Konjunktur aktuell: Schulden- und Vertrauenskrise bringt Rezessionsgefahr nach Deutschland
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 9,
Drei Jahre nach dem Beginn der schwersten Rezession der Nachkriegsgeschichte steht die Wirtschaft des Euroraums vor einer erneuten Rezession; die Konjunktur in Deutschland gerät aller Wahrscheinlichkeit nach in eine Phase der Stagnation. Nach der hier vorgelegten Prognose wird die gesamtwirtschaftliche Produktion in Deutschland in beiden Quartalen des Winterhalbjahres 2011/2012 leicht sinken; die technische Bedingung für eine Rezession wäre damit auch hier erfüllt.
Eine langsamere Gangart der Konjunktur ab dem zweiten Halbjahr 2011 war schon im Frühjahr weithin erwartet worden. In den vergangenen Wochen hat die Abschwächung jedoch eine neue Qualität bekommen. Die Aktienkurse sind rund um den Globus massiv eingebrochen und zeigen deutlich erhöhte Schwankungen. Gleichzeitig haben sich die Vertrauensindikatoren weltweit stark verschlechtert, zuletzt insbesondere auch in Deutschland. Der Vertrauensverlust setzte ein, während in den USA um die Ausweitung der Obergrenze für Bundesschulden und in der Europäischen Union um ein neues Hilfspaket für Griechenland sowie eine Reform des Rettungsfonds gerungen wurde. Die Ende Juli ausgehandelten Kompromisse wurden weder diesseits noch jenseits des Atlantiks als Befreiungsschläge aus den fiskalpolitischen Krisen aufgefasst und konnten deshalb die Stimmungseinbrüche nicht aufhalten. Stattdessen hat sich die Situation im Euroraum in den vergangenen Wochen weiter zugespitzt, weil an den Finanzmärkten Zweifel an der Zahlungsfähigkeit der großen Schuldenländer Spanien und vor allem Italien größer geworden sind. Zwar konnte die Europäische Zentralbank eine deutliche Erhöhung der Risikoaufschläge italienischer und spanischer Staatsanleihen durch eine Ausweitung ihres Ankaufprogramms verhindern, eine langfristige Lösung für die Schuldenpro¬blematik ist dies jedoch nicht.
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International Fragmentation of Production and the Labour Input into Germany’s Exports – An Input-Output-analysis
Hans-Ulrich Brautzsch, Udo Ludwig
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 14,
The import penetration of exports has become a topic of public debate, particularly in the context of Germany’s position as one of the world’s leading exporters. The growth in the volume of intermediate products purchased from abroad for subsequent processing into export goods in Germany seems to be undermining the importance of exports as a driver of domestic production and employment. The gains that arise from an increase in exports seem to have been offset by the losses caused by the crowding out of local production by imports. Empirical evidence on the impact of this international integration of the goods market on the German labour market is ambiguous. Short-term negative effects on employment are claimed to be offset by the long-term benefit that the jobs lost in the short run will eventually be replaced by higher-skilled jobs with better
perspectives. Against this background, the following hypothesis is tested empirically: Germany is poor in natural resources, but rich in skilled labour. In line with the Heckscher- Ohlin theory, Germany should therefore specialize in the production of export goods and services that are relatively intensive in these factors and should import those goods and services that are relatively intensive in unskilled labour. The empirical part of the paper deals with the extent of the German export penetration by imports. At first, it analyses by what ways imports are affecting the exports directly and indirectly and shows the consequences of import penetration of exports for the national output and employment. Secondly, consequences for employment are split in different skill types of labour. These issues are discussed with the standard open static inputoutput- model. The data base is a time series of official input-output tables. The employment effects for Germany divided by skill types of labour are investigated using skill matrices generated by the authors.
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Trade Misinvoicing: The Dark Side of World Trade
A. Buehn, Stefan Eichler
World Economy,
No. 8,
We analyse the determinants of trade misinvoicing using data on 86 countries from 1980 to 2005. In a simple microeconomic framework, we derive the determinants of four different types of trade misinvoicing taking into account that only the financial incentives determine whether and how much exports/imports to underinvoice or overinvoice, whereas the deterrents only affect the extent of misinvoicing. The hypothesised determinants are tested using data on discrepancies in bilateral trade with the United States. We find that the black market premia and tariffs motivate illegal trading activities. Higher financial penalties effectively act as a deterrent to this crime.
