Works Councils and Labour Productivity: Looking beyond the Mean
Steffen Müller
British Journal of Industrial Relations,
No. 2,
After more than 25 years of empirical investigation, the analysis of works council effects on establishment productivity is still an active field of economic research. I present first evidence for works council regression coefficients along the unconditional log labour productivity distribution in Germany. The highest (lowest) coefficients were found at the bottom (top) of the distribution, which suggests that works councils have the most beneficial effects at low levels of productivity. Importantly, coefficients are positive at each productivity level. The results shed light on a classical theoretical argument concerning moderating factors for the productivity effect of employee participation.
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The Levelling Effect of Product Market Competition on Gender Wage Discrimination
Boris Hirsch, Michael Oberfichtner, Claus Schnabel
IZA Journal of Labor Economics,
No. 19,
Using linked employer–employee panel data for West Germany that include direct information on the competition faced by plants, we investigate the effect of product market competition on the gender pay gap. Controlling for match fixed effects, we find that intensified competition significantly lowers the unexplained gap in plants with neither collective agreements nor a works council. Conversely, there is no effect in plants with these types of worker codetermination, which are unlikely to have enough discretion to adjust wages in the short run. We also document a larger competition effect in plants with few females in their workforces. Our findings are in line with Beckerian taste-based employer wage discrimination that is limited by competitive forces.
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Non-union Worker Representation, Foreign Owners, and the Performance of Establishments
U. Jirjahn, Steffen Müller
Oxford Economic Papers,
No. 1,
Using German establishment data, this study provides the first econometric analysis on the interaction of establishment-level codetermination and foreign owners. Works councils are associated with higher productivity in domestic-owned establishments while they are associated with lower productivity in foreign-owned establishments. Our results conform to the notion that foreign ownership can involve strong tensions with the institutional patterns of the host country.
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Labor Demand During the Crisis: What Happened in Germany?
Claudia M. Buch
IZA. Discussion Paper No. 6074,
In Germany, the employment response to the post-2007 crisis has been muted compared to other industrialized countries. Despite a large drop in output, employment has hardly changed. In this paper, we analyze the determinants of German firms’ labor demand during the crisis using a firm-level panel dataset. Our analysis proceeds in two steps. First, we estimate a dynamic labor demand function for the years 2000-2009 accounting for the degree of working time flexibility and the presence of works councils. Second, on the basis of these
estimates, we use the difference between predicted and actual employment as a measure of labor hoarding as the dependent variable in a cross-sectional regression for 2009. Apart from total labor hoarding, we also look at the determinants of subsidized labor hoarding through short-time work. The structural characteristics of firms using these channels of adjustment differ. Product market competition has a negative impact on total labor hoarding but a positive effect on the use of short-time work. Firm covered by collective agreements hoard less labor overall; firms without financial frictions use short-time work less intensively.
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Works Councils and Firm Profits Revisited
Steffen Müller
British Journal of Industrial Relations,
No. 1,
As they are employee associations, it is typically presumed that works councils redistribute economic rents from firm owners to workers. And indeed, the empirical literature suggests that German works councils reduce profits. The studies on the profitability effect of works councils mainly use self-reported subjective profit evaluations of managers as the dependent variable. I argue that these are poor measures of real profits. Newly available information on firms' capital stock allows me to revisit the profit effect now using an objective profit measure. When utilizing the subjective measure I find the standard results; with the objective measure, however, the works council effect on profits is positive and significant.
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Betriebsräte und betriebliche Produktivität
Steffen Müller
Schmollers Jahrbuch,
No. 1,
Betriebliche Mitbestimmung der Arbeitnehmer durch Betriebsräte ist ein zentrales Element der industriellen Beziehungen in Deutschland. Dennoch besteht trotz langjähriger Forschung keine Einigkeit über ihre Wirkung auf die betriebliche Produktivität. In diesem Papier wird zunächst der statistische Zusammenhang zwischen Betriebsrat und Produktivität mit Hilfe des IAB Betriebspanels empirisch untersucht. Betriebe mit Betriebsrat erweisen sich als um 9 Prozent produktiver. Es wird anhand der Ergebnisse dieser und anderer Studien argumentiert, dass die Wirkung von Betriebsräten auf die Produktivität den geschätzten statistischen Zusammenhang übersteigt.
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Works Councils and Separations: Voice, Monopoly, and Insurance Effects
Boris Hirsch, Thorsten Schank, Claus Schnabel
Industrial Relations,
No. 4,
Using a large linked employer–employee data set for Germany, we find that the existence of a works council is associated with a lower separation rate to employment, in particular for workers with low tenure. While works council monopoly effects show up in all specifications, clear voice effects are only visible for low tenured workers. Works councils also reduce separations to nonemployment, and this impact is more pronounced for men. Insurance effects only show up for workers with tenure of more than 2 years. Our results indicate that works councils to some extent represent the interests of a specific clientele.
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Options and Limits of the Matching Approach – An Application to Workers Participation
Birgit Schultz
IWH Discussion Papers,
No. 15,
Die Evaluation der ökonomischen Wirkungen von betrieblicher Mitbestimmung ist aufgrund von spezifischen Merkmalen bei Betrieben mit Betriebsräten aus methodischer Sicht nicht unproblematisch. So führen bisherige Studien zu teilweise konträren Ergebnissen. In der hier vorliegenden Studie sollen daher die Probleme aufgezeigt, näher diskutiert und Lösungsmöglichkeiten an dem Beispiel der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung in ostdeutschen Betrieben des produzierenden Gewerbes und des Baus dargestellt werden. Es wird ein optimaler Matching-Algorithmus zur Zuordnung von „statistischen Zwillingsbetrieben“ genutzt, der insbesondere gute Matchingergebnisse bei geringen Fallzahlen liefert. Da mit der ursprünglichen Teilnehmergruppe aufgrund kurzer Beobachtungsperioden nur kurzfristige Effekte ermittelt werden können, wird das Matchingverfahren zusätzlich zur Konstruktion verlängerter Beobachtungsperioden genutzt. Bei diesem neuen Anwendungsfall werden Betriebe, die einen Betriebsrat gegründet haben mit sogenannten Stellvertreter-Betrieben, die bereits einen Betriebsrat besitzen, verknüpft. Dadurch werden die kurzen Beobachtungsdauern verlängert, und es können auch Aussagen über die längerfristige Wirkung der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung getroffen werden. Die ermittelten Effekte auf die Produktivität, die Ertragslage und das Qualifikationsniveau der Beschäftigten deuten weder kurz- noch langfristig auf eine signifikante Wirkung der betrieblichen Mitbestimmung hin.
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