. Aber die konsumtiven Ausgaben stehen eindeutig im Vordergrund. Das wichtige Thema der Bund-Länder-Finanzbeziehungen wird auf die lange Bank geschoben, obwohl das Auslaufen der aktuellen Regeln Dringlichkeit gebietet und die Anreizprobleme des aktuellen Länderfinanzausgleichs offenkundig sind. Letztere könnten durch eine höhere Steuerautonomie der Bundesländer, etwa durch Zuschlagsrechte bei der Einkommensteuer, abgemildert werden. Im Bereich der Geldpolitik besteht derzeit die Gefahr, dass das mittelfristige Inflationsziel unterschritten wird. Es gibt zwar noch einige geldpolitische Instrumente, die für zusätzliche Liquiditätsbereitstellung genutzt werden könnten. Allerdings ist die Wirkung der Maßnahmen durch Probleme im Bankensektor derzeit gestört. Deshalb hat der im Jahr 2014 anstehende Stresstest eine hohe Bedeutung für die Wiederherstellung des Vertrauens im Bankensektor. Die Bankenunion sollte beherzt vollendet und nicht durch immer weitere Abstriche in ihrer Wirkung gefährdet werden. Die Europäische Kommission untersucht, ob der hohe deutsche Leistungsbilanzüberschuss auf ein gesamtwirtschaftliches Ungleichgewicht hinweist. Gegenwärtig gibt es allerdings kaum Anzeichen dafür, dass die gesamtwirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland ungleichgewichtig ist. Der Leistungsbilanzüberschuss erklärt sich daraus, dass in einer alternden Gesellschaft wie der deutschen viel gespart wird und auch wegen der in Zukunft zu erwartenden Knappheit des Faktors Arbeit nicht genug rentierliche Investitionsprojekte im Land zu finden sind. Aus dieser Perspektive steht die Wirtschaftspolitik vor zwei Aufgaben: zum einen, die Risiken ungleichgewichtiger wirtschaftlicher Entwicklungen im Ausland für die Zukunft zu senken, um deutsche Anlagen vor Wertverlusten zu schützen. Zum anderen würde eine erfolgreiche Zuwanderungs- und Integrationspolitik über bessere langfristige Wachstumsperspektiven auch die Attraktivität von Investitionen im Inland erhöhen.
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