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Government Banking in Russia: Magnitude and New Features
Andrei Vernikov
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 13,
State-controlled banks are currently at the core of financial intermediation in Russia. This paper aims to assess the magnitude of government banking, and to reveal some of its special features and arrangements. We distinguish between directly and indirectly state-controlled banks and construct a set of bank-level statistical data covering the period between 2000 and 2011. By January 2011 the market share of state-controlled banks reached almost 54 percent of all bank assets, putting Russia in the same league with China and India and widening the gap from typical European emerging markets. We show that direct state ownership is gradually substituted by indirect ownership and control. It tends to be organized in corporate pyramids that dilute public property, take control away from government bodies, and underpin managerial opportunism. Statecontrolled
banks blur the borderline between commercial banking and development
banking. Dominance of public banks has a bearing on empirical studies whose results might suggest state-owned banks’ greater (or lesser) efficiency or competitiveness compared to other forms of ownership. We tend to interpret such results as influenced by the choice of indicator, period of observations, sample selection, etc., in the absence of an equal playing field for all groups of players. We suggest that the government’s planned retreat from the banking sector will involve non-core assets mainly, whereas control over core institutions will just become more subtle.
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Stock Market Firm-Level Information and Real Economic Activity
Filippo di Mauro, Fabio Fornari, Dario Mannucci
ECB Working Paper,
No. 1366,
We provide evidence that changes in the equity price and volatility of individual firms (measures that approximate the definition of 'granular shock' given in Gabaix, 2010) are key to improve the predictability of aggregate business cycle fluctuations in a number of countries. Specifically, adding the return and the volatility of firm-level equity prices to aggregate financial information leads to a significant improvement in forecasting business cycle developments in four economic areas, at various horizons. Importantly, not only domestic firms but also foreign firms improve business cycle predictability for a given economic area. This is not immediately visible when one takes an unconditional standpoint (i.e. an average across the sample). However, conditioning on the business cycle position of the domestic economy, the relative importance of the two sets of firms - foreign and domestic - exhibits noticeable swings across time. Analogously, the sectoral classification of the firms that in a given month retain the highest predictive power for future IP changes also varies significantly over time as a function of the business cycle position of the domestic economy. Limited to the United States, predictive ability is found to be related to selected balance sheet items, suggesting that structural features differentiate the firms that can anticipate aggregate fluctuations from those that do not help to this aim. Beyond the purely forecasting application, this finding may enhance our understanding of the underlying origins of aggregate fluctuations. We also propose to use the cross sectional stock market information to macro-prudential aims through an economic Value at Risk.
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New IMF Lending Facilities and Financial Stability in Emerging Markets
J. John, Tobias Knedlik
Economic Analysis and Policy,
No. 2,
In the light of the current global financial and economic crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has undertaken some major reforms of its lending facilities. The new Flexible Credit Line and the High Access Precautionary Arrangements differ from what has been in place so far, by allowing for ex ante conditionality. This paper summarizes preconditions for effective last resort lending and evaluates the newly introduced measures, concluding that the Flexible Credit Line comes very close to what has been called an International Lender of Last Resort. The main obstacles are the low demand and slow progress in complementary reforms.
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What Might Central Banks Lose or Gain in Case of Euro Adoption – A GARCH-Analysis of Money Market Rates for Sweden, Denmark and the UK
Herbert S. Buscher, Hubert Gabrisch
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 9,
This study deals with the question whether the central banks of Sweden, Denmark and the UK can really influence short-term money markets and thus, would lose this influence in case of Euro adoption. We use a GARCH-M-GED model with daily money market rates. The model reveals the co-movement between the Euribor and the shortterm interest rates in these three countries. A high degree of co-movement might be seen as an argument for a weak impact of the central bank on its money markets. But this argument might only hold for tranquil times. Our approach reveals, in addition, whether there is a specific reaction of the money markets in turbulent times. Our finding is that the policy of the European Central Bank (ECB) has indeed a significant impact on the three money market rates, and there is no specific benefit for these countries to stay outside the Euro area. However, the GARCH-M-GED model further reveals risk divergence and unstable volatilities of risk in the case of adverse monetary shocks to the economy for Sweden and Denmark, compared to the Euro area. We conclude that the danger of adverse monetary developments cannot be addressed by a common monetary
policy for these both countries, and this can be seen as an argument to stay outside the Euro area.
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Mergers, Spinoffs, and Employee Incentives
Paolo Fulghieri, Merih Sevilir
Review of Financial Studies,
No. 7,
This article studies mergers between competing firms and shows that while such mergers reduce the level of product market competition, they may have an adverse effect on employee incentives to innovate. In industries where value creation depends on innovation and development of new products, mergers are likely to be inefficient even though they increase the market power of the post-merger firm. In such industries, a stand-alone structure where independent firms compete both in the product market and in the market for employee human capital leads to a greater profitability. Furthermore, our analysis shows that multidivisional firms can improve employee incentives and increase firm value by reducing firm size through a spinoff transaction, although doing so eliminates the economies of scale advantage of being a larger firm and the benefits of operating an internal capital market within the firm. Finally, our article suggests that established firms can benefit from creating their own competition in the product and labor markets by accommodating new firm entry, and the desire to do so is greater at the intermediate stages of industry/product development.
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What Can Currency Crisis Models Tell Us about the Risk of Withdrawal from the EMU? Evidence from ADR Data
Stefan Eichler
Journal of Common Market Studies,
No. 4,
We study whether ADR (American depositary receipt) investors perceive the risk that countries such as Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal or Spain could leave the eurozone to address financial problems produced by the sub-prime crisis. Using daily data, we analyse the impact of vulnerability measures related to currency crisis theories on ADR returns. We find that ADR returns fall when yield spreads of sovereign bonds or CDSs (credit default swaps) rise (i.e. when debt crisis risk increases); when banks' CDS premiums rise or stock returns fall (i.e. when banking crisis risk increases); or when the euro's overvaluation increases (i.e. when the risk of competitive devaluation increases).
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IWH-Indikatoren zur Kapitalmarktregulierung: Hinweise auf eine Renaissance der Kapitalverkehrskontrollen
Makram El-Shagi
Wirtschaft im Wandel,
No. 6,
Mittels der hier erstmals vorgestellten IWH-Indikatoren zur Beschreibung der Regulierungsintensität internationaler Kapitalmärkte ist es möglich, Kapitalverkehrskontrollen künftig mit ökonometrischen Verfahren zu evaluieren. Der Datensatz deckt über 150 Länder und einen Zeitraum von bisher 13 Jahren (1997 bis 2009) ab. Er unterscheidet Kapitalverkehrskontrollen nicht nur nach ihrer Intensität, sondern auch nach der Richtung (Zufluss oder Abfluss) der regulierten Kapitalströme. So kann den unterschiedlichen Folgen von Kapitalmarktpolitik Rechnung getragen werden, je nachdem, ob sie durch Zuflusskontrollen dem Aufbau riskanter Außenpositionen entgegenwirken möchte, oder ob sie – wesentlich weiter verbreitet – auf eine Erhöhung des heimischen
Kapitalangebots abzielt. Die explizite Berücksichtigung von diskretionären Entscheidungsspielräumen gestattet es darüber hinaus, auch die institutionelle Ausgestaltung von Kapitalverkehrskontrollen in die empirische Analyse
einzubeziehen. Erste Auswertungen der Indikatoren zeigen in der Folge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise eine weltweite Renaissance der Regulierung grenzüberschreitender Kapitalströme. Der Anteil regulierter Teilmärkte ist von 2007 bis 2009 global um ca. zehn Prozentpunkte angestiegen. Kapitalimporte und -exporte sind dabei in ähnlicher Form betroffen. Der Anstieg der Kontrollintensität geht nicht auf massive Eingriffe einzelner Staaten zurück, sondern ist
über alle betrachteten Ländergruppen hinweg zu beobachten. Teilweise, wie z. B. in den Transformationsökonomien des früheren Warschauer Paktes, wurden viele Jahre der Liberalisierungsanstrengungen in kurzer Zeit kompensiert. Diese Entwicklung ist insofern bedenklich, als dass sich theoretische Überlegungen bezüglich Kapitalverkehrskontrollen stark widersprechen und auch keine empirische Evidenz vorliegt, die eine solche Politik rechtfertigt.
